Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lorazepam And Benedryl

influenza A (H1N1): scam or reality? The pandemic vaccine, the child

smells like sulfur, corruption!

The English flu, not her cousin returned. And why not the Plague?
Plague? But you do not think. There is nothing to gain with the plague. Plague is caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis sensitive to antibiotics that cost nothing, tetracyclines. So nothing to win, move along! But if you have an hour, read "The Plague" by Albert Camus, in paperback cheap. is totally valid.

But with influenza A (H1N1) is juicier!

There are several viruses that cause the flu: they essentially mark the characteristics of two proteins their envelope:

Protein H for Hemolysin. There are 16 subtypes, but only 3 or 5 first concern Rights (the others are the birds)
Protein N for neuraminidase. There are 9 types including 3 in humans. We share some viruses with wild duck, chicken or pork.

The figure below shows the types of virus in the twentieth century:

We know the English Flu virus (H1N1) in 1918 we were able to isolate, perfectly preserved in the frozen graves of Alaska. For we know nothing cons of virus flu earlier.

Until the late 1950s, many influenza viruses were less virulent H1N1. That's why older people have already met and are therefore relatively protected. This is good news for them. Furthermore they can not risk flu, keep their sick children (or not), if you close schools so that parents can work.

The scam:

In England Sir Roy Anderson , Professor of Infectious (Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology In The Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London) is one of the first to talk about pandemic in the early Mexican cases (before the WHO has followed suit) and to ask use of antivirals. He received In 2008, 128 000 € as co-director of GSK (Glaxo Smith Kline ) pharmaceutical drug that produces a shot (Relenza) and a vaccine for influenza A . It's a very nice financial hit that throws a strong discredit any more. We talk politely to conflicts of interest. But it's our health that is. These are our children we want the vaccine.

In Geneva, Margaret Chan, WHO Director is suspected of having "very easily" endorsed the change of classification rules epidemics in order to declare the level 6 pandemic despite the low number of cases of influenza A. Some have called for his resignation.

The problem is not only the vaccine itself, but health policy.

We are told

1. Influenza is highly contagious . False: there are very few cases. 2 days ago I was at a show I did not hear anyone coughing for 2 hours 50 minutes so no flu. Full pandemic it's amazing. And in September, I saw two children aged 5 and 15 years with symptoms suggestive of influenza, but which one? They are healed.

2. Schools are closed from 3 or 6 confirmed cases (proves how does one? ) To make a correct diagnosis at home, go to the hospital that makes the nasal swab and sends to the nearby town that does the testing: the cost is 80 € + for transport of the examination by PCR (Molecular Biology) from 120 € to 200 non-refundable. All to receive it then paracetamol. Needless to say that few people can afford to throw € 300 per window!

3. This flu is 100 times more dangerous than the usual form. False: deaths in France and around the world are rare, rarer than the seasonal flu. The statistics were made on 10 cases. Is this serious?

4. Influenza affects people young and healthy: True: it affects young people because older people are immunized with the old epidemics. Young people are generally healthy. We note however that the deadly forms have involved people most often fragile. This flu has nothing original.

5. Infants and toddlers are most at risk: Debatable: where does this "truth" revealed? Is it a statement of principle? Valid for gastroenteritis especially in countries where malnutrition is rife? Apart from one case to the West Indies in a child of 18 months "very fragile" there were no complications. In rich countries, infants are usually cared for and are not at greater risk than other children. It takes a little more cautious because they can not tell us when it goes wrong and are entirely dependent on their parents.

It does not immunize them before so why now?

6. Vaccinate pregnant women: False : and it will not cost too much because with all the rumors and the usual caveats regarding vaccines and pregnant women, few expectant mothers will be vaccinated.

In this story there is nothing democratic nor transparent .

The government is epidemiology, which he said should be vaccinated. The Prefect of the vaccination campaign organized by putting aside the doctors contractors. Vaccinators are voluntary, but some particular service PMI (Mother and Child Protection) have already been requisitioned without being asked for their opinion. Voluntary or not, they pass under the status of the requisition to "assure them and make them non-responsible" if something goes wrong. If there are no leaders, where will we? H fortunately, our Health Minister, Mrs Bin Helot who knows that the "H " virus H 1N1 says he just H ong Kong watch over us. This reassures us .


Provided that everything is not completely bogus, it can provide the following information: This virus is very contagious and very dangerous. It is that of seasonal influenza in a rather attenuated form .

The current influenza vaccine manufacturing and:

influenza virus "swine" door-like proteins H1 and N1 somewhat different from previous ones. They are not new since the 1918 flu was that type. These proteins include the fixed and variable parts that require change regularly as vaccines during seasonal influenza. Some larger changes (avian influenza or swine flu today) seem encouraged by a passage of the virus in an intermediate host such as pork, duck, chicken.

The manufacture of influenza vaccines is long known but still difficult. These are very high tech. Only 5 or 6 laboratories worldwide have the ability to devise and develop a vaccine on a large scale.

Both H and N proteins are used to make vaccines. No part of these two proteins are produced in quantity by culturing the virus then extracted, stabilized and sometimes combined with additives or preservatives to get the vaccine.

aluminum hydroxide is widely used in most vaccines. Without it, some vaccines are ineffective. It raises fears in my opinion ill-founded.

The Squalene are used more recent and therefore more suspect. Yet these are natural substances widely used in humans because it is a precursor of cholesterol. However "natural" does not mean "harmless."

A word about Thiomersal not a builder but a preservative that stabilizes the vaccine and makes it easier to carry. However, many countries (including France) would not recommend because it contains mercury. It could be that the multi-dose vaccines intended for mass campaigns to contain. Vigilance!

What to do?

Living normally buy of Kleenex and consult their doctor if they worry.
With all the hype, our cabinets are filled with colds who tell us they would not normally come but, you know ...
Yes, I understand perfectly.

If previous years, you have not been vaccinated, must wait and see what happens in other countries. The United States often have a head start on us in vaccines. Their experience will be (can be) valuable.

If you are fragile, it to you, with your doctor to decide.

I just give some thoughts. Everyone is free to manage their health, fears and hopes.


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