Many of you ask questions on achieving certain securities and / or emblems (sample questions: What level should I have for the Slaughterer Noob?, Why I did not get the title while I managed to make 3 knives ?,... without dying).
Here is the level it takes to unlock these challenges, as well as in retail to do.
Forgive me if this list is not complete (I miss some II / III or a few challenges), but I will publish it as and when my progress or any aid received. If you find any errors (unlikely but not impossible), or if you know the nature of the II / III or certain challenges, do not hesitate to report it, I'd be happy to correct;)
Caution: When you pass a Prestige, you return to Level 1 and thus these challenges again become dimmed (as if you start the game for the first time). If you have not done a challenge and then you spend your Prestige, it will wait again for the Minimum Level for this challenge and to get the title / Emblem appropriate.
From Level 5
Arms main
I would not retail for that category
Secondary Weapons
I would not retail for that category
I would not retail for that category
* In the dark: Prevent inserts 25 * Remove Tactical
Tactic: Kill 25 players appearing with a tactical insertion * Granada
I / II / III: Kill 10 / 25 / 50 with grenades *
bombings I / II / III : Place the pomegranate Semtex 5 / 15 / 30 players
When you unlock the knife Run at level 7 *
Forain I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 players Throwing knife *
is personal! : To injure an enemy, then finish it with a knife * You Throw
you see that? Kill someone with a knife to start being blinded or stunned by a grenade
When you unlock the claymores at level 31
* Captain Claymore I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies with Claymores
When you unlock the insertion at level 11 Tactical
* Devil Spring I / II / III : Kill an enemy within 5 seconds your tactical insertion (10 / 25 / 50 times) When you
've mastered the shield explosions at level 19
* Thick steel I / II / III : Surviving 10 / 25 / 50 explosions using the shield explosion
When you unlock the C4 level 41 Adept
* C4 I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies with C4
From Level 6
Training Base
* Camouflage in the Mist I / II / III : Kill 50 / 100 / 200 enemies with a single rifle precision shooting
* crouching I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies while crouching
* Shoots elongated I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 lying down
* Fire Support I / II / III: Get 5 / 15 / 30 audience
* x-ray vision I / II / III: Kill 2 / 5 / 15 enemies across the face with the penetrating power of bullets
* Flashback I / II / III : Destroy 2 / 5 / 15 equipment enemies
From Level 7
* fly swatter: Shoot down an enemy helicopter
* Vandalism: Destroying a car
* Farewell To fall at least 9 feet and die
* Base Jump: Fall of at least 4.5 meters and survive
From Level 10
* Winner Melee General I / II / III: Complete 1st, 2nd or 3rd in 3 / 5 / 10 games mode Melee General
* Teamwork I / II / III : Win 5 / 15 / 30 Team Deathmatch * Winner
Rech and Battlecr I / II / III : Win 5 / XX / XX games in search mode and Destruction
* Best player Deathmatch by Team: Playing a MRS and get the best score overall
* Teamwork Hardcore I / II / III : Win a / 5 / 15 game to death Team Hardcore
* Winner of Sabotage I / II / III : Win 5 / 25 / 50 games in Sabotage mode
From Level 12
* Best Hardcore Team Player : Win a Hardcore MS with the highest score
* Bomb destroyed: Killing a bomber mode Sabotage or Search and Destroy
* Defender Bombs I / II / III Kill 3 / 10 / XX enemies while they defuse a bomb
* Preventing explosions I / II / III Kill 3 / 10 / XX enemies while they pose a bomb
* Désamorçeur I / II : Defusing 2 / 10 Bombs
* Last Man: Being the last survivor mode Search and Destroy * Saboteur
I / II : Ask 2 / 10 Bombs
From Level 16
Series eliminations
* Discovered I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 drones
* Airmail I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 strategic parcels
* Interference I / II / III : Request 5 / 25 / 50 drones interference
* Sentinel (Veteran) I / II / III : ask 5 / 25 / 50 automatic turrets
* Air-Sol I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 Predator missile bombardment
* (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 precision bombing
* Vertical Takeoff I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 bombing
* Harrier Attack Helicopter (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 attack helicopters
* Special Delivery I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 Larage air emergency
* Giant 21-ton I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 Pave Low
From Level 21
* Bombing Stealth (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 stealth bombing
* Helicopter Gunner (Veteran) I / II / III : Request 3 / 10 / 25 helicopter gunners
* AC-130 (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 AC-130 * Cut
I / II / III : Ask 2 / 5 / 10 bombs EMI
* Stop Part I / II / III : Ask 2 / 5 / 10 nuclear bombs in
* Radar Approach I / II / III: Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 drones or UAVs interference
* Bombing imminent I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 Precision bombing, shelling or bombing Stealth Harrier
* Helicopter on approach I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 armed helicopters airdrop *
imminent I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 fund airdrop with a strategic package, an automatic turret and airdrop emergency
From Level 26
* Expert assault I / II / III: Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies a shot in the head with an assault rifle
* Exp. machine guns. I / II / III Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies with a shot in the head with a submachine gun
* Exp. Rifle-machine guns. I / II / III Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies with a shot in the head with a submachine gun
* Surgical Precision: Empty a magazine full of rifles assault on the enemy in missing the target
* Mach 5: Empty a magazine full of submachine gun at enemies without missing the target
* Dictator: Empty charger full of machine guns at enemies without missing the target
* Perfectionist: Empty an entire magazine of the Sniper Rifle on enemies without missing the target
From Level 31
* Multi Launcher Rocket I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with one shot or GA-AT4 rocket launchers ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Claymore
I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with a single claymore ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Multi
Fragmentation I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with one grenade fragmentation ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Multi
C4 I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with a single charge of C4 ( 5 / 25 / 50 times)
* A two things: Kill 2 enemies at least one Marksmanship
* Perfect: Play an entire match without being killed
* Fearless: Kill 10 enemies in a game without dying
* Spirit Pack: Kill multiple enemies by placing Semtex on one of them born
* Killer: Successful 3 shots at long distance in one lifetime
* Shooter (pro): Kill at least 2 enemies with a bullet in the head with one shot
* Airport: Make a series of 2 eliminations being shot in the air
From Level 35
Killing Blows
* drop boxes: Get Killcam Victory by dropping a crate on an enemy
* Killer absent: Get Killcam Victory with automatic turret
* Key Final: Get Killcam Victory with a precision bombing
* The total: Get Killcam Victory with a Harrier
* HQ: Victory Killcam Get a Helicopter Attack
* Supercoptère: Get Killcam Victory with a Pave Low
* Killer Technology: Get a Killcam Victory with a stealth bomber
From Level 37
* High definition: Get a Victory Killcam Helicopter gunner
* The Death From Above: Get Killcam Victory with an AC-130
* Incredible: Kill an enemy with a knife to get into Victory Killcam
* PWNED: Kill an enemy in melee with shield riot in Killcam Victory
* Killer Drones Kill an enemy with a missile in the Predator Killcam Victory
* Glue Pot: Place of Semtex on an enemy in the Killcam Victory
* Last resort: Kill an enemy or Baroud d'Honneur in the last battle Killcam Victory
From Level 41
* Hot Potato I / II / III Kill 5 / XX / XX enemies with grenades returned
* Car bomb I / II Kill 5 / 10 enemies by destroying cars
* Pro's knife in the back: Stab an enemy in the back
* Slowly but surely: Kill an enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade
* Kamikaze: Kill an enemy while you with a live hand grenades launched non
* Ouch: Kill an enemy with a grenade launcher mounted on a rifle without explosion (Head Direct) *
Rival: Kill 5 When the same enemy during a game
* Cruelty: Kill an enemy, take his weapon and then kill him again with his weapon
From Level 43
* Catch! : Complete an enemy by touching it with a fragmentation grenade (Direct Kick)
* Catch! (Stun grenades): Complete an enemy by touching it with a stun grenade (Direct Kick)
* Catch! (Granada Flash): Finish by touching an enemy with a grenade Flash (Head Direct)
* Return to Sender: Kill an enemy by shooting their own explosives
* Shooting blind: Kill an enemy while being stunned by a grenade Flash
* Forced Landing Kill an enemy who is in the air
* Extreme Cruelty: Kill all the members of the opposing team (4 enemies at least) without dying
* Tango eliminated: kill all members of the opposing team (4 enemies at least) * Anti-
best player: Kill 10 times the No. 1 player on the opposing team during a single game
From Level 47
* Our master! : Get a revenge victory in Killcam
* The Color of Money I / II : Get revenge with a shot in the head ( 5 / 25 times)
* ROI I / II : Get revenge with a fragmentation grenade ( 5 / 25 times)
* Loan: Get revenge adhering to the target
* Time is money! I / II : Get revenge with Semtex (5 / 25 times)
* Identity Thief: Get revenge with class killer imitator
* Robin Hood I / II : Get revenge by Baroud d'honneur ( 5 / 25 times)
* ATM: Get revenge with a knife launch
* I'm rich! I / II : Get revenge with C4 ( 5 / 25 times)
* Sauté the bank: Get revenge with a Claymore
From Level 53 Elite
Precipice: Make a series of at least 3 eliminations are dying (red screen flashing) * Exchange
fast: Touch an enemy main weapon, then finish the gun
star * Player: Playing a full game of any type with a ratio eliminations / 5 with 1 dead
* What is ... ? Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a wall with the penetrating power of the bullet
* Dominos: Kill an enemy by setting off explosions chain
* Chief I / II / III Kill 5 / 10 / 20 enemies with hand grenades
* Invincible: Get 5 health regenerations from enemy damage in a row, without dying
* Survivor: Survive 5 minutes * Anti-consecutive
claymore I / II / III Kill 3 / XX / XX enemies by shooting a claymore
* Anti-C4 I / II / III Kill 2 / XX / XX enemies by shooting on the C4
From Level 57
* Enemy of the State: Kill 3 enemies while the last surviving member of the team
* Spirit ingenious: Kill an enemy by placing a teammate Semtex
* Spirit of Survival: Kill an enemy with a knife being short of ammunition
* Double Magazine: Kill an enemy with the Ranger firing two guns simultaneously
From Level 61
* Massacre! Kill all enemy team in 10 seconds
* For the love of war: Get the 3 bonus rounds of eliminations in 20 seconds
* Plus they're great ... Kill the best player three times in a row
* ... over the fall is hard: Kill the best player 5 times in a row
* Crabmeat: Kill 10 enemies in a single series of eliminations
ultimate sacrifice *: Run the nuclear bomb on the enemy while your team is losing
* intruder: Kill an enemy before he obtains a bonus for a series of at least 10 eliminations
* Carpet bombs: Kill 5 enemies with a single Bombing
From Level 64
* Red Carpet: Kill 6 enemies with a single bombing Stealth
* The mower: Kill 5 enemies with a single missile predator
* No secrets: Ask a UAV 3 times in one match
* Ecran Total : Countering 3 times drones enemies during a single game
* Afterburner: Request 2 times a bombing during a single game
* Air Superiority: Ask a helicopter 2 times during one match
* Master-gunner: Make a series of 5 deletions in being on a mobile machine gun knife
* Pro: Make a series of 3 deletions melee without dying
Related pages:
grades and what they unlock - Emblems - Securities and challenges

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