titles are released as and measure your progress in multiplayer mode. This will unlock by doing certain feats. Once purchased you can add them to your signature (CALLSIGN).
Note that some challenges will be available at a certain level. (It is best to try to do once level 70)
List of titles and its challenges:

1 - FNG: Unlocked by default.
2 - SSDD: Obtain the rank 2.
3 - Ser. : Get rank 13.
4 - Adj.-Chief: Get rank 30.
5 - Lieut. : Get rank 40.
6 - Comm. : Get rank 50.
7 - Gen. : Get rank 60.
8 - Marshal: Get rank 70.

9 - MW 2: Get a prestige rank 69.

10 - Altruistic: Having done the most support in a game.
11 - Teamwork: Win 5 matches in Team Deathmatch.
12 - Weapon of relief: Kill 3 enemies without dying with the secondary weapon.

13 - Hermit: Finishing on the podium 3 each for himself.
14 - Relaxation sensitivity: Kill 300 enemies using sleight of hand.
15 - Shot: Kill 10 enemies without aiming sight using Solid.

16 - Fly Swatter: Destroy an enemy helicopter.
17 - Close Support: Get 250 bonus serial deletions using Determination.
18 - Strategist: Earn 5 drones.

19 - born killer: Kill 3 enemies from afar (Shooting range) without dying.
20 - Camouflage in the Mist: Kill 100 enemies with Snipers. (A shooting / death only)
21 - Art of Stealth Kill 250 enemies using nearly Ninja.

22 - Time on Target: Earn 5 precision bombing.
23 - Preemptive Strike: Get 3 bonus round of eliminations using Determination.
24 - Frag Bomb Kill 5 enemies with a single bombardment.

25 - Low Profile: Kill 15 enemies while longer.
26 - Lungs of Steel: Kill 200 enemies without aiming sight using Solid.
27 - Rival: Kill an enemy 5 times in one game.

28 - Butte grass: Kill 50 enemies with Snipers. (A shooting / death only)
29 - UAV Jammer: Breaking 100 Series deletions using Cold Blood.
30 - Folded in four: Get the prestige 4 rank 2.

31 - Destroyer: Win 5 matches search and destroy.
32 - It's sabotage! : Win 5 matches sabotage.
33 - Shock and Awe: Kill 20 enemies paralyzed by stun grenades. (Challenge prestige)
34 - Arsonist: Destroy 2 enemy equipment.
35 - Concussive Barrage: Complete an enemy by throwing a stun grenade at him. (Direct Impact)
36 - Flashback: Kill an enemy by shooting explosive sound.

37 - Shot: Kill 5 enemies while crouching.
38 - Crack: Defuse bomb 2.
39 - intruder: Kill an enemy while he had a winning streak without dying more than 10.
40 - Trigger Happy: Hurt an enemy with your main weapon and finish him with your pistol.
41 - Hitman: Kill 20 enemies by shooting on the C4.
42 - Bounty Hunter: Flying 50 parcels strategic enemies.

43 - Killer absent: Get a kill-cam victory with an automatic turret.
44 - Shooting blind: Kill an enemy while you're still flashed by a flash grenade.
45 - Relaxation ultra-fast: Kill 5 enemies in a row with sulfates.
46 - Handsfree : Earn 5 automatic turrets.
47 - Hey! No hands! : Kill 50 enemies with automatic turrets. (Challenge prestige)
48 - The controller: Kill 50 enemies with automatic turrets. (Challenge prestige)

49 - Rain of Fire: Earn 5 Predator missile.
50 - Reign of Steel: Get 5 helicopters attacked.
51 - Nuclear War World: Get two nuclear bombs.

52 - Bomb: Kill the bomb carrier in a game or sabotage search and destroy.
53 - Bomb Kill 3 enemies while they defuse a bomb.
54 - Radical Solution: Winning with a nuclear bomb while his team loses.

55 - Sergeant Slaughter: Get the prestige 1 rank 25.
56 - Dictator: Empty a magazine full of machine gun (Example: DPR) on their enemies without missing the target.
57 - Enemy of the State: Kill 3 enemies when you're the last survivor of your team. (Search and Destroy and search and destroy hardcore only)

58 - Rumbling Thunder: Get 100 bombing accuracy, or stealth Harrier.
59 - Bomb sent! : Kill 6 enemies with a single stealth bomber
60 - Neutralization of Explosives: Destroy 750 enemies using equipment Report. (Pro)
61 - Explosive Ordnance: Win 15 matches search and destroy.
62 - The mad bomber: Place two bombs.
63 - Boom Boom: Kill 2 enemies or more in a single detonation of C4. (5 times)

64 - Discrete Strike: Kill 5 enemies by using Ninja.
65 - Invisible: Breaking 5 sets of deletions using Cold Blood.
66 - Eliminator: Kill 10 enemies using silent weapons. (Challenge prestige)

67 - Plastic: Kill 5 enemies using C4.
68 - C4 and company: Kill 15 enemies using C4.
69 - Ice Man: Kill 3 enemies by shooting on the C4.

70 - Aircraft vertical takeoff: Earn 5 Harrier bombing.
71 - Total: Getting a kill-cam victory with a Harrier.
72 - Afterburner: Call 2 precision bombing in a single game.

73 - Angel of Death: Get 10 AC-130.
74 - Divine Intervention: Get 3 AC-130.
75 - Death From Above: Get a kill-cam victory with an AC-130.
76 - play, fire! : Run "100 miles" by using light-weight. (Light-Weight Challenge V)
77 - The Invincible: Have 5 health regenerations without dying.
78 - Spectrum: Kill 50 enemies with AC-130. (Challenge prestige)

79 - hothead: Get 50 precision bombing, or stealth Harrier.
80 - Broken Arrow: Get 25 precision bombing.
81 - Width Blasts: Kill 50 enemies with precision bombing. (Challenge prestige)

82 - targets: Killing two people who were on the air.
83 - For the love of war: Get your 3 bonus rounds of eliminations in less than 20 seconds.
84 - Unbreakable: Divert 10 explosions enemy with your shield riot.

85 - Tango eliminated: Kill 5 enemies by lying down.
86 - The Avenger: Venger 3 of your teammates.
87 - Protect and Serve: Absorb 1000 damage with the riot shield.

88 - Arsenal complete: Kill 15 enemies using machine War.
89 - Killer's best player: Killing the No. 1 on the opposing team 10 times in one game.
90 - Robin Hood: Get revenge five times using Baroud d'Honneur.

91 - Rapid detection: Kill 3 enemies while they defuse a bomb.
92 - High Definition: Get a kill-cam victory with a helicopter gunner.
93 - Under Surveillance: Getting three drones in a single game.
94 - Amplifier: Destroy 300 enemies using equipment Report. (Pro)
95 - Creating parasite: Earn 5 drones interference.
96 - Killer Technology: Get a kill-cam victory with a stealth bomber.

97 - At the chopper! : Get 3 helicopter gunners.
98 - Cobra Strike: Get 10 helicopter gunners.
99 - Commander of heaven : Kill 50 enemies with machine guns helicopters. (Challenge prestige)

100 - ZL clear: 5 packages Get strategic.
101 - Airwolf: Get 100 armed helicopters.
102 - Direct Connection: Kill 50 enemies with helicopters. (Challenge prestige)

103 - Shielded Driving: Get 10 pave-low.
104 - Transform: Get a kill-cam victory with a tile-low.
105 - Shooting height: Kill 50 enemies with helicopters. (Challenge prestige)

106 - Bigbadaboum: Kill 2 enemies or more with a single shot RPG, 5 times.
107 - born killer: Kill 2 enemies or more with a single shot from a RPG, 25 times.
108 - Shockwave: Kill 250 enemies using Danger Tight.

109-1 shot 2 eliminations: Kill 2 enemies or more in one shot.
110 - K Factor: Kill 500 enemies using opposition forces.
111 - Bullet in the buffet: Kill 1000 enemies using opposition forces.
112 - Hardcore only: Win 5 games per team hardcore death.
113 - Shell Holder: Fuelling 250 times using Pillard.
114 - Resistant to bullets: Absorb 1000 damage with the riot shield.

115 - Decrypter of signals: Get 25 drones interference.
116 - Starfish Prime: Get 5 bombs EMI.
117 - Counter Intelligence: Kill 250 enemies using nearly interference.

118 - Booyah! Kill 2 enemies or more with one fragmentation grenade, 5 times.
119 - HQ: Get a kill-cam victory with an attack helicopter.
120 - Final touch: Get a kill-cam victory with a precision bombing.

121 - BOOM! In the head: Kill 25 enemies (headshots) with machine guns.
122 - Silver stained: Get retaliation by a headshot, 5 times.
123 - BAM! : Kill 10 enemies with hand grenades.

124 - Intergalactic: Win 20 matches sabotage.
125 - Always on call: Get 100 UAVs or drones interference.
126 - Long Life: Living for 5 consecutive minutes.

127 - Click-click boom: Kill an enemy with the C4 while you're Baroud d'Honneur.
128 - Paralytic Weapon: Kill an enemy paralyzed by a stun grenade.
129 - Hard to Kill: Kill 2 enemies by being Baroud d'Honneur or Last Battle.
130 - Explosion: Kill 25 enemies (headshots ) With a machine gun. (Example: MP5K)
131 - Confrontation: Kill 15 enemies (headshots) with an assault rifle.
132 - Knight of the Sky: Get two helicopters attack in a single game.
133 - Armed and dangerous: Kill 900 enemies with a weapon with 2 accessories. (Bling-Bling)
134 - Reloaded: Fuelling 10 times using Pillard.
135 - Big gun: Kill 30 enemies using opposition forces.

136 - This is personal! : To injure an enemy and finish it with a knife throwing.
137 - My name is ...: Kill 50 enemies with machine guns helicopters. (Challenge prestige)
138 - Fired! : Kill 50 enemies with Harriers. (Challenge prestige)

139 - Ambush! Kill 2 enemies or more with a single claymore, 25 times.
140 - Behind enemy lines: Have a series of 10 killed without dying without using any bonus rounds of eliminations.
141 - Recognition: Running "250 miles" by using Lightweight. (Lightweight Challenge VI)

142 - Attempt: Kill 15 enemies with throwing knives.
143 - Pro knife in the back: Stab an enemy in the back.
144 - Scoring: Kill 5 enemies with the knife. (Challenge prestige)

145 - Workhorse: Play an entire game without getting killed once.
146 - Excalibur: Kill 100 enemies with the knife or the riot shield using Commando.
147 - Impaler: Kill 2 enemies by using a knife Commando.

148 - Blood Brothers: Win 15 matches in Team Deathmatch.
149 - The Legend: Be the last team alive in match search and destroy.
150 - Epic Kill 10 enemies in a single bonus round of elimination.

151 - Remote Viewer: Kill 2 enemies across a surface with the penetrating power of bullets.
152 - Submission to authority: Kill 5 enemies through a surface with the penetrating power of bullets
153 - X-Ray Vision: Destroy 15 enemies using equipment Report.

154 - Social Case: Get a total of 50 parcels strategic turrets and automatic emergency dump.
155 - Time is money! : Get revenge with semtex, 5 times.
156 - I'm rich! : Get revenge with the C4, 5 times.

157 - Dégoupilleur: Kill at least 2 enemies with one fragmentation grenade, 25 times.
158 - Nerves of Steel: Kill 500 enemies without aiming, using solid sight.
159 - Sky Captain: Get 3 pave-low.

160 - Right on target: Stick an enemy with semtex, 5 times.
161 - Glue Pot: Get a kill-cam victory by sticking semtex on an enemy.
162 - démembreur: Kill 3 enemies in a row without dying with a knife.

163 - Phantom Pilot: Get 25 Predator missiles.
164 - Re-Zero: Defeat 200 enemies with a sniper. (One shot kills only)
165 - The vulture: Fuelling 500 times using Pillard.

166 - The Juggernaut: Play a game by obtaining a ratio of killed / dead 5.
167 - The mower: Kill 5 enemies with one or two missiles Predator.
168 - Dragon Kill 50 enemies with pave-low. (Challenge Prestige)

169 - Project the self: Get 25 automatic turrets.
170 - All your base: Kill all enemy team without dying. (4 members minimum)
171 - Danger Close: Kill 500 enemies with explosives using Danger Tight.

172 - Coup de master! : Get a kill-cam victory with a vengeance.
173 - Rainmaker: Get revenge with a grenade semtex.
174 - Reversal of Fortune: Kill 10 enemies by shooting a claymore.

175 - Double Agent: Breaking 250 rounds of eliminations using Cold Blood.
176 - Labour Spy: Kill 125 enemies by using Ninja.
177 - Weird: Get revenge with a grenade fragmentation, 5 times.

178 - Philanthropist: Get 10 airdrops of emergency.
179 - Caution! Kill an enemy by crushing it with your parcel strategically. (Challenge prestige)
180 - they are great ...: Killing No. 1 of the opposing team 3 times

181 - ... more fall hard. Kill the No. 1 on the opposing team 5 times
182 - parting gift: Kill 2 enemies or more with a single claymore, 5 times.
183 - Deadline: Get 100 rounds of eliminations using Determination.
184 - Disposition of the dead man: Kill 50 enemies using symbolic gesture.
185 - Last gasp: Kill 100 enemies using symbolic gesture.
186-6 feet under: Get the prestige 6 grade 2.

187 - Pirate: Flying 10 parcels strategic enemies.
188 - Thick Steel: Surviving 10 explosions using the shield explosion.
189 - Decathlete: Run "104 Miles" by using Marathon. (Marathon Challenge Pro VI)

190 - Mach 5: Empty a magazine full of weapons could miss the target.
191 - Too fast: Kill 15 enemies using the Tour de Passe-Passe
192 - Speed Demon: Run "2 miles" by using Lightweight. (Lightweight Pro Challenge I)

193 - Vagabond: Destroying a car.
194 - At Full Speed: Get 50 armed helicopters.
195 - King of the track: Run " a mile "using Marathon. (Marathon Challenge Pro I)

196 - Down to Earth: Win a deathmatch hardcore team.
197 - Killer drones: Get a kill-cam victory with a Predator missile.
198 - Devastator: Kill all enemy team. (4 members minimum)

199 - Courbet: Kill 15 enemies while crouching.
200 - The Almighty: Get 50 or 50 drones drones interference.
201 - War Machine: Kill 750 enemies using war machine.
202 - Incredible: Get a kill-cam victory with a knife throwing.
203 - Edged weapons: Kill 3 enemies with the knife. (Challenge prestige)
204 - Massacre: Kill all enemy team in less than 10 seconds. (4 or more members)

205 - Expert of the attack from the rear: Crush an enemy from behind with the riot shield.
206 - Burning Adrenaline: Kill 5 enemies (headshots) with a machine gun.
207 - Head Series: Kill 10 enemies in a single match without dying.

208 - No limit: Finish first in a part of a team deathmatch hardcore. (Best score of the game)
209 - Shooter (Pro): Make 2 headshots in a ball.
210 - Vehicle frank Run "50 Miles" by using Marathon. (Marathon Challenge Pro V)

211 - Doubling: Kill 25 enemies with a weapon with 2 accessories. (Bling-Bling)
212 - Professional player: Get a total of 100 parcels strategic turret and automatic emergency dump.
213-7 winner: Get the prestige 7, grade 2.
214 - Chain Reaction: Kill an enemy by shooting at an explosive causing a chain reaction.
215 - Serial Killer: Get Bonus Series éliminitations to 7, 8 and 9 killed in a game.
216 - drop boxes: Get kill-cam victory by dropping a package on a strategic enemy.

217 - Public Enemy: Get the highest score in a match in Team Deathmatch. (Best Score)
218 - Formidable: Finish on the podium of a beggar-thy, 5 times.
219 - Predator: Kill 50 enemies with missiles Predator .. (Challenge prestige)

220 - Suicide: Jump over 4.5M and survive.
221 - Major Pain: Get the prestige 1 rank 55.
222 - SBD: Get 10 stealth bombers.

223 - No. Kill an enemy unpin a grenade before it does the spear.
224 - Routing of skulls: Kill 25 enemies (headshots) with an assault rifle.
225 - PWNED: Get a kill-cam victory by killing an enemy with a riot shield.
226 - Touched! You're the cat! Kill an enemy with a grenade sent 5 times.
227 - Flawless Victory: Kill 3 enemies in a row in the riot shield, without dying.
228 - Oh, damn! : Kill an enemy, take his gun and kill him again with his weapon.

229 - Juggernaut: Surviving to 25 explosions using the shield explosion.
230 - Surgical Precision: Empty loader rifle assault without missing the target.
231 - Survivor: Kill an enemy with a knife when the charger from your main weapon is empty.

232 - Cloak and Dagger: Kill 5 enemies with the knife throwing.
233 - Art of disappearance: Kill the same enemy twice in less than 5 seconds thanks to his tactical insertion, 25 times.
234 - Transformiste: Kill 300 enemies using machine War.

235 - Turn off the lights: Complete an enemy by throwing a flash grenade at him. (Direct Impact)
236 - Fist of thumb: Kill 750 enemies using sleight of hand.
237 - five-pointed Star : Get the prestige 5 grade 2.

238 - Joint Operations: Get 15 Assists.
239 - High Command: Get the prestige 1 rank 45
240 - Commotion: Kill 2 enemies with a shield.

241 - Completely dazed: Surviving an explosion using Morphine.
242 - In the dark: Prevent 25 insertions tactics.

243 - Sharing of packages: Get 3 drops of emergency.
244 - Obsession: Paste 15 enemies with semtex.

245 - Perfectionist: Empty an entire magazine without missing sniper the target.
246-30 something: Get the prestige 1 rank 35.

247 - Voyeur: Get 25 drones.
248 - Magnet Girls: Get 2 bombs EMI.
249 - The dazzling: Kill 20 enemies flashed by a flash grenade. (Challenge prestige)

250 - Silence Kill an enemy with a throwing knife while the enemy is flashed or paralyzed.
251 - Refurbished: Destroy 5 enemy equipment.
252 - Kleptomaniac: Stealing a parcel strategic enemy.

253 - Travel Case: 25 packages Get strategic.
254 - Killing a enemy at the same time as you with a live hand grenades is not started.
255 - Maker of Widows: Kill 125 enemies by using interference.

256 - Grenade! : Kill 10 enemies with grenades.
257 - Catching shrapnel: Kill 5 enemies with Claymores.
258 - Explosion Express: Kill 25 enemies with grenades, fragmentation.

259 - Toxicity: Getting killed by a nuclear bomb enemy.
260 - Dead Alive: Surviving in the Last Battle and recover.
261 - Last resort: Get a kill-cam victory by being Baroud d'Honneur or Last Battle.
262 - Dead certain: Kill an enemy with the Ranger at the same time pulling with both arms.
263 - Resurrection of the Phoenix: Kill 5 enemies using Baroud d'honneur. (Challenge prestige)
264 - Infected: getting killed with a knife by an enemy using that title.

265 - True Friends: Kill an enemy by sticking semtex on an ally.
266 - UAVs Rays: Get 3 drones interference in one game.
267 - My little victim: Kill 10 enemies using a silenced weapon. (Challenge prestige)

268 - Martyr: Kill an enemy using Martyr.
269 - False Friend: Kill multiple enemies pasting semtex on one of them.
270 - ... But what? Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a surface with the penetrating power of bullets.

271 - Identity Thief: Get revenge by killing an enemy with his class by imitator.
272 - Disintegrator: Kill 5 enemies by using interference.
273 - No response: Kill at least 3 enemies in a row being dying. (Screen flashing red)

274 - Remove tactic: Kill 25 enemies reappearing with their tactical insertion.
275 - Strategist Kill 15 people with claymores.
276 - Boilermaker: Kill 5 enemies by destroying cars.

277 - Culture of dandelions: Jump over 9M and die.
278 - Not the face! Kill 5 enemies (headshots) using a submachine gun.
279 - MST: Stab an enemy with this title.

280 - Bling-bling: Kill 450 enemies with a weapon with two accessories. (Bling-Bling)
281 - Clay Pigeon Kill 3 enemies by shooting a claymore.
282 - Pyrotechnician: Kill 50 enemies with stealth bombers. (Challenge prestige)

283 - Right Up: Getting 25 bombing of Harrier.
284 - The Anarchist: Kill at least 2 enemies with a detonation of C4, 25 times.
285 - Repeat offender: Get revenge with a knife throwing.

286 - Ninja: Kill 50 enemies using the knife Commando.
287 - Think fast! : Complete an enemy by throwing a fragmentation grenade at him. (Direct Impact)
288 - Maximum Force: Kill 10 enemies with explosives using Danger Tight.

289 - speaker: Get 25 attack helicopters.
290 - Duck Hunter: Kill an enemy jumping in the air.
291 - Grilled point: Kill 50 enemies with stealth bombers. (Challenge prestige)

292 - Devil Spring: Kill an enemy twice in less than 5 seconds thanks to his tactical insertion.
293 - Fully cooked: Kill 5 enemies with hand grenades.
294 - Dos clay: Getting revenge with a claymore.

295 - Zod: Get the prestige 1 rank 65.

296 - slayer of noobs: Kill an enemy with a grenade launcher without detonation. (Direct Impact)

297 - End of Road: Earn 5 nuclear bombs.

298 - Patriot (American flag): Unlocked Predator title.
299 - The Specialist (British flag): Unlocked at grade 9.
300 - Great White North (Canadian flag): Unlocked the title The dazzling.
301 - Continental: Unlocked title Width bombs.
302 - The Conqueror (English flag): Unlocked the title Spectrum.
303 - The Exterminator (Austrian flag): Unlocked title Fired!.
304 - Rising Sun (Japanese flag): Unlocked with the title Dragon.
305 - The redeemer (Brazilian flag): Unlocked the Resurrection as the phoenix.
306 - Neutral (flag Switzerland): Unlocked the title Shock and Awe.

307 - The Prestige: Get a prestigious degree 2

308 - Round 2: Obtain the prestige 2 rank 2

309 - come in threes: Get the prestige 3 rank 2

310 - Eight of heart: Get the prestige 8 Grade 2

311-9 lives: Get the prestige 9 grade 2

312 - Prestige 10: Get 10 premium grade 2

For example, "M4A1" on this track, you must unlock all accessories for the firearm.

For example, "Scar-H" on this track, you need to kill 500 enemies with this weapon - SCAR-H: Expert I (available after Challenge prestige).

For example, "M16A4" on this track, you need to kill 250 enemies (headshots) with this rifle - M16A4: Expert I (available after Challenge prestige).

For example, "Famas" on this track, you have to kill 2500 enemies with this weapon - FAMAS: Veteran III (available after Challenge prestige).

For example "UMP45" on this track, you must kill 1,000 enemies (headshots) with this weapon - UMP45: Expert III (available after Challenge prestige).
For the name of the weapon in a title Silver: 2500 Killed
For the name of the weapon in a gilded title: 1000 shots in the head
For the name of the series of asset disposal (Gender Helicopter gunner) in a title Silver: 250 Killed with asset
For the name of the series of asset disposal (Genus Helicopter Gunner) in a gilded title: 1000 Killed + Emblem with asset
gilt title "The discrete": 1000 Deaths in silent
Title Silverback Veteran discretion: 50 Dead in Silent
golden Titled "Masters of the Blade ": 250 Killed in
Title silver knife" Expert of the blade ": 100 Killed in Knife
Related pages:
grades and what they unlock - Emblems - For Level Challenges

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