following maps available:
Stimulus Pack
Resurgence Pack
Op For vs TF 141 - Map medium takes place in the desert. Very open, it contains in its center a crashed plane, various paths can walk around while a few bunkers and caves offer a clear view of the battlefield. A card perfectly suited for snipers, but also to the infantry assault.

Spetnaz vs. TF 141 - Lying at the heart of the mountains of Kazakhstan, this map is very balanced and suitable for most playing styles, different houses and buildings it Train accident at its center will delight fans of close combat, while the snipers can play in monitoring large areas and snow to cool a bit more reckless few who dare to venture.

Op For TF vs 141 - You like the mountain? Esate is for you, but be careful, he'll have to climb to reach the cottage overlooking the valley. And this rise will not be any rest between the snipers and enemies that await you at the top it will show a little trick to clear a path. Fortunately, several ways to get there and let the lower positions also offer a clear view of the battlefield. A map rather well balanced but still gives some advantages for snipers.

Militia vs. TF 141 - We are in Rio and more specifically the heart of the city's favelas, the scene of famous battles during the solo campaign. Here we map to relive those moments in multi-and allows us to grow in dark alleys and on most roofs of different buildings. Enemies are everywhere and it will scrutinize both the corners and heights of the map! Very pretty and well thought out for all types of game modes, this card is definitely the pride of the dogfights, which is difficult for a sniper to find his place.

Op For vs Rangers - Fighting atop a building is what Highrise offers. In each game a team camp starts in one of two buildings, then we can decide to pass on the central platform or take the subway which connects the two bases, or even compete within them. The riot shield is proving very useful in Capture the Flag modes, search and destroy and domination. Lovers fighting melee certainly will find their account, snipers guests will find some very nice observation posts, on cranes overhanging the map for example, but be careful not to fall into the void!

Op For vs Rangers - We return to Afghanistan this time with an urban map fairly well built and with many different passages, alleys and major fairways. Most buildings in the map are open and let 's face it. A map that will require all your attention and forcing the team play in modes appropriate.

Op For vs. Seals - This map takes part for the city of Karachi in Pakistan. Like its predecessor, is a map which offers many passages in the streets and buildings. Studied for all types of modes, but not necessarily for all styles of play, this card is also heavily loaded with close combat and leaves a little snipers despite some interesting positions on rooftops, but ultimately too easily accessible positions.

Militia vs. TF 141 - As its name implies, this map takes place in a quarry in Brazil. Very open, she alternates between tight trails and open spaces either indoors or outdoors, with the ability to hide among the boulders and truly blend into the background. All styles of play but it end up caution on this map full of nooks and height.

Militia vs. TF 141 - Very nice map taking place in a small Brazilian village cut in two by a marshy ditch. Clashes between both sides will be commonplace and will be difficult to cross. Monitor the different windows of buildings and the high positions will be key to hope to win. While recognizing the danger can come from anywhere, the successful rushers always find their way into the enemy camp. A council
still, do not stay too short in the streets and bridges.

Op For vs TF 141 - A tiny card lending taking place a disused oil well in the desert and sand storm. Rapid and intense battles await. A map that quickly becomes annoying when the number of players is high (ie, with most modes of play as a team) but turns out however, perfect for a cage match against a team game and the 3rd person.

Op For TF vs 141 - Another map cut a few players but that will accommodate various parties have no real problem. Taking place in the cemetery had the single player, this card does not have a lot of different paths and small size often gives the impression of going in circles. Some buildings, small sizes also can face each other more closely, it said the visibility is very limited, or because the decor is provided because of the different releases of smoke, the sniper will find it difficult to see clearly and it will pick his opponents. The parties domination are interesting.

Op For vs Rangers - Urban Map offering everything what's streets and open areas for all play styles to find. Two large spaces are separated by a building in which it is possible to compete on two floors. Needless to say that this building will be the scene of bloody fighting. Outdoors it will run to avoid the enemies stationed at different windows. A nice map any mode of play

Sub Base
Op For vs. Seals - A map taking place in a submarine base. All buildings are accessible and roofs. It is difficult to progress without being seen, access to buildings are many and must be on guard every moment, the danger can come from all sides. A map rather nervous and particularly suited to the infantry assault.

Op For vs Rangers - Lying in the airport of the famous Russian mission single player campaign, this map provides a very open playing field but appears adequate for most modes and styles of play, from its construction in a square. We often go through the large windows that make up much of the buildings in this map. The airliner reached the tarmac of the airport has a very interesting playground in close combat.

Militia vs. TF 141 - The only map that takes place in the rain, Brazil. Good balance between fighting long and medium range, fans and snipe CORPRA CORPRA to succeed to hold their own in the game will need to pay attention to dark corners of the map and examine the various openings of buildings. A comprehensive map, suitable for any game mode anyway Take care to choose wisely where your parcel strategic)!

Op For vs TF 141 - This map is well-known players of Call of Duty because it a remake of the map Brecourt Call of Duty 2, here it is, however, to frame the exterior of Chernobyl. A map very large and open cut in two by a row of bushes impassable. There are several trenches joining the center and leading to an underground shelter. The snipers do their job outside while the trenches will be the playground for lovers of close combat.

Stimulus Pack


card size, in the middle of a carcass helicopter crashed where you can hide inside. A sniper is hard to find his place on this map. Crash is the Middle East, the map focuses around a U.S. Army helicopter crushed with a lot of multi-storey buildings and many other passages, this card can be very tactical and it is mostly a map must .

large map where you might set to qualify for fighting raproche to sniper fire, there is also a station Gasoline can explode, all in an environment rurban. Overgrown happening in the Russian countryside with many buildings, two bridges, a service station and tall grass to camouflage themselves well and a dry riverbed to cross the map very quickly, which is well on this map is that it fosters all sorts of fighting, whether short, medium or long distance.

This card will be happening in the snow, you truce deal of rubble and especially a tanker truck that exploded when he farts well.

You find places here noubreux heights, especially in stairwells outside, almost enough to make a good place for a sniper.

Resurgence Pack

An amusement park with many different locations as a house of the future, roller coaster, and many other things.

is "A sniper's paradise." Fuel is a petroleum refinery divided into 2 sections, one being on the outside with things such as pumps, while there is another party in the offices of the refinery. Targets will be placed in the building, so the snipers can cover the outside.

Strike Strike is a large map for Call of Duty 4. "Taliban Avenue" and "the road to Al-Qaeda," the two main streets that intersect in the middle of the map where there are bottlenecks for the snipers. This map is also ideal for classes by storm.

Trailer Park
The map is centered around a mobile home park. The map size is small with narrow corridors.

Vacant Vacant
happens in offices derelict abandonment, the building consists of lots of small rooms and corridors to promote the fight at very short range.

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