Hello Doctor, I just got the paper. Should my child be vaccinated against the flu?
now, "safety", television and radio help, I am flooded with phone calls " just a little intelligence "
the current flu is not so common. It is neither more nor less nasty than usual flu according to The New England Journal of Medicine from November 12, 2009. Complications are rare and mainly concern the holders of severe chronic diseases.
What is at issue is not the vaccine but the WHO policy, our country and lack of transparency, scam, scam and corruption.
Child or adult? little difference
It is consistent to vaccinate you if you meet one of the following conditions:
Have 6 months to 3 years ( and a risk factor, it does not drag) see flu Argentina
Have a severe heart disease or lung cancer, diabetes (and your doctor knows you well). Have
low immunity (immunodeficiency, long-term oral corticosteroids, chemotherapy?).
Obesity important (major risk factor in the U.S. and Australia)
It is less coherent get vaccinated if you meet one or more of the following conditions:
never vaccinated against seasonal influenza previous years. This is not your thing
Hepatitis B Vaccination unwanted yet more dangerous than the flu,
You smoke: you like the risk because tobacco kills more than all the rest.
You drive fast and avoid transport (Slow down the road kills a lot).
You're not worried because of the flu. (With all that said, there would be enough yet!)
Do not want this vaccine. (All the better that's good, It "Panic in vaccine Palace , there are too many candidates. Where are the vaccines?)
Are you pregnant?: the text is made: it was very difficult because it is very complex. Click here .
"Anyway you are free. This vaccine is not mandatory, probably not dangerous at worst useless, and tell you that whatever you do, you could have done otherwise."
"And if you smoke (especially in the car!), It is more efficient stop smoking , to live well and long, that getting vaccinated against the Flu! "
If you think you have a risk factor and you Not sure what to do, consult your doctor. By telephone, the doctor can stick to generalities. Medicine is difficult enough when you have people in front of you, by telephone, it becomes hazardous. Avoid
This can be very sensitive updated at any time based on evolving knowledge
Last updated on 25 December 2009.
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