What plays the extreme French left and the first rank, the NPA and its ambivalent Besancenot? A recent column of Hamid Zanaz published in Le Monde lights on infected complacency or even criminal complicity.
Nothing obvious in the official discourse, but associates public policies and actions that cultivate an ambiguous posture. Allow one of its candidates to raise the veil on religious official photo of an election is to wipe with the first principle of secularism. Getting into bed with Salma Yacoub, who fights western women's apparel as nothing less than " dictatorship of the body ', endorsing the subjugation of society in general rejoicing program fundamentalists. Elisabeth Badinter had a few months ago, brilliantly denounced the pernicious and regressive way of the full veil that some claim as the first flag of a struggle against our form of life.
Whether this marginal fringe, the proponents of fundamentalism, resonate with some anti-capitalists can be explained only by opportunism: to fall our way of economic and financial development. Hamid recalls Zanaz yet the origin of the Islamist movement: a hedge against the socialist aspirations of the Arab nations and its secular consubstantial. So ... no consistency
Embracing the religious fascism, Islamic fundamentalism, even timidly, confirms the extreme left uncomfortable ambiguity: his struggle to integrate democratic rules while keeping in mind their last down by chaos redistributing the powers.
The acquaintances illuminate the ulterior motives of a political agenda. In April 2007, the LCR, already conducted by the subversive postman, demanded the unconditional withdrawal from Afghanistan. Develop a revolt against U.S. imperialism, but a secret desire retalibanisation of Afghan society. Leave these lands under the fierce rule of the religious extremists to escape the capitalist obscenities, until the Revolution crimson red. Unforgivable strategy than ever, of course, the NPA will recognize.
What would enlightened folklore, if the political powers fought really abject gluttony of Financial players, could set itself up as the way to saving many desperate.
At the other end, there are so unscrupulous banks. BNP-Paribas, for example, which announced profits of close to five billion euros for 2009, half of the fruit of excessive speculative investments and five hundred million to distribute to traders. The message? Making fun of the world until there is not some crazy people who Scarfs paragons of all-money.
The influx of cash at low interest rates, injected by central banks and governments, have not been used to help disaster victims sections of the economy, but to lubricate and enhance the activity purely financial banks. Scavengers on their own, we never hear yelling on the street or spread in incivilities but sully the social contract as few offenders succeed.
At the heart of present and future destabilization the sprawling Goldman Sachs. Besides, BNP-Paribas stands out as an institution uneventful, peaceful and harmless. His specialty: infiltrate the political sphere to neutralize any project that could serve its huge interests, and build on all fronts. A merchant bank in cold marble, velvet choker noise and logic.
The EPS? Symbol of the two paths that join to the same impasse. If a start there should be political, he accents radicals that would only replace one oppression with the more clandestine eradicated.
What to do? Maybe consolidate its withdrawal from the world, the Leautaud , insure that presence to maintain some minimum conditions and guarantee a modest nest egg ... Stay away from everything time that life goes ...
What to do? Maybe consolidate its withdrawal from the world, the Leautaud , insure that presence to maintain some minimum conditions and guarantee a modest nest egg ... Stay away from everything time that life goes ...
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