Sunday, April 18, 2010

Abnormal Lab Results In Cellulitis


Lyon welcomed me here more than ten years and its size fills my life choices. The city encouraged to chew my breath indignant evildoers, they are rampant in the cities or concentration camp in the financial markets. So here: I view my anchor in this urban proportions to better ventilated to castigate all is inconvenient when a corona, as soon as a pestilence needed.
What is it in the news in recent weeks? Moscow Metropolitan burst its depths by two wenches to hold explosive. Obama and Sarkozy léchouillent to the media gallery. Justice French of Twisted remakes his shot responsible-but-not-guilty inspired by the absolution Georgina Dufoix: Total pognes brush away. the FARC, the morons arrant Ramdam Criminal, Free, but drop by drop. Bayrou continues its stop sign and political death: his few relatives still believe (as Cunegonde who wants cheese ...) bichonnent their ostrich hole. Baball always fuck the football as much fecal matter and gives the lively exchanges on zinc. The Vatican cumulative deviance: it hides its face and locked her Brothel, hoping that one sympathizes with his plight of members pédomanes (according to the correct term proposed by the inspired Odon Vallet).
Let this sickening diners of mushy food. Irresistible urge to listen to Albert Dupontel: About reverse moods soothing and lobotomized the moment (although this period is worth the other, no more no less). Rare in the media, he says not to bear the moments promotional pieces produced. A keen intelligence of skinned indomitable s'économisant do not self-criticism, in despair over the inevitable death as the horizon of existence. Between anxiety and derision, a humanity that cleans postures molded to blend in communities formatted.
My freedom is not living with my art. Remain without pressure other than the irrepressible need to express, to scrap cons nicks revolutionary guards hiding under pseudonyms, to say the risk of contradicting himself and does not fit into ideological boxes expected. Neither right nor left, neither green nor grotty polluter: modest observer who lets his conscience grow in suspension system. A model that seeks to reflexes that resist dirty, obscene excesses that again ...
Bruno Sachs lugging around his untreatable disease. Goldman did better: Sachs disease infects the surrounding! A hushed frenzy to accumulate financial tumbling, especially when practical to do so, is torchent with the basic principles of a life respectful of the community. This symbol of financial hypertrophy, that states can not let collapse under penalty of chaos with no return, cultivates the impunity of hooliganism luxury. Playing both ways, controlling his opponents and his apparent accomplices to better squeeze in time, siphoning all sources maximize profits for its power ... Is there not a new form of crime against humanity? No blood shed, no intention to eliminate such section of the population, but a set of strategies that make captor risking global economic system from imploding before allowing the emergence of new barbarism.
In September 2009, Guillaume Durand was a witness to the former trader Kerviel: his arguments and his apparent sincerity salauderie the trace of a hierarchy that has sacrificed as soon as the excitement of his positions took the wrong direction. Giddy and foolish Casino with depositors' money. The term describing the activity of banks in the markets is not a polemicist like myself crazy, but Peyrelevade, former chairman of Credit Lyonnais. All that I denounced in the HELP ... in the ass followed Finger banking deeply placed is confirmed by one of the main players who pushed for the After waiting voracious his superiors before being lynched when the winds were flouze easy adjustment. For the five billion loss put on his head, resulting in fifty billion position, he suggests that Societe Generale would have inflated its descent to better conceal losses of more interlopers.
Here! A curiosity: the beautiful French bank to have warned Poupouce flirts with Sachs disease that infects everything it wants.
The years go by, the testimony rears, relationships wither, comforting me in a careful indifference. Nothing to raise an unlimited membership. Finished the naivete of the convert.


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