We therefore find our usual perks, with its share of novelties. The first of these is the emergence of a fourth class called perks "Deathstreak" which we will discuss on another page. The second novelty is the ability to spend every perks in "pro".
Perk 1
Marathon Sprint Unlimited. (Unlocked by default)
Pro climbing faster.

Legerdemain: Recharging accelerated. (Unlocked by default)
Pro Affected faster.

Pillard: Recover Ammunition dead enemies. (Unlocked at level 13)
Pro: Additional Chargers.

Bling-bling: 2 accessories main weapons. (Unlocked at level 21)
Pro 2 accessories secondary weapons.

War Machine: Change class at any time. (Unlocked at 45)
Pro Change classes faster.

two opposing forces: Damage bullets above. (Unlocked by default)
Pro Increases damage to vehicles.

Lightweight: Move faster. (Unlocked by default)
Pro: Check better after a sprint.

Determination: The bonus round of eliminations obtained with a phase less. (Unlocked at level 9)
Pro bonuses streak eliminations obtained with less.

Composure : Undetectable glasses with heat, air support, turrets and drones. (Unlocked at level 25)
Pro Your Gamertag (red) no longer displayed the same enemy in question and the reticle does not turn red when it is targeted.

Danger Close: Damage upper explosive weapons. (Unlocked at level 33)
Pro Damage upper air support.

Perks 3
Commando: Scope for increased melee. (Unlocked by default)
Pro No damage from falls.

solid Sighting: Increases accuracy under normal. (Unlocked by default)
Pro Hold your breath longer.

Interference: Scramble enemy radar near you. (Unlocked at level 17)
Pro times higher for the enemy claymores.

Ninja Undetectable with cardiac sensors. (Unlocked at level 29)
Pro Dead Silence.

Report: Used to detect explosives and insertions enemy tactics. (Unlocked at level 37)
Pro not Hear the enemies stronger.

Baroud d'honneur: Draw your weapon before dying. (Unlocked at level 41)
Pro baroud Take your equipment (grenades, semtex, ...).

Related pages:
The killstreaks - The deathstreaks - grades and what they unlock

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