The umbilical cord:
"A channel that initially feeds the child, then after the birth, the flange connection sometimes."
The umbilical cord is a tube that connects the child to the placenta, which is connected to the mother. It is composed of two arteries and a vein surrounded by a protective sheath. Clearly seen in this photo: is the double line that wrapped from the navel.
It appears from the navel. In fact it goes through the belly of the child at this level. The two arteries are connected to the aorta via the iliac arteries. Umbilical vein goes to the liver, joins the inferior vena cava which goes to the heart.
At the other end, the cord is connected to the placenta that provides interaction with the mother.
For cord pass oxygen essential for life and all nutrients, sugars, fats, amino acids, calcium, iron, etc ... required for the manufacture of small man.
is the baby's heart is the pump : blood loaded with waste, carbon dioxide, is sent by the umbilical arteries to the placenta where it is purified. Responsible for good things and oxygen, he returned to the child by the umbilical vein.
The placenta is a temporary body placed between mother and child. It allows exchanges between the mother and fetus , but it also produces hormones allowing a smooth pregnancy.
Circulations, maternal and fetal, are separated by a "blood-placental barrier . We would rather have called " colander " bar because it does almost nothing. Any
pathology at this level - poor integration of placenta abruption, premature aging vessels, knot, cord hematoma, single umbilical artery usually due to obstruction, presence of toxins in the mother - can have dire consequences sometimes in minutes.
P lmost all that is in the blood of the mother (except normally, the red cells, platelets and white) will go in the cord blood , here are some simple examples:
-essential elements for growth the baby but also:
-most drugs,
-toxic products as the ' alcohol responsible for severe brain disorders,
them heavy metals like mercury very neurotoxic
the virus-like Rubella extremely serious for the fetus less than 3 months, parvovirus B19 and many others, it
Toxoplasma will colonize the brain and retina of the baby.
Fortunately all this can be limited by a conservative lifestyle :
-select and limit drug
-no alcohol,
-mercury is uncommon in France. He was in the years 1940-1966 in Japan Minamata , a fishing village where mothers were poisoned by contaminated fish by an industry releasing mercury into the bay. And Iraq in 1971-1972, the population had eaten bread made from seed grains treated with a pesticide containing mercury.
-rubella has almost disappeared thanks to vaccination but there is a dozen cases a year among people who think they have had rubella (there are copies), or others who " ; forgotten "the vaccine capital.
-toxoplasma is more insidious, we minimize the risks by eating cooked meat and avoiding very attendance of animals, especially cats and rodents.
In addition, the pregnant woman is in a period of immune tolerance that allows it to accept her baby up for half of a foreign party: the father. She defends the less against infectious agents.
Fortunately nature is brilliantly well done and everything is usually best . These diseases are rare.
A Birth:
The umbilical cord may leave before the child is what is called cord prolapse. During contractions or the passage of the Child, the cord is compressed. The baby is more oxygenated and there is a high risk of acute fetal distress. In the vast majority of cases, in extreme emergency Caesarean is necessary. It is this risk that is often put forward in France for 'medicalized' childbirth. This argument is correct but does not generate the medicalization does not have more frequent infections, regardless of the discomfort advanced by advocates of alternative medicine? Nothing is perfect.
A near birth: here everything is going very well.
When Mom wants , the baby was placed on her and he tries breast where he will find colostrum.
sucking helps contract the uterus and removal of the placenta. This is called "issue" which indicates that the process of delivery is completed.
If the mother does not wish to breastfeed , no worries (in rich countries), there exist excellent milk powder and delivery is also done.
This cord, when should the clamp ? Most of the time the cord is clamped by a clamp quickly raised to 2 inches of the child, to use secondary arteries or the umbilical vein in cases of concern.
Some teams prefer to wait until the beating of the arteries, arguing that during this time, the child is still receiving oxygen and that, moreover, it would avoid anemia. Critics suggest that there is more risk of incompatibility blood by passage of maternal blood in the fetus. The situation is not resolved.
The cord care:
The cord is clamped what will become of him? It will dry quickly and come off. They say he probably fell because they say so weird "that gets pregnant!".
What treatment? I'm formal : disinfectant Eosin + ®)
In this era of phobia of germs, it became customary to use only disinfectant, which does not sting. (Recall that alcohol is not a good disinfectant and spades).
However, it is very useful to assist in drying the cord by the daily application of eosin. The aqueous eosin (Eosin ®) should not be used as a topical antiseptic but only as an adjunct to its properties sicca.
It was once a maternity brand new which removed eosin saying it's a bad disinfectant, "nerdy." The gossips said they feared the spots in their brand new premises. We saw immediately of delays at the fall of cord type "record book" : a cord in an infant up to 47 days and in another 55 days. I had previously read (certainly not in the New England ...) the world record was 45 days. These two new records have not been approved , but then, now they are on Internet it's going to know. This is the child ... (ale, I skidded and secrecy ... so you do not know no more)
When you see a troll cord wet , macerated and smells bad, one can imagine the nest microbes it represents, while a cord of well seasoned by the good " eosin old cheesy, clean, odorless and falls in 8-10 days.
NB The two record holders are going very well and the strings are still fell.
When the cord has fallen, it often happens that the navel oozes for another week or two. Again, a drop of eosin dries everything.
long time for several months, the navel seems "out" which questions the mothers. This is normal. There is a time for everything.
cord psychological
But when the umbilical cord is cut with a scissors, (it's painless for the child), the work is not finished. We're not lying, with "colic", the "night of hell" and one wonders what it for later! Time passes and it is mostly a pleasure to see the development of these "little creatures".
But i the must prepare the section of cord psychological . It will teach children the rules of community life. These rules create constraints and seemed contrary to the welfare of the child then they will allow it to organize and to be "stronger."
Let us try if we can, to have children flourished and not locked or trapped by a company to which they were not prepared.
" Adolescent " etching etching R. Gamin
But we'll see that another time.
"The cord simply pipe, which leads to the navel, then became the center of affect and force (Ki East)." It is no coincidence that so many psychoanalysts have explored this region.
元气 qi (Chinese, Yuanqi ): Original + breath: the breath behind the original world
ki 気 in Japanese: the mind force 元気 です: I'm fine 元气 qi (Chinese, Yuanqi ): Original + breath: the breath behind the original world
keywords: cord, placenta, toxic, alcohol, toxoplasma, baby, mother, father, immunity
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