A wave of cases having more or less failed, and before the next while
also buzzée on the digital canvas, a moment we can gauge the not very substantive net surfers to anonymous cries.
Yes, the people of the Net is exploding. Any person who can absorb a tad dégueulatoire his anger is welcome, even to reveal the paradoxes of his verbal diarrhea.
The first to scream extreme threat to our
freedom of expression by a police SSifiante trend in use and abuse out of proportion since May 2007. While each user, verbose comment implacable feasts contradictions of those who try to govern, manage somehow, despite the powers that exceed - the financial overreaction, the irrepressible greed and devastating - most cowardly hides well behind a protective nickname and could not bear to confront them with their versatility by lining up all their interventions.
Some of those who are scandalized pranks
sweet little cultural Mitterrand, Frédo not fire Fanfan, and past sexual Polanski hide unavowable course on the web that only the policing of their IP might reveal. It sniffs the prudishness
frantic, one that castigates and condemns without really knowing the process by testimony of a man. Longer a question of claim to any post from, directly or not, of national sovereignty if the route shows the slightest stain for acceptable manners. Does he have pedophiles act? Nothing left open and point to the act of communication minister solemnly denied ... It would have simply added "novel" on the cover of his life Bad and the trick was done: more attacks than other literary Houellebecq is not it? The novel genre , sometimes embraced by false tokens, still has a bright future. The bowl
Le Pen, she woke up late for the seek the return of a
party bankrupt. This would make it hard we enter an Inquisition where populist one-upmanship becomes the only political compass, where the epidermal response to ignominy factual (eg the murder of the unfortunate Marie-Christine Hodeau) conditions the clutches of a frenzied opportunistic legislators draft?
The uproar has had one merit: to reveal the Ras-to-earth quadrant of the PS, always at the forefront of the groom through their elders. That, he changes the political practice Hamont, Montebourg and Valls: over a bouillabaisse pachyderm, but an infected phlegm ...
Incessant invasion of the canvas by conspiracy : their vilest Assen gesticulation that the attacks of September 2001 Eleven does not come from dirty work of Al Qaida as a ultimate defecation on dust victims. Regularly on the screens, not just computers, the flock of the vile Meyssan maintain the cult of evil USA behind the most impressive self-terrorist attack in human history.
Questioning the perpetrators of neglect and salauderies Bush administration, what more legitimate (include documentary V. Kanban September 11, 2001: The prosecution case , 2006). The suspicious part of this revisionism is smelly in the transfer of responsibility to defend certain point of denying the reality of a dead or architectural evidence of a collapse. Did they even watched the masterful explanation The Twin Towers collapse autopsy (2002) Ben Bowie? Probably not, because what matters is not doubt, but proselytizing nauseous.
And the cake? For the offspring Sarkozy who has just sold the pack
insatiable Net. Cretin extreme naivety or bad faith of the hundred thousand signatories to the online petition against the accession of media Neuilléen President of EPAD? Few parents, manned by a minimum condition for their offspring, who do not play their possible relationships to facilitate an early career to their children.
We would like one that was chosen by voters as likely to pass under the rights embodied disinterested? If it does not fuck the world and yell for yell ...
remembered for the historical perspective, that all presidents have given assistance to become emotional environment, including integration de Gaulle saw to turn off lights in spaces left Elysian.
A Titanic Syndrome for humanity in the midst fatal stroke by scavengers Nicolas Hulot to healthy rebellion. The net through a mass of indistinct Internet is to mislead him a formidable tool of trade by a vector of pathetic bandwagon but so reassuring. Protests at the height of conformity. Curtain!

Yes, the people of the Net is exploding. Any person who can absorb a tad dégueulatoire his anger is welcome, even to reveal the paradoxes of his verbal diarrhea.
The first to scream extreme threat to our

Some of those who are scandalized pranks

frantic, one that castigates and condemns without really knowing the process by testimony of a man. Longer a question of claim to any post from, directly or not, of national sovereignty if the route shows the slightest stain for acceptable manners. Does he have pedophiles act? Nothing left open and point to the act of communication minister solemnly denied ... It would have simply added "novel" on the cover of his life Bad and the trick was done: more attacks than other literary Houellebecq is not it? The novel genre , sometimes embraced by false tokens, still has a bright future. The bowl
Le Pen, she woke up late for the seek the return of a

The uproar has had one merit: to reveal the Ras-to-earth quadrant of the PS, always at the forefront of the groom through their elders. That, he changes the political practice Hamont, Montebourg and Valls: over a bouillabaisse pachyderm, but an infected phlegm ...
Incessant invasion of the canvas by conspiracy : their vilest Assen gesticulation that the attacks of September 2001 Eleven does not come from dirty work of Al Qaida as a ultimate defecation on dust victims. Regularly on the screens, not just computers, the flock of the vile Meyssan maintain the cult of evil USA behind the most impressive self-terrorist attack in human history.

And the cake? For the offspring Sarkozy who has just sold the pack

We would like one that was chosen by voters as likely to pass under the rights embodied disinterested? If it does not fuck the world and yell for yell ...
remembered for the historical perspective, that all presidents have given assistance to become emotional environment, including integration de Gaulle saw to turn off lights in spaces left Elysian.