These past few weeks, his rogue buddy. The mix of environmental aspirations of potential prey and imperatives Economic puppeteer BNP Paribas: a nice guy stamped Cetelem leafy who tells us the art of sauces ready for all ... Need anything, feel anything, it's the lovable dwarf green for you don subprime Sc consumption, even if you disgorge your guts for failure ... unless, by then, new horizons make speculative and too little cheesy seduction profitable household for a few thousand euro loan to obscene levels.
After Greece, Spain, which it is reduced to the level bad payer. States have delivered so their public finances to back up a system corrupted by the tumbling financial sphere, to avoid systemic collapse, which points to the return of club for the most exposed.
Ultimately, the balance of the crisis suffered, what sanctions civil and criminal cases have been handed down against venal characters of the ballet? Madoff, he was pilloried for having robbed of wealthy candidates to unbridled speculation, an attic ... We should, instead, he received an award for having worked to put off some paragons of winning at all costs.
It is not until the States, they would not admit as on the verge of bankruptcy, to sink the hooks to go out and make money to extortionists unpunished . To offset the steep expenses generated by these evil full accounts, there will be the ability of all peoples to repay and the talent of a policy to digest lean times .
The worst would be the nationalist reflex, blaming the neighbor what we can not accept yourself. The compact mass of irrational investors or criminal cynicism would have because of weaker states, waiting to catch the most beautiful ...
Meanwhile? Financial institutions return to their primary activity, that they despised the heyday of the frenetic financialisation products so complex that rot in this elite borked threw it, slobbering expected returns.
In the end, and if the chaos does not imply any, it will be a significant part of our taxes that will offset these inconsequential dross unfit to criticize ... loud!
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