The prestige may happen after the LvL 70 (2516000 XP) ended. It corresponds to a lvl 71. There to a total of 10 prestige to pass. Skip
prestige has no other purpose than to lengthen the lifespan of the game Each to his opinion on that, some would pass, some do not.
- Skip prestige is not mandatory. It does nothing in terms of play (It is not stronger, no new weapons)
- Skip prestige lost (part of) his way into the multiplayer mode.
Specifically we lose:
- His rank (we start at the basic grade)
- The weapons, camouflage and accessories previously released (It starts with basic weapons and we need to unlock everything again)
- Challenges (all reset to 0)
- The bonus round of eliminations (It starts with the basic ones, we must unlock the others)
is preserved:
- His titles
- Its emblems
- His feats
- His ranking
You win:
- An icon that replaces the prestige rank (A different for each prestige past)
- titles (which are accessible only through the marvels)
- emblems (which are accessible only through the marvels)
- customizable classes (10 to final)
- New Challenges (Among other challenges veterans and 2nd Expert on each weapon category + special challenges "prestige" )
Note that the challenges of weapons "Veteran" and "Expert" that appear during the passage of the first prestige, not recover not 0 then returns when prestige.
Challenges of the category "Luxury" does not reset unless the following challenges: Warning! - Knife - Baroud honor - discretion - stun grenades and flash grenades.
available Here are the prestige:
s prestigious Modern Warfare 2

Badge Prestige 1

Badge Prestige 2

Badge Prestige 3

Badge Prestige 4

Badge Prestige 5

Badge Prestige 6

Badge Prestige 7

Badge Prestige 8

Badge Prestige 9

Badge Prestige 10

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