Multiplayer modes are:
Deathmatch team (8-12 players):
Deathmatch with classic teams. Improve your
with your teammates to exterminate your enemies and reach the score limit.
Mercenaries Deathmatch (8-12 players):
Deathmatch with random teams. Improve your
with your teammates to exterminate your enemies and reach the score limit.
Melee General (4-8 players):
Deathmatch Classic.
One rule every man for himself. Spares no one.
Domination (8-12 players):
3 flags must be captured in the level.
Your team gains points when reviewing a flag. Your team more control flags, the more you earn points.
Turf War (12-18 players):
A mode tailored for team play with the menu, Team Deathmatch and Domination.
Demolition (8-12 players):
The attackers must destroy the 2 sites where the bombs in the allotted time. Recurrence is enabled.
Sabotage (8-12 players):
neutral Get the bomb and place it on the site enemy. The first to explode the bomb to win.
Headquarters Pro (8-12 players):
Capture and defend the HQ specified target and activate within 30 seconds. The more you hold more points you score.
Search and Destroy (8-12 players):
No recurrence seek and destroy the target.
Essential Pro (4-8 players):
Deathmatch and Team Melee General.
Bonus series of eliminations disabled
Team tactics (6-8 players):
Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag and Demolition and Search and Destroy.
Hardcore Ricochet: R & D (6-8 players):
Hardcore Search and Destroy with friendly fire returned.
ATH limited. Damage
extra bullets. Shooting
ally returned to the author.
Deathmatch Team Hardcore (8-12 players):
Deathmatch team.
ATH limited. Damage
extra bullets. Shooting
ally activated.
third person tactical team (6-8 players):
Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag and Demolition with a view to 3rd person.
Deathmatch Express team (8-12 players):
Deathmatch in a team with less time between matches.
Focus Lens Pro (8-12 players):
Domination, Demolition, HQ Pro and Capture the Flag.
Bonus series of eliminations disabled
Hardcore Ricochet: Headquarters Pro (8-12 players):
ATH limited. Damage
additional bullets. Shooting
ally returned to the author.

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