Since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, everyone knows the principle of killstreak (a bonus is offered to you when you chain a number of frags in a row). Modern Warfare 2, killstreaks are back, but more and more customizable.
killstreaks Among these, you can choose only 3 in your options. Gradually, as you progress through the game, you can unlock new killstreaks and customize your account.
Activation Method: Depending on your bonus, you'll have different ways to activate it.
are listed below:
By remote control: Here it is sufficient to press the key or the directional pad on the controller to activate the bonus.
For a map: You'll need using the mouse, choose the position to attack by clicking the 'Fire'.
By Smoke: Choosing where to receive your bonus in the form of a package to launch a helicopter. To open the package, it must approach them and press the "Action".

The killstreak are released to LvL: 10, 15, 23, 35, 47, 51, 55, 59, 63, 68, 69.
must be unlocked killstreak any other unlock before the nuclear bomb.
15 killstreaks are available at all:

Kills 3 : Drone - It allows for a short time, to detect all the enemies on the map, symbolized by dots red on the radar. Just press the default button 'on the keyboard or the directional pad on the controller to activate the bonus. Do not activate if another drone is already present, or if the enemy has launched a drone jammer! New in Modern Warfare 2 drones enemies are visible in the sky and it is possible to destroy them.

Kills 4 : Parcel strategic - It allows to obtain either a bonus or ammunition completely random. The nuclear bomb is not present in this package.
To receive it, you have to throw a smoke at the location where you want the parcel to be dumped. In a short while, a helicopter will come to this position and you let go of the package. Please do not stay below, if the package you touch, you die. Choose wisely as the drop zone of your strategic parcels, the helicopter that transports effect appears on the radar and can inform your position to the enemy. Pay special attention to decorative elements that can prevent them from reaching the dump package if imprecise. The small helicopter carrying the parcel is fast but can also be killed by an enemy, in this case its cargo falls to the ground.
to get the contents of the package, then come in and hold button "GO". Enemies and your allies can also retrieve your parcel strategic, yet they will take longer.
Here the percentage of what the package can made strategic
14.78% - 14.78%
Ammunition - Drone
13.04% - UAV Jammer
10.43% - 10.43%
Auto Turret - Predator Missile
9.57% - Precision Bombing
6.09% - 6.09%
Harrier - Helicopter Attack
4 35% - 4.35%
Pave Low - Stealth Bombing
2.61% - 2.61% helicopter machine gunner
- AC-130
0.87% - Bomb EMI

4 kills : UAV Jammer - It allows, as its name implies, to jam enemy radar, therefore, impossible to get noticed and impossible for enemies to see the goals. Same method of activation of the drone Recognition in.

5 kills : Auto Turret - It detects and kills enemies automatically on 180 degrees. To be successful, you must start your smoke to where you want to receive your bonus in the form of a package. Once there, press the "Action". The turret appears in your arms in transparent yellow. Choose where you want to ask, once positioned, press the 'Fire'. To destroy an enemy turret, you can use your whole arsenal but a single stab wound just above too. You can also disable during a short time with a flash grenade or paralyzing.

kills 5: Predator Missile - This bonus comes in the form of a guided missile fired from a drone. Once activated, you take control of the missile, you can choose a ground target or in the air (helicopter, fighter, etc ...). The enemies are represented by red squares, can not go wrong. Once your target in view, press again the button "Shot" to expedite the travel of the missile.
note, when you control the missile, you are vulnerable.
The area of damage of the missile is relatively large do not hesitate to shoot at the enemy side, it will kill more if they are grouped or even reach a hidden enemy.

6 kills : precision Bomb - This bonus triggers an air raid conducted by three fighters in one place. When you activate this bonus, you can choose the location on the map where do the bombing. If by chance, a reconnaissance drone is activated, choose the position where there are lots of red dots!

7 kills : Harrier Bomb - This bonus raises at first a bombing carried out by two fighter planes, then involves a Harrier, a plane that can hover. The latter will then automatically take on the enemy it detects. Same principle of operation that the bonus "precision bombs".
Note: Arriving on the map, the Harrier also automatically destroyed with a missile or any other enemy helicopter Harrier therein.
The Harrier, as drones or helicopters, is vulnerable to conventional weapons and soldiers, a single rocket can come to end, it is also vulnerable to the CA-130, the helicopter gunner and Predator missile.

7 kills: Helicopter Attack - Bonus widely known, it involves a helicopter gunship flying over the map automatically for some time and kill the enemies it detects. However, it is vulnerable to conventional weapons and soldiers, Harrier, the missile Predator and AC-130 but also has countermeasures in case of missile ground. This bonus will automatically be triggered as a drone.

8 kills : Jettison - This is the cave of Ali Baba! In fact, you'll get not 1 but 4 strategic parcels. These contain either ammunition or elimination of bonuses. A nuclear bomb that can not always be there.
To receive these packages, the same principle as bonus Parcel strategic ", it will just provide floor space to accommodate 4. If you are generous, you can leave your friends, you earn points!
The transport plane, relatively slow, which dropped the package on the battlefield can not be killed.
Here the percentage that can made the emergency dump:
12% - Ammunition
12% - 16%
Drone - UAV Jammer
16% - Auto Turret
14% - 10%
Predator Missile - Precision Bombing
5% - 5%
Harrier - Helicopter Attack
3% - 3%
Pave Low - Bomb EMI
2% - 2%
Helicopter gunner - AC-130

kills 9 : Pave Low - It's the same principle as the Bonus "Attack Helicopter", except that the helicopter has additional armor and more powerful. Same method of activation for the drones. It is also vulnerable than a conventional helicopter, but more resistant to fire a gun.

kills 9 : Stealth Bombardier - Same as the bonus "precision bombs", except here it's a B2 bomber is called. It is thus invisible to enemies on radar. Another peculiarity, he bombed on a line with a bunch of bombs. The activation method is the same as for conventional bombing.
Note: Despite its relatively slow and low flying, the B2 can not be killed by an enemy.

11 kills : helicopter gunner - The bonus that pays a maximum of kills! Indeed, when activated (like a UAV), you are instead of a gunner inside the helicopter gunships. Controlled automatically just pull frantically on the red square representing your enemies on the screen. With no cooldown and no overheating. Needless to say that firepower is very substantial.
Fortunately, like other helicopters, it is possible to shoot him. You are vulnerable to ground when you're in control.

11 kills : AC130 - Everyone knows the bomber "AC 130" used during a solo mission of Call of Duty 4. For the uninitiated, this is a very sturdy support aircraft flying at high altitudes and capable of firing in all directions with a machine gun and two guns. Once activated, you have the choice between these three arms of different powers and of course asking for recharge time longer or shorter depending on their power. The enemies are marked by red squares, either infantry or vehicles such as helicopters or Harrier.
The CA-130 automatically rolls over the map at high altitudes for 42 seconds, it provides numerous countermeasures and are difficult to break down, the infantry can also reach it with a rocket launcher, and impossible to have him Predator missile.
Note that you are vulnerable to ground when you control it.

15 kills : EMI Bomb - The bomb EMP disables all enemy electronic systems. Clearly, once activated, your enemies will no longer have laser sights and holographic their radar vanishes, the missile becomes unusable and all their vehicles in use dropped to the floor. The bonus will remain active for a little while.

25 kills : nuclear bomb - As its name suggests, this bonus detonated a nuclear bomb. In reality, when you enable it, you snap a little countdown of 10 seconds and a mermaid indicating to all players that this will be cut: P. Whatever happens a game ends when the bomb exploded.
Nothing spectacular visually, but you earn your team and kill everyone on the map, you, your enemies and your allies. Eliminations performed with nuclear bomb provided are not credited to your score.
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The deathstreaks - Assets "Perks" - grades and what they unlock

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