In the animal kingdom there is a relative constancy of basic needs.
With some bacteria living near the hot springs at the bottom of the ocean-dependent sulfur living things depend on the carbon oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen and energy source .
plants use water carbon dioxide (CO ²) source of carbon and oxygen and Solar by
through the chlorophyll contained in chloroplasts which are small solar . Here those little green balls in cells with blue walls.
Nitrogen is not used directly by plants , but is provided in organic form (used) by bacteria and some fungi. Cows and sheep eat grass ...
And Man?
Man is an animal almost like the others. It is an omnivore, plus the ability to change his environment (not always in the right direction).
The most basic quantitative needs are water and energy.
estimate how these needs?
People used to assess needs, in milliliters per kilogram of body weight and age. It is a conceptual error and a significant complication for children that pediatricians are dealing with. Their needs vary according to weight (200 ml / kg 3 kg and 66 ml / kg to 10 years, etc. ...). This unnecessary burden of memory.
It is much easier and consistent to consider the needs based on body surface area that is to say the surface of the skin. Indeed what we capture or lose is proportional to the surface of our intestines, on the surface of our skin (heat loss or sweating) on the surface of what our kidneys filter etc. ... Oncologists to do to handle children with more security, but their essential drug so toxic.
For simplicity, we can use the body surface:
Water requirements, listed according to body surface area are constant s: 2 liters / sq. days
(I had been here but examples of calculations comparing c ' break-up was so I deleted everything! )
surface in m² (S) is calculated very easily up to 30 kg by the formula:
S (m) = (4P +7) / (P +90) where P is the weight in kg. It is easily calculated head.
Beyond 30 kg this formula slightly overestimates the body surface and must use a table or a logarithmic formula (link to the maths! to a site of cancer but it is pure coincidence).
Any calculator (programmable, it's easier) or computer works fine. But beyond 30 kg this is hardly interesting. Just know that a "normal" man is vaguely 1.8 m 1.6 m and a woman .
Water Requirements: 2 liters / m² which corresponds to a 30 kg child. (Healthy)
Where does this water ?
tap water rich foods, milk and its derivatives (95%), fruits and vegetables (90%). It should be added that the burning of food produces water, CO ², and waste.
Basically power is supplied by the fusion of the sun that illuminates and irradiated.
R. Gamin Image: Soleil one night in Bali
radiation is captured by elements of which the most developed is the chloroplast which will transform the light radiation into usable energy by humans living (algae, grasses, trees). Plants capture energy, CO ² from the air and convert cellulose into releasing oxygen. Animals that can use cellulose, eat plants and sometimes other animals.
Energy for Man: the sun and food
The sun heats the house . From the forests, it has wood, coal, oil.
The stone-moving Indian to receive the best of the sun to reduce their food intake, without cooking, however.
Food is our main source of energy:
Men eat plants and animals .
Man can not utilize cellulose but only the starch it looks great and more generally carbohydrates or "sugar". It is a polymer of carbon hydrogenated and partially oxidized.
starch is found in seeds of plants. Wheat, rice, cassava are important sources of starch. Starch provides 4 Cal per gram.
The other source of energy comes from fat animal or plant (the fat) butter, oil. Fat is very energy: 9 Cal per gram.
Carbohydrates and fats provide energy. To burn, you need a good boiler ? Living beings have understood that the bacteria boilers were excellent.
One can find them in the form of mitochondria No. (9) on the diagram representing a cell.

These "boilers" can well use the oxygen which allows better performance combustion .
Curiously, these fats in which we are placed in reserve have a structure very similar to butane, propane or oil are also in reserve.
What are the caloric needs?
L e basal metabolism - that is to say the minimum needs of a healthy subject lying idle in good health - is 800 Cal / m (corresponding an infusion of normal 10% glucose at a rate of 2 l / m . By providing a bit of sugar water as it should, it covers both the need for water and calories. Is not it great?).
to average assets 1440 Cal / m² .
[Ouch! "I feel the question." What the 1440 why? Of course this is the year of publication of learned ignorance and the first caravel but not why. I had read that the brain consumes 144 grams of glucose per day in a learned publication Anglo-Saxon. I asked myself the same question "why"? "Good sense, but of course ": there is 1440 minutes per day so it facilitates the calculations and impress the ignorant. These are "our little arrangements with the numbers". 1440 1500 cons who can approach universality, it is not very serious to the individualism of the human ! . Someday I'll tell you how our learned experts from WHO vote in committee on basic needs, it is edifying. ]
which gives:
For man of average activity, 2700 Cal per day
For a woman , 2000 Cal. Women need fewer calories because its losses are lower because it has 15% more than the fat man that is a good thermal insulator.
These calories are used primarily to maintain the temperature at 37 degrees. Needs increase and decrease in winter in the summer when it is warmer.
intense physical activity can increase as needed.
A rider Tour de France consumes 6000 Cal per day, double the basic ration.
Picture "The"
By against a player Water Polo competing can consume 11 000 Cal because it loses a lot of calories while in the water. Image
China information. OJ / Water polo: The Dutch team won the gold medal
The qualitative needs are specific:
Carbon is present in starchy foods and fats.
Oxygen is still free and reasonably plentiful.
The nitrogen and sulfur
They are made by proteins. A protein is a long thread like a necklace of beads called amino acids. Their origin is complex. We be found even in outer space.
To be simple, nitrogen is captured on Earth by bacteria in symbiosis with plants. They benefit from each other. We find these amino acids in the seeds that we eat. However the plants are low in sulfur amino acids called "essential" that we do not make (such as methionine which depends cysteine).
Wikipedia Image: complex process of nitrogen uptake by bacteria
R. Gamin Image: Bali rice
What is iron? It is associated with the hemoglobin in our red blood cells .
In terrestrial vertebrates, the hemoglobin in the blood determines the oxygen in the air from the lungs. Through circulation, oxygenated hemoglobin will be transported to all other organs, for release later that the oxygen will be consumed by the cells that need it. The hemoglobin allows blood to contain more oxygen he could by simply dissolving.
At the heart of the porphyrin molecule heterogeneous cycle, heme, which contains an iron ion. This ion is the iron binding site of oxygen.
Oxy hemoglobin: Oxygen is blue on iron . Image
Myoglobin is a protein of vertebrates formed in humans of a single chain of 153 amino acids containing a porphyrin ring with iron ion in the center. It is the main intracellular carrier of oxygen in muscle tissue.
Its red color and its abundance in certain muscles or species explain the difference in appearance between white meat and red meat.
Iron is also a host of other things.
Requirements: The iron requirements of normal subjects are about 9 mg per day for men and 7-30 mg per day for women and child.
Iron meat (heme) (12 mg / 100g), blood pudding, liver 20mg / 100g of fish is particularly well absorbed . (30%) But it is not necessary to eat a lot.
Iron Plant is located in France in lentils (9 mg/100gr) and nettles (40mg/100gr) Try to eat 100 grams - we are not cattle! - Colored fruits
and around the cocoa (15mg/100 gr), soybeans, bananas. However, this iron is poorly absorbed (1-2%). In addition, the presence of phytic acid gene absorption. Phytic acid or myo-inositol hexa acid, phosphoric acid is a biomolecule naturally present in the seeds of many cereals and pulses, usually in the form of calcium salt or magnesium. It reduces or inhibits the absorption of various cations (Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Ca, Fe) to form insoluble salts (phytates).
Vitamin C reduces the effect of phytic acid. Therefore eating fruit to absorb iron. (Notice for vegetarians!)
Wikimedia Image: Cocoa
calcium, essential fatty acids (polyunsaturated) vitamins will be discussed in other chapters.
" is a topic a bit hot but it can approach the universal, that the living and that of the formula I use everyday in my practice as a pediatrician"