Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
First Stages Of Chicken Pox
Icelandic Volcano Eyjafjöll: toxic cloud or not? Fluorine, sulfur, ash, "We do not tell us everything"
"feet on the ground but head in the clouds"
Image: Icelandic Met Office : Eyjafjallajökull eruption: This closed -Up Is taken at 8:30 p.m. Monday evening 19 April 2010 from a small airplane flying at 6000 ft (1.8 km).
C ike sometimes natural disasters for which there is little parade health authorities, if not fascinated for fans, we fully reassure .
Chernobyl, the cloud (having probably no visa, could not cross the border) then we could see that the East of France, Alsace, Jura, Drome, Corsica had received a lot of radio-elements. If the information had been given and even if there were not enough reserves of iodine to protect exposed populations, this would have the merit of transparency.
Crirad Image: Cesium 137 contamination
What is here?
Here, when we do not know much , we are told: "This cloud is toxic for aircraft have been grounded but not for the people!" . The smartest add with aplomb: " particles are so small that it fears nothing! "
Now is when the particles are very small that they penetrate deep into the lungs, in the bronchioles and alveoli.
How know? is actually quite simple:
In 1783 the Laki volcano, Iceland plunged Europe into chaos:
This volcano is part of a group erupts every 10 to 20 years and volcanologists know perfectly.
Laki image: wikipedia
It was a much larger eruption than what we observe, June 8, 1783 February 7, 1784. In the UK, the summer of 1783 is known as the "Summer Sand" because of the rain of ashes. The gases were carried by the convection of the eruption column at altitudes of 15 km. Aerosols created provoked a cooling throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Grímsvötn The volcano, which part of the Laki fissure, was also erupting from 1783 to 1785. effusion of gas, out of 8 million tons of fluorine and 120 million tons of sulfur dioxide gave rise across Europe in what is known as the "fog of Laki.
Health Consequences:
In Iceland:
About 80% of the herd of sheep, cattle 50%, 50% of horses died because of fluorosis, dental or bone due to 8 million tons of fluorine released
21% of the population died of famine from 1783 to 1784
In Europe:
Inhalation of sulfur gases caused an increase in mortality.
In Britain, records indicate that the mortality rate probably doubled or tripled in Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire and the east coast. 23,000 British died because of the cloud in August and September 1783. It is estimated that the winter 8000 caused far more deaths.
In France, records the Perch (Normandy) show a threefold increase in mortality during the three months following the eruption.
Climatic disturbances during the following years with hot summers with hail destroyed crops in 1788, followed by harsh winters bringing poverty and hunger could be a factor favoring the French Revolution.
Toxicity of Fluorine
A very low dose fluoride (As fluoride sodium or calcium) is not toxic. It even improves the strength of teeth and bones.
A higher dose it causes dental fluorosis which weakens the teeth and cause the death of livestock in Iceland.
At very high doses as can be found in agricultural insecticides, it is a very powerful poison. It blocks the respiratory activity of mitochondria and causes death very quickly.
It is used in biology, particularly in laboratories during the determination of blood glucose. The sample tubes sont fluorés afin d’empêcher les cellules de consommer le Glucose ce qui fausserait son taux.
Toxicity dioxide Sulphur
SO 2 is produced by volcanoes and various industrial processes. Rating
IARC Group 3: not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans
Inhalation: very toxic death, produces sulfurous acid in the lungs.
Skin: dangerous, corrosive, acid formation in contact with wet surfaces.
Eyes: dangerous, corrosive, acid formation in contact with wet surfaces.
Ingestion: relatively low toxicity, long-term effects unknown
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a medium or strong irritant . The majority of SO2 inhaled does not go further than the nose and throat. From tiny parties only reach the lungs, unless the person takes a deep breath, it breathes through the mouth or that the SO2 concentration is high.
The sensitivity varies among individuals, however, a short exposure (1 to 6 hours) at concentrations of only 1 ppm can cause a reversible decrease in lung function. An exhibition of 10 to 30 minutes at a concentration of only 5 ppm caused a constriction of the bronchioles. Effects were observed in one of the eleven volunteers exposed to a concentration of 1 ppm. A 20-minute exposure to a concentration of 8 ppm caused a reddening of the throat and irritation of the throat and nose. A concentration of about 20 ppm is uncomfortably irritating, even if some people work in the presence of concentrations exceeding 20 ppm. A concentration of 500 ppm is so unpleasant that a person can not even take a single deep breath.
ash toxicity:
Image: Fine ash particles for scanning electron microscopy (wikipedia).
The ash is generally composed of oxides of silica, iron and magnesium, associated with lots of substances, toxic metals to human health and the environment (lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, zinc, etc.). Icelandic volcanoes produce aerosols containing halogenated acid (fluoride) and sulfuric acid, causing a nuisance may be pathogenic for humans, animals and agriculture.
Image: Grain lava fell on my balcony on a microscope slide. "one broke his nose!" Size 15 to 20 microns Microscope Leitz Wetzlar Obj 40, shot Dr. Gamin
silica heated in the reactor bottom and becomes glass which sometimes leads to the shutdown. I will not go away (the aircraft for that matter) because I am a pediatrician and this is not my field, but in passing and remembering my old chemistry ...
Breathing volcanic ash , excluding sulfur, can cause problems for people with respiratory ailments. Their abrasive surfaces can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. The combination of ash and moisture of the lungs can turn into a liquid cement impairing breathing. Therefore it is recommended in cases of high exposure to breathe through a cloth or mask. (There are masks of the flu, thank you Madame Bachelot ! But there is no vaccine!)
During a rain of ashes, the sky looks hazy or yellowish and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air.
the eruption of Vesuvius in 1906, the collapse of the roof of the church of San Giuseppe Vesuviano, caused by the rain of ashes, killing all 105 people who had taken refuge there to pray.
What about for continental Europe?
Image: Natural Resources Canada
The cloud (Icelandic is Office) and satellite view May 17
The eruption at the moment seems to be less violent than in 1773 , but the lives of volcanoes measured in geologic time in centuries or millennia. But we will continue to live as best as possible.
"Of course, I hope that this eruption will remain low, as most of those that occurred during the past 500 years in this massive (3 major eruptions), but in this period where everything is blur, a bit of information can not hurt "
Eyjafjallajökull eruption at Noon 8th May 2010. Photo: Gunnar B. Guðmundsson.
On May 11, 2010: The ice is covered with ashes
Eyjafjallajökull, and Gígjökull in front at 10:58 today, 11 May 2010. Photo: Sigurlaug Hjaltadóttir.
; ; Photo Iceland Met Office
Last minute: for now, the fluoride level of water Auvergne has not budged.
Marie Laure Clauzet
City of Clermont Ferrand
Directorate of Water and Sanitation
Head of Laboratory Control of Water
I thank her very much for quick answers, but it is too early to a final opinion. Expect in April 2011.
keywords: airplane, fluorine, sulfur, toxic, volcano, eruption, lung
"feet on the ground but head in the clouds"
Image: Icelandic Met Office : Eyjafjallajökull eruption: This closed -Up Is taken at 8:30 p.m. Monday evening 19 April 2010 from a small airplane flying at 6000 ft (1.8 km).
Chernobyl, the cloud (having probably no visa, could not cross the border) then we could see that the East of France, Alsace, Jura, Drome, Corsica had received a lot of radio-elements. If the information had been given and even if there were not enough reserves of iodine to protect exposed populations, this would have the merit of transparency.
Crirad Image: Cesium 137 contamination
What is here?
Here, when we do not know much , we are told: "This cloud is toxic for aircraft have been grounded but not for the people!" . The smartest add with aplomb: " particles are so small that it fears nothing! "
Now is when the particles are very small that they penetrate deep into the lungs, in the bronchioles and alveoli.
How know? is actually quite simple:
In 1783 the Laki volcano, Iceland plunged Europe into chaos:
This volcano is part of a group erupts every 10 to 20 years and volcanologists know perfectly.
Laki image: wikipedia
It was a much larger eruption than what we observe, June 8, 1783 February 7, 1784. In the UK, the summer of 1783 is known as the "Summer Sand" because of the rain of ashes. The gases were carried by the convection of the eruption column at altitudes of 15 km. Aerosols created provoked a cooling throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Grímsvötn The volcano, which part of the Laki fissure, was also erupting from 1783 to 1785. effusion of gas, out of 8 million tons of fluorine and 120 million tons of sulfur dioxide gave rise across Europe in what is known as the "fog of Laki.
Health Consequences:
In Iceland:
About 80% of the herd of sheep, cattle 50%, 50% of horses died because of fluorosis, dental or bone due to 8 million tons of fluorine released
21% of the population died of famine from 1783 to 1784
In Europe:
Inhalation of sulfur gases caused an increase in mortality.
In Britain, records indicate that the mortality rate probably doubled or tripled in Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire and the east coast. 23,000 British died because of the cloud in August and September 1783. It is estimated that the winter 8000 caused far more deaths.
In France, records the Perch (Normandy) show a threefold increase in mortality during the three months following the eruption.
Climatic disturbances during the following years with hot summers with hail destroyed crops in 1788, followed by harsh winters bringing poverty and hunger could be a factor favoring the French Revolution.
Toxicity of Fluorine
A very low dose fluoride (As fluoride sodium or calcium) is not toxic. It even improves the strength of teeth and bones.
A higher dose it causes dental fluorosis which weakens the teeth and cause the death of livestock in Iceland.
At very high doses as can be found in agricultural insecticides, it is a very powerful poison. It blocks the respiratory activity of mitochondria and causes death very quickly.
It is used in biology, particularly in laboratories during the determination of blood glucose. The sample tubes sont fluorés afin d’empêcher les cellules de consommer le Glucose ce qui fausserait son taux.
Is the ash dangerous ? Extrait du site de Iceland Met C'est de l'anglais facile.
Yes, the fluorine is dangerous to livestock. The fine ash can also effect human health, for example the respiratory system. The fluorine content is approximately 850 mg/kg according to chemical analysis carried out by the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, on a sample taken 19 April. An earlier sample since 14 April only measured 25-35 mg/kg of fluorine because the water vapour from melting ice Rinsed The Ash. When The eruption progressed, water Became less accessible.Toxicity dioxide Sulphur
SO 2 is produced by volcanoes and various industrial processes. Rating
IARC Group 3: not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans
Inhalation: very toxic death, produces sulfurous acid in the lungs.
Skin: dangerous, corrosive, acid formation in contact with wet surfaces.
Eyes: dangerous, corrosive, acid formation in contact with wet surfaces.
Ingestion: relatively low toxicity, long-term effects unknown
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a medium or strong irritant . The majority of SO2 inhaled does not go further than the nose and throat. From tiny parties only reach the lungs, unless the person takes a deep breath, it breathes through the mouth or that the SO2 concentration is high.
The sensitivity varies among individuals, however, a short exposure (1 to 6 hours) at concentrations of only 1 ppm can cause a reversible decrease in lung function. An exhibition of 10 to 30 minutes at a concentration of only 5 ppm caused a constriction of the bronchioles. Effects were observed in one of the eleven volunteers exposed to a concentration of 1 ppm. A 20-minute exposure to a concentration of 8 ppm caused a reddening of the throat and irritation of the throat and nose. A concentration of about 20 ppm is uncomfortably irritating, even if some people work in the presence of concentrations exceeding 20 ppm. A concentration of 500 ppm is so unpleasant that a person can not even take a single deep breath.
ash toxicity:
Image: Fine ash particles for scanning electron microscopy (wikipedia).
The ash is generally composed of oxides of silica, iron and magnesium, associated with lots of substances, toxic metals to human health and the environment (lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, zinc, etc.). Icelandic volcanoes produce aerosols containing halogenated acid (fluoride) and sulfuric acid, causing a nuisance may be pathogenic for humans, animals and agriculture.
silica heated in the reactor bottom and becomes glass which sometimes leads to the shutdown. I will not go away (the aircraft for that matter) because I am a pediatrician and this is not my field, but in passing and remembering my old chemistry ...
Breathing volcanic ash , excluding sulfur, can cause problems for people with respiratory ailments. Their abrasive surfaces can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. The combination of ash and moisture of the lungs can turn into a liquid cement impairing breathing. Therefore it is recommended in cases of high exposure to breathe through a cloth or mask. (There are masks of the flu, thank you Madame Bachelot ! But there is no vaccine!)
During a rain of ashes, the sky looks hazy or yellowish and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air.
the eruption of Vesuvius in 1906, the collapse of the roof of the church of San Giuseppe Vesuviano, caused by the rain of ashes, killing all 105 people who had taken refuge there to pray.
What about for continental Europe?
Image: Natural Resources Canada
The cloud (Icelandic is Office) and satellite view May 17
The eruption at the moment seems to be less violent than in 1773 , but the lives of volcanoes measured in geologic time in centuries or millennia. But we will continue to live as best as possible.
We're far enough, which significantly reduces the risk.
all depends on the weather, the persistence and extent of the eruption.
all depends on the weather, the persistence and extent of the eruption.
If the wind comes from the north and that the volcano spews :
Do not walk in the rain (SO ² + H ² O = Sulfuric Acid = "average" health, even if c is natural! )
Avoid running or long walks too.
And for our children, we can stop the fluorine this year. Do not walk in the rain (SO ² + H ² O = Sulfuric Acid = "average" health, even if c is natural! )
Avoid running or long walks too.
"Of course, I hope that this eruption will remain low, as most of those that occurred during the past 500 years in this massive (3 major eruptions), but in this period where everything is blur, a bit of information can not hurt "
Le Monde on 21 / April 2010
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
For more information: For Science No. 392 June 2010 p 70-76 Michel Detay: the Eyjafjöll, radiography of a volcano that plume.
Eyjafjöll activity of the volcano, May 8, 2010. Image: Icelandic Meteorological Office:
For more information: For Science No. 392 June 2010 p 70-76 Michel Detay: the Eyjafjöll, radiography of a volcano that plume.
Eyjafjöll activity of the volcano, May 8, 2010. Image: Icelandic Meteorological Office:
Eyjafjallajökull eruption at Noon 8th May 2010. Photo: Gunnar B. Guðmundsson.
On May 11, 2010: The ice is covered with ashes
Eyjafjallajökull, and Gígjökull in front at 10:58 today, 11 May 2010. Photo: Sigurlaug Hjaltadóttir.
Seljavellir Ashes to May 18, 2010. This locality is at a fifteen miles west of the volcano Photo: Ari Tryggvason.
Photo Iceland Met Office Actuellement (1 juin 2010) l'activité sismique et éruptive du volcan est suspendue, mais rien ne dit que ça va durer.
Nuage de cendres sur Rekjavik le 4 juin 2010 (Pour ceux qui regrettent de ne pas être allé en Islande)
Photoshop Iceland Met Office ; ;
June 14, 2010 the volcano is quiet during these days, seismic activity is stopped since May 6 However, the south wind blew the ash towards the capital, creating a few worries
Last minute: for now, the fluoride level of water Auvergne has not budged.
Marie Laure Clauzet
City of Clermont Ferrand
Directorate of Water and Sanitation
Head of Laboratory Control of Water
I thank her very much for quick answers, but it is too early to a final opinion. Expect in April 2011.
Updated: October 20, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Abnormal Lab Results In Cellulitis
Lyon welcomed me here more than ten years and its size fills my life choices. The city encouraged to chew my breath indignant evildoers, they are rampant in the cities or concentration camp in the financial markets. So here: I view my anchor in this urban proportions to better ventilated to castigate all is inconvenient when a corona, as soon as a pestilence needed.
What is it in the news in recent weeks? Moscow Metropolitan burst its depths by two wenches to hold explosive. Obama and Sarkozy léchouillent to the media gallery. Justice French of Twisted remakes his shot responsible-but-not-guilty inspired by the absolution Georgina Dufoix: Total pognes brush away. the FARC, the morons arrant Ramdam Criminal, Free, but drop by drop. Bayrou continues its stop sign and political death: his few relatives still believe (as Cunegonde who wants cheese ...) bichonnent their ostrich hole. Baball always fuck the football as much fecal matter and gives the lively exchanges on zinc. The Vatican cumulative deviance: it hides its face and locked her Brothel, hoping that one sympathizes with his plight of members pédomanes (according to the correct term proposed by the inspired Odon Vallet).
Let this sickening diners of mushy food. Irresistible urge to listen to Albert Dupontel: About reverse moods soothing and lobotomized the moment (although this period is worth the other, no more no less). Rare in the media, he says not to bear the moments promotional pieces produced. A keen intelligence of skinned indomitable s'économisant do not self-criticism, in despair over the inevitable death as the horizon of existence. Between anxiety and derision, a humanity that cleans postures molded to blend in communities formatted.
My freedom is not living with my art. Remain without pressure other than the irrepressible need to express, to scrap cons nicks revolutionary guards hiding under pseudonyms, to say the risk of contradicting himself and does not fit into ideological boxes expected. Neither right nor left, neither green nor grotty polluter: modest observer who lets his conscience grow in suspension system. A model that seeks to reflexes that resist dirty, obscene excesses that again ...
Bruno Sachs lugging around his untreatable disease. Goldman did better: Sachs disease infects the surrounding! A hushed frenzy to accumulate financial tumbling, especially when practical to do so, is torchent with the basic principles of a life respectful of the community. This symbol of financial hypertrophy, that states can not let collapse under penalty of chaos with no return, cultivates the impunity of hooliganism luxury. Playing both ways, controlling his opponents and his apparent accomplices to better squeeze in time, siphoning all sources maximize profits for its power ... Is there not a new form of crime against humanity? No blood shed, no intention to eliminate such section of the population, but a set of strategies that make captor risking global economic system from imploding before allowing the emergence of new barbarism.
In September 2009, Guillaume Durand was a witness to the former trader Kerviel: his arguments and his apparent sincerity salauderie the trace of a hierarchy that has sacrificed as soon as the excitement of his positions took the wrong direction. Giddy and foolish Casino with depositors' money. The term describing the activity of banks in the markets is not a polemicist like myself crazy, but Peyrelevade, former chairman of Credit Lyonnais. All that I denounced in the HELP ... in the ass followed Finger banking deeply placed is confirmed by one of the main players who pushed for the After waiting voracious his superiors before being lynched when the winds were flouze easy adjustment. For the five billion loss put on his head, resulting in fifty billion position, he suggests that Societe Generale would have inflated its descent to better conceal losses of more interlopers.
Here! A curiosity: the beautiful French bank to have warned Poupouce flirts with Sachs disease that infects everything it wants.
The years go by, the testimony rears, relationships wither, comforting me in a careful indifference. Nothing to raise an unlimited membership. Finished the naivete of the convert.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Is Tanning Bad After A Wax?
the newborn: the first days at home: everything you want to know and you will no doubt confirm your pediatrician
We will take the chronological order of questions
questions at the first consultation:
A. Breastfeeding:
1. How I know if my baby is nursing enough?
The only way to know is to observe the evolution of weight. It is estimated by observing the cheeks, thighs. I do not recommend the use of a balance . In case of trouble, SOS pediatrician is more efficient because you will be reassured or SOS pharmacy always weighed the same clothes. The duration of breastfeeding varies widely but babies take 80% of their ration during the first 5 minutes. The rest is the mother-child relationship, it's personal. Milk composition varies : at first it's the water that quenches in the end it is the cream that nourishes. To suck the cream must be hungry and therefore wait a bit before the next meal . However, the number of feeds varies, if the baby and mother are well, never mind.
2. My milk is he eating?
This question is sometimes. The answer is simple: breast milk is always excellent . Sometimes, if the mother is tired after a caesarean section or because of an unexpected illness or depressed, she may have less milk. Then the baby feeds more often and the mother gets tired. Sometimes you give a few bottles of supplements (milk allergy).
3. My baby feeds all the time, I cracked that do?
In the womb of its mother, the baby is fed continuously by cord (intravenous feeding), which brings him everything he needs. It sometimes has a need to suck: he sucks his thumb in the womb of its mother!
When he was born, he should run his gut is quite different. Meals are intermittent. The baby has to adapt, the mother too. In addition, the meal is often a time of fun, strong relationship with the mother. However digestion lasts 2 to 3 hours, so it's the usual time it takes to leave between meals.
I the must therefore negotiate hard enough to reconcile the often close to the real needs of mothers desire and the desire of the child.
fewer the meal, the less colic. It a small argument sometimes appreciated.
The current trend is for breastfeeding on demand, but some babies require non-stop, it is not reasonable! And mom does it become? To cope, one solution: to negotiate.
4. My baby has diarrhea:
A breastfed child has loose stools whose frequency varies from once per feeding to one every three days. The stools are yellow gold with small lumps often recalling "mustard the former.
A baby can have acute diarrhea: is the increase in stool volume and different look that alert .
5 How long does it take nursing?
Weather at your convenience. This may be a single feeding if desired or 6 years, the record in my office (which I do not advise). When you do not know, we can try and stop if it goes wrong. In Europe there is no problem, the water is clean and families can buy milk powder. But make no mistake, I am a staunch supporter of e breastfeeding within, but only when the mother wants. In poor countries the situation is quite different and breastfeeding may be the primary means of survival for babies and the only economical solution possible.
BL'allaitement bottle:
I've already written: the merchants are milks are very good milks. It is inefficient and stupid to try to convince a mother who does not wish to breastfeed
1.How many meals and how much?.
For a term infant older than one week, you can count on 5-7 meals a day.
The amount depends on the number of meals, season, temperature of the room, the hunger of the child especially. For guidance, we can use the following formula or read the information boxes of milk:
daily amount of milk = (weight / 10) + 250 + / - 100 ml but is merely indicative. It is as if we say that the average French shoe size 39 and it only manufactures the 39. It will not be for everyone.
Children light must catch and eat sometimes more.
2. milk What to choose?
The cheapest is the best : 5 manufacturers for 200 marks. A novelty every 15 days is worse than the layers ! Everything is business. But marketing is very powerful.
milks are all alike. Toddler milk base is most often the case. You can compare prices.
Can I change brands?
course they look alike, provided remain in the same category.
3. What water bottles?
After three months, when the child puts everything in his mouth, tap water is perfectly the case unless you made great work in the street, or if you live near a large livestock (nitrates) or in the Vosges (sulfate) or in a campaign with unoccupied homes with blind pipes. Before three months, it is surely excellent but few parents are ready to use. If you must use a water bottle, take a slightly demineralized water produced in your region. Transportation by truck increases the pollution of the planet.
4. Bottles: plastic or glass?
The bottles are like tools requires quality . The big brands are fine. Better to have 1 or 2 bottles of good quality that 6 mediocre with an air intake bad.
Glass is heavier and breaks, but the plastic ages or melts in the pan if there is more water during sterilization. In any case you need a good brand.
No Bisphenol A in the glass, but the good brands have removed the plastic bisphenol (see labeling). Image
wikipedia (pharmaceutical Dorvault Catalog 1862 - Page 194
Source: Ludogrid 2006)
5. Teats: Rubber or silicone?
For teats I prefer the rubber with holes rather than silicone variable rate going to greatest. Rubber teats can be softened by boiling a few minutes when the meal is too long.
6. Can I prepare bottles in advance? NO
or no more than four hours before, because it increases the risk of infection and no one wins not much time.
7. Should we sterilize bottles? YES:
The current trend is not to be sterilized. We forgot the milk cow just waiting to infect the intestine because of the calf needs lots of microbes for rumination. But the milk powder is only milk cow cleverly cobbled then sterilize baby bottles of milk. After 3 or 4 months when the child is wearing just his mouth, we can stop, but we must remain maniaque.Ceux who are fortunate to have a machine to wash the dishes can use it to wash the bottles. The temperature reached during drying is adequate to kill microbes.
C. Questions bulk
1. My child confuses day and night:
And during pregnancy, he slept at night?
should leave him a little time. The day / night rhythm is set up between 1-3 months.
2.How know when my baby is sick?
The best thing is to study medicine, specializing in pediatrics. It's a little long!
Otherwise must assess the situation yourself :
On second thought, it's pretty easy. can say " A child is not sick when he looks healthy " and if you have a concern " SOS Pediatrician, informs and reassures "
Kate Greenway, from man to the flute, Hachette 1889
3. My baby does not like washing the nose.
He is absolutely right. I never understood why in some maternity hospitals, we show mothers the technique of washing and wiping the nose with a systematic fine cotton turtleneck. This is part of barbarity totally unnecessary. Babies often breathe in noise, and these methods do not change. They must be stopped. It is only useful if the baby is downright cold. Similarly to the eyes and ears.
4. Another thought: my girlfriend's baby squeaker squeaker ... etc. ..
girlfriend's baby, not yours. Each is different and it is perfect is better. The girl can not help but be happy for her. Some children are surprisingly easy, especially with other rebels, and most moderately cool . Anyway, it without instructions, returned or exchanged . We must improvise. Most parents are doing really well .
5. Sometimes I assume most, I crack
(ie "I'm sick of this baby I want to get rid of it) is quite normal. Before you were quiet and now there's this new character that depends entirely on you and which is sometimes very demanding. It's enough to crack. Pediatrician myself, I sometimes thought that sometimes I could "sell one"! (But you can not find a buyer for a break-up) or "lost in the woods!" (But the police report and it is the beginning of a very very big trouble: do not!). So I kept all my children and I do not regret it. It was not easy every day. Brats! They are great!
6. And cow's milk from our great grand-mothers?
In fact they are not mothers who ask this question, it's me, a pediatric nutritionist who wonder why it uses so little cow's milk. I'm probably a bit "influenced by the single thought", marketing is very powerful!
our great grandmothers, it's a bit far for our babies today. At these times, it was still at the laundry! But everything is questionable and possible. You will find little pediatricians sufficiently nutritionists and a little rebellious to guide you along this path. It should be on top of nutrition, or throw them unconscious for . Possibly. This was done at the beginning of my studies and no one died but it is a bit more complicated . For economic reasons, it is perfectly feasible.
not be forgotten however that " cow's milk is made for calves " . We must take precautions.
"Every child is different. It's not easy being a parent. But it's OK, it works. Fortunately there is no manual because you could not always apply. Improvisation reasoned remains sovereign. "
images" weighing, nipples, small bottles of milk, are from the beautiful book by Marie Claude Delahaye: "Nipples and Teats history breastfeeding "Ed Frame
This time there are no references because it is an article a little messy," the daily living " from my experience as a pediatrician and father.
to find references and to learn more:
The umbilical cord, placenta, mom, baby.
Bottle-feeding: what milk to choose?
We will take the chronological order of questions
questions at the first consultation:
A. Breastfeeding:
1. How I know if my baby is nursing enough?
The only way to know is to observe the evolution of weight. It is estimated by observing the cheeks, thighs. I do not recommend the use of a balance . In case of trouble, SOS pediatrician is more efficient because you will be reassured or SOS pharmacy always weighed the same clothes. The duration of breastfeeding varies widely but babies take 80% of their ration during the first 5 minutes. The rest is the mother-child relationship, it's personal. Milk composition varies : at first it's the water that quenches in the end it is the cream that nourishes. To suck the cream must be hungry and therefore wait a bit before the next meal . However, the number of feeds varies, if the baby and mother are well, never mind.
2. My milk is he eating?
This question is sometimes. The answer is simple: breast milk is always excellent . Sometimes, if the mother is tired after a caesarean section or because of an unexpected illness or depressed, she may have less milk. Then the baby feeds more often and the mother gets tired. Sometimes you give a few bottles of supplements (milk allergy).
3. My baby feeds all the time, I cracked that do?
In the womb of its mother, the baby is fed continuously by cord (intravenous feeding), which brings him everything he needs. It sometimes has a need to suck: he sucks his thumb in the womb of its mother!
When he was born, he should run his gut is quite different. Meals are intermittent. The baby has to adapt, the mother too. In addition, the meal is often a time of fun, strong relationship with the mother. However digestion lasts 2 to 3 hours, so it's the usual time it takes to leave between meals.
I the must therefore negotiate hard enough to reconcile the often close to the real needs of mothers desire and the desire of the child.
fewer the meal, the less colic. It a small argument sometimes appreciated.
The current trend is for breastfeeding on demand, but some babies require non-stop, it is not reasonable! And mom does it become? To cope, one solution: to negotiate.
4. My baby has diarrhea:
A breastfed child has loose stools whose frequency varies from once per feeding to one every three days. The stools are yellow gold with small lumps often recalling "mustard the former.
A baby can have acute diarrhea: is the increase in stool volume and different look that alert .
5 How long does it take nursing?
Weather at your convenience. This may be a single feeding if desired or 6 years, the record in my office (which I do not advise). When you do not know, we can try and stop if it goes wrong. In Europe there is no problem, the water is clean and families can buy milk powder. But make no mistake, I am a staunch supporter of e breastfeeding within, but only when the mother wants. In poor countries the situation is quite different and breastfeeding may be the primary means of survival for babies and the only economical solution possible.
BL'allaitement bottle:
I've already written: the merchants are milks are very good milks. It is inefficient and stupid to try to convince a mother who does not wish to breastfeed
1.How many meals and how much?.
For a term infant older than one week, you can count on 5-7 meals a day.
The amount depends on the number of meals, season, temperature of the room, the hunger of the child especially. For guidance, we can use the following formula or read the information boxes of milk:
daily amount of milk = (weight / 10) + 250 + / - 100 ml but is merely indicative. It is as if we say that the average French shoe size 39 and it only manufactures the 39. It will not be for everyone.
Children light must catch and eat sometimes more.
2. milk What to choose?
The cheapest is the best : 5 manufacturers for 200 marks. A novelty every 15 days is worse than the layers ! Everything is business. But marketing is very powerful.
milks are all alike. Toddler milk base is most often the case. You can compare prices.
Can I change brands?
course they look alike, provided remain in the same category.
3. What water bottles?
After three months, when the child puts everything in his mouth, tap water is perfectly the case unless you made great work in the street, or if you live near a large livestock (nitrates) or in the Vosges (sulfate) or in a campaign with unoccupied homes with blind pipes. Before three months, it is surely excellent but few parents are ready to use. If you must use a water bottle, take a slightly demineralized water produced in your region. Transportation by truck increases the pollution of the planet.
4. Bottles: plastic or glass?
The bottles are like tools requires quality . The big brands are fine. Better to have 1 or 2 bottles of good quality that 6 mediocre with an air intake bad.
Glass is heavier and breaks, but the plastic ages or melts in the pan if there is more water during sterilization. In any case you need a good brand.
No Bisphenol A in the glass, but the good brands have removed the plastic bisphenol (see labeling). Image
wikipedia (pharmaceutical Dorvault Catalog 1862 - Page 194
Source: Ludogrid 2006)
5. Teats: Rubber or silicone?
For teats I prefer the rubber with holes rather than silicone variable rate going to greatest. Rubber teats can be softened by boiling a few minutes when the meal is too long.
6. Can I prepare bottles in advance? NO
or no more than four hours before, because it increases the risk of infection and no one wins not much time.
7. Should we sterilize bottles? YES:
The current trend is not to be sterilized. We forgot the milk cow just waiting to infect the intestine because of the calf needs lots of microbes for rumination. But the milk powder is only milk cow cleverly cobbled then sterilize baby bottles of milk. After 3 or 4 months when the child is wearing just his mouth, we can stop, but we must remain maniaque.Ceux who are fortunate to have a machine to wash the dishes can use it to wash the bottles. The temperature reached during drying is adequate to kill microbes.
C. Questions bulk
1. My child confuses day and night:
And during pregnancy, he slept at night?
should leave him a little time. The day / night rhythm is set up between 1-3 months.
2.How know when my baby is sick?
The best thing is to study medicine, specializing in pediatrics. It's a little long!
Otherwise must assess the situation yourself :
On second thought, it's pretty easy. can say " A child is not sick when he looks healthy " and if you have a concern " SOS Pediatrician, informs and reassures "
Kate Greenway, from man to the flute, Hachette 1889
3. My baby does not like washing the nose.
He is absolutely right. I never understood why in some maternity hospitals, we show mothers the technique of washing and wiping the nose with a systematic fine cotton turtleneck. This is part of barbarity totally unnecessary. Babies often breathe in noise, and these methods do not change. They must be stopped. It is only useful if the baby is downright cold. Similarly to the eyes and ears.
4. Another thought: my girlfriend's baby squeaker squeaker ... etc. ..
girlfriend's baby, not yours. Each is different and it is perfect is better. The girl can not help but be happy for her. Some children are surprisingly easy, especially with other rebels, and most moderately cool . Anyway, it without instructions, returned or exchanged . We must improvise. Most parents are doing really well .
5. Sometimes I assume most, I crack
(ie "I'm sick of this baby I want to get rid of it) is quite normal. Before you were quiet and now there's this new character that depends entirely on you and which is sometimes very demanding. It's enough to crack. Pediatrician myself, I sometimes thought that sometimes I could "sell one"! (But you can not find a buyer for a break-up) or "lost in the woods!" (But the police report and it is the beginning of a very very big trouble: do not!). So I kept all my children and I do not regret it. It was not easy every day. Brats! They are great!
6. And cow's milk from our great grand-mothers?
In fact they are not mothers who ask this question, it's me, a pediatric nutritionist who wonder why it uses so little cow's milk. I'm probably a bit "influenced by the single thought", marketing is very powerful!
our great grandmothers, it's a bit far for our babies today. At these times, it was still at the laundry! But everything is questionable and possible. You will find little pediatricians sufficiently nutritionists and a little rebellious to guide you along this path. It should be on top of nutrition, or throw them unconscious for . Possibly. This was done at the beginning of my studies and no one died but it is a bit more complicated . For economic reasons, it is perfectly feasible.
not be forgotten however that " cow's milk is made for calves " . We must take precautions.
"Every child is different. It's not easy being a parent. But it's OK, it works. Fortunately there is no manual because you could not always apply. Improvisation reasoned remains sovereign. "
images" weighing, nipples, small bottles of milk, are from the beautiful book by Marie Claude Delahaye: "Nipples and Teats history breastfeeding "Ed Frame
This time there are no references because it is an article a little messy," the daily living " from my experience as a pediatrician and father.
to find references and to learn more:
The umbilical cord, placenta, mom, baby.
Bottle-feeding: what milk to choose?
How Can I Masterbate A Woman
levels and challenges
Many of you ask questions on achieving certain securities and / or emblems (sample questions: What level should I have for the Slaughterer Noob?, Why I did not get the title while I managed to make 3 knives ?,... without dying).
Here is the level it takes to unlock these challenges, as well as in retail to do.
Forgive me if this list is not complete (I miss some II / III or a few challenges), but I will publish it as and when my progress or any aid received. If you find any errors (unlikely but not impossible), or if you know the nature of the II / III or certain challenges, do not hesitate to report it, I'd be happy to correct;)
Caution: When you pass a Prestige, you return to Level 1 and thus these challenges again become dimmed (as if you start the game for the first time). If you have not done a challenge and then you spend your Prestige, it will wait again for the Minimum Level for this challenge and to get the title / Emblem appropriate.
From Level 5
Arms main
I would not retail for that category
Secondary Weapons
I would not retail for that category
I would not retail for that category
* In the dark: Prevent inserts 25 * Remove Tactical
Tactic: Kill 25 players appearing with a tactical insertion * Granada
I / II / III: Kill 10 / 25 / 50 with grenades *
bombings I / II / III : Place the pomegranate Semtex 5 / 15 / 30 players
When you unlock the knife Run at level 7 *
Forain I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 players Throwing knife *
is personal! : To injure an enemy, then finish it with a knife * You Throw
you see that? Kill someone with a knife to start being blinded or stunned by a grenade
When you unlock the claymores at level 31
* Captain Claymore I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies with Claymores
When you unlock the insertion at level 11 Tactical
* Devil Spring I / II / III : Kill an enemy within 5 seconds your tactical insertion (10 / 25 / 50 times) When you
've mastered the shield explosions at level 19
* Thick steel I / II / III : Surviving 10 / 25 / 50 explosions using the shield explosion
When you unlock the C4 level 41 Adept
* C4 I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies with C4
From Level 6
Training Base
* Camouflage in the Mist I / II / III : Kill 50 / 100 / 200 enemies with a single rifle precision shooting
* crouching I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies while crouching
* Shoots elongated I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 lying down
* Fire Support I / II / III: Get 5 / 15 / 30 audience
* x-ray vision I / II / III: Kill 2 / 5 / 15 enemies across the face with the penetrating power of bullets
* Flashback I / II / III : Destroy 2 / 5 / 15 equipment enemies
From Level 7
* fly swatter: Shoot down an enemy helicopter
* Vandalism: Destroying a car
* Farewell To fall at least 9 feet and die
* Base Jump: Fall of at least 4.5 meters and survive
From Level 10
* Winner Melee General I / II / III: Complete 1st, 2nd or 3rd in 3 / 5 / 10 games mode Melee General
* Teamwork I / II / III : Win 5 / 15 / 30 Team Deathmatch * Winner
Rech and Battlecr I / II / III : Win 5 / XX / XX games in search mode and Destruction
* Best player Deathmatch by Team: Playing a MRS and get the best score overall
* Teamwork Hardcore I / II / III : Win a / 5 / 15 game to death Team Hardcore
* Winner of Sabotage I / II / III : Win 5 / 25 / 50 games in Sabotage mode
From Level 12
* Best Hardcore Team Player : Win a Hardcore MS with the highest score
* Bomb destroyed: Killing a bomber mode Sabotage or Search and Destroy
* Defender Bombs I / II / III Kill 3 / 10 / XX enemies while they defuse a bomb
* Preventing explosions I / II / III Kill 3 / 10 / XX enemies while they pose a bomb
* Désamorçeur I / II : Defusing 2 / 10 Bombs
* Last Man: Being the last survivor mode Search and Destroy * Saboteur
I / II : Ask 2 / 10 Bombs
From Level 16
Series eliminations
* Discovered I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 drones
* Airmail I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 strategic parcels
* Interference I / II / III : Request 5 / 25 / 50 drones interference
* Sentinel (Veteran) I / II / III : ask 5 / 25 / 50 automatic turrets
* Air-Sol I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 Predator missile bombardment
* (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 precision bombing
* Vertical Takeoff I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 bombing
* Harrier Attack Helicopter (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 attack helicopters
* Special Delivery I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 Larage air emergency
* Giant 21-ton I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 Pave Low
From Level 21
* Bombing Stealth (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 stealth bombing
* Helicopter Gunner (Veteran) I / II / III : Request 3 / 10 / 25 helicopter gunners
* AC-130 (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 AC-130 * Cut
I / II / III : Ask 2 / 5 / 10 bombs EMI
* Stop Part I / II / III : Ask 2 / 5 / 10 nuclear bombs in
* Radar Approach I / II / III: Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 drones or UAVs interference
* Bombing imminent I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 Precision bombing, shelling or bombing Stealth Harrier
* Helicopter on approach I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 armed helicopters airdrop *
imminent I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 fund airdrop with a strategic package, an automatic turret and airdrop emergency
From Level 26
* Expert assault I / II / III: Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies a shot in the head with an assault rifle
* Exp. machine guns. I / II / III Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies with a shot in the head with a submachine gun
* Exp. Rifle-machine guns. I / II / III Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies with a shot in the head with a submachine gun
* Surgical Precision: Empty a magazine full of rifles assault on the enemy in missing the target
* Mach 5: Empty a magazine full of submachine gun at enemies without missing the target
* Dictator: Empty charger full of machine guns at enemies without missing the target
* Perfectionist: Empty an entire magazine of the Sniper Rifle on enemies without missing the target
From Level 31
* Multi Launcher Rocket I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with one shot or GA-AT4 rocket launchers ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Claymore
I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with a single claymore ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Multi
Fragmentation I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with one grenade fragmentation ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Multi
C4 I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with a single charge of C4 ( 5 / 25 / 50 times)
* A two things: Kill 2 enemies at least one Marksmanship
* Perfect: Play an entire match without being killed
* Fearless: Kill 10 enemies in a game without dying
* Spirit Pack: Kill multiple enemies by placing Semtex on one of them born
* Killer: Successful 3 shots at long distance in one lifetime
* Shooter (pro): Kill at least 2 enemies with a bullet in the head with one shot
* Airport: Make a series of 2 eliminations being shot in the air
From Level 35
Killing Blows
* drop boxes: Get Killcam Victory by dropping a crate on an enemy
* Killer absent: Get Killcam Victory with automatic turret
* Key Final: Get Killcam Victory with a precision bombing
* The total: Get Killcam Victory with a Harrier
* HQ: Victory Killcam Get a Helicopter Attack
* Supercoptère: Get Killcam Victory with a Pave Low
* Killer Technology: Get a Killcam Victory with a stealth bomber
From Level 37
* High definition: Get a Victory Killcam Helicopter gunner
* The Death From Above: Get Killcam Victory with an AC-130
* Incredible: Kill an enemy with a knife to get into Victory Killcam
* PWNED: Kill an enemy in melee with shield riot in Killcam Victory
* Killer Drones Kill an enemy with a missile in the Predator Killcam Victory
* Glue Pot: Place of Semtex on an enemy in the Killcam Victory
* Last resort: Kill an enemy or Baroud d'Honneur in the last battle Killcam Victory
From Level 41
* Hot Potato I / II / III Kill 5 / XX / XX enemies with grenades returned
* Car bomb I / II Kill 5 / 10 enemies by destroying cars
* Pro's knife in the back: Stab an enemy in the back
* Slowly but surely: Kill an enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade
* Kamikaze: Kill an enemy while you with a live hand grenades launched non
* Ouch: Kill an enemy with a grenade launcher mounted on a rifle without explosion (Head Direct) *
Rival: Kill 5 When the same enemy during a game
* Cruelty: Kill an enemy, take his weapon and then kill him again with his weapon
From Level 43
* Catch! : Complete an enemy by touching it with a fragmentation grenade (Direct Kick)
* Catch! (Stun grenades): Complete an enemy by touching it with a stun grenade (Direct Kick)
* Catch! (Granada Flash): Finish by touching an enemy with a grenade Flash (Head Direct)
* Return to Sender: Kill an enemy by shooting their own explosives
* Shooting blind: Kill an enemy while being stunned by a grenade Flash
* Forced Landing Kill an enemy who is in the air
* Extreme Cruelty: Kill all the members of the opposing team (4 enemies at least) without dying
* Tango eliminated: kill all members of the opposing team (4 enemies at least) * Anti-
best player: Kill 10 times the No. 1 player on the opposing team during a single game
From Level 47
* Our master! : Get a revenge victory in Killcam
* The Color of Money I / II : Get revenge with a shot in the head ( 5 / 25 times)
* ROI I / II : Get revenge with a fragmentation grenade ( 5 / 25 times)
* Loan: Get revenge adhering to the target
* Time is money! I / II : Get revenge with Semtex (5 / 25 times)
* Identity Thief: Get revenge with class killer imitator
* Robin Hood I / II : Get revenge by Baroud d'honneur ( 5 / 25 times)
* ATM: Get revenge with a knife launch
* I'm rich! I / II : Get revenge with C4 ( 5 / 25 times)
* Sauté the bank: Get revenge with a Claymore
From Level 53 Elite
Precipice: Make a series of at least 3 eliminations are dying (red screen flashing) * Exchange
fast: Touch an enemy main weapon, then finish the gun
star * Player: Playing a full game of any type with a ratio eliminations / 5 with 1 dead
* What is ... ? Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a wall with the penetrating power of the bullet
* Dominos: Kill an enemy by setting off explosions chain
* Chief I / II / III Kill 5 / 10 / 20 enemies with hand grenades
* Invincible: Get 5 health regenerations from enemy damage in a row, without dying
* Survivor: Survive 5 minutes * Anti-consecutive
claymore I / II / III Kill 3 / XX / XX enemies by shooting a claymore
* Anti-C4 I / II / III Kill 2 / XX / XX enemies by shooting on the C4
From Level 57
* Enemy of the State: Kill 3 enemies while the last surviving member of the team
* Spirit ingenious: Kill an enemy by placing a teammate Semtex
* Spirit of Survival: Kill an enemy with a knife being short of ammunition
* Double Magazine: Kill an enemy with the Ranger firing two guns simultaneously
From Level 61
* Massacre! Kill all enemy team in 10 seconds
* For the love of war: Get the 3 bonus rounds of eliminations in 20 seconds
* Plus they're great ... Kill the best player three times in a row
* ... over the fall is hard: Kill the best player 5 times in a row
* Crabmeat: Kill 10 enemies in a single series of eliminations
ultimate sacrifice *: Run the nuclear bomb on the enemy while your team is losing
* intruder: Kill an enemy before he obtains a bonus for a series of at least 10 eliminations
* Carpet bombs: Kill 5 enemies with a single Bombing
From Level 64
* Red Carpet: Kill 6 enemies with a single bombing Stealth
* The mower: Kill 5 enemies with a single missile predator
* No secrets: Ask a UAV 3 times in one match
* Ecran Total : Countering 3 times drones enemies during a single game
* Afterburner: Request 2 times a bombing during a single game
* Air Superiority: Ask a helicopter 2 times during one match
* Master-gunner: Make a series of 5 deletions in being on a mobile machine gun knife
* Pro: Make a series of 3 deletions melee without dying
Related pages:
grades and what they unlock - Emblems - Securities and challenges

Many of you ask questions on achieving certain securities and / or emblems (sample questions: What level should I have for the Slaughterer Noob?, Why I did not get the title while I managed to make 3 knives ?,... without dying).
Here is the level it takes to unlock these challenges, as well as in retail to do.
Forgive me if this list is not complete (I miss some II / III or a few challenges), but I will publish it as and when my progress or any aid received. If you find any errors (unlikely but not impossible), or if you know the nature of the II / III or certain challenges, do not hesitate to report it, I'd be happy to correct;)
Caution: When you pass a Prestige, you return to Level 1 and thus these challenges again become dimmed (as if you start the game for the first time). If you have not done a challenge and then you spend your Prestige, it will wait again for the Minimum Level for this challenge and to get the title / Emblem appropriate.
From Level 5
Arms main
I would not retail for that category
Secondary Weapons
I would not retail for that category
I would not retail for that category
* In the dark: Prevent inserts 25 * Remove Tactical
Tactic: Kill 25 players appearing with a tactical insertion * Granada
I / II / III: Kill 10 / 25 / 50 with grenades *
bombings I / II / III : Place the pomegranate Semtex 5 / 15 / 30 players
When you unlock the knife Run at level 7 *
Forain I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 players Throwing knife *
is personal! : To injure an enemy, then finish it with a knife * You Throw
you see that? Kill someone with a knife to start being blinded or stunned by a grenade
When you unlock the claymores at level 31
* Captain Claymore I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies with Claymores
When you unlock the insertion at level 11 Tactical
* Devil Spring I / II / III : Kill an enemy within 5 seconds your tactical insertion (10 / 25 / 50 times) When you
've mastered the shield explosions at level 19
* Thick steel I / II / III : Surviving 10 / 25 / 50 explosions using the shield explosion
When you unlock the C4 level 41 Adept
* C4 I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies with C4
From Level 6
Training Base
* Camouflage in the Mist I / II / III : Kill 50 / 100 / 200 enemies with a single rifle precision shooting
* crouching I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 enemies while crouching
* Shoots elongated I / II / III Kill 5 / 15 / 30 lying down
* Fire Support I / II / III: Get 5 / 15 / 30 audience
* x-ray vision I / II / III: Kill 2 / 5 / 15 enemies across the face with the penetrating power of bullets
* Flashback I / II / III : Destroy 2 / 5 / 15 equipment enemies
From Level 7
* fly swatter: Shoot down an enemy helicopter
* Vandalism: Destroying a car
* Farewell To fall at least 9 feet and die
* Base Jump: Fall of at least 4.5 meters and survive
From Level 10
* Winner Melee General I / II / III: Complete 1st, 2nd or 3rd in 3 / 5 / 10 games mode Melee General
* Teamwork I / II / III : Win 5 / 15 / 30 Team Deathmatch * Winner
Rech and Battlecr I / II / III : Win 5 / XX / XX games in search mode and Destruction
* Best player Deathmatch by Team: Playing a MRS and get the best score overall
* Teamwork Hardcore I / II / III : Win a / 5 / 15 game to death Team Hardcore
* Winner of Sabotage I / II / III : Win 5 / 25 / 50 games in Sabotage mode
From Level 12
* Best Hardcore Team Player : Win a Hardcore MS with the highest score
* Bomb destroyed: Killing a bomber mode Sabotage or Search and Destroy
* Defender Bombs I / II / III Kill 3 / 10 / XX enemies while they defuse a bomb
* Preventing explosions I / II / III Kill 3 / 10 / XX enemies while they pose a bomb
* Désamorçeur I / II : Defusing 2 / 10 Bombs
* Last Man: Being the last survivor mode Search and Destroy * Saboteur
I / II : Ask 2 / 10 Bombs
From Level 16
Series eliminations
* Discovered I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 drones
* Airmail I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 strategic parcels
* Interference I / II / III : Request 5 / 25 / 50 drones interference
* Sentinel (Veteran) I / II / III : ask 5 / 25 / 50 automatic turrets
* Air-Sol I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 Predator missile bombardment
* (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 precision bombing
* Vertical Takeoff I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 bombing
* Harrier Attack Helicopter (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 5 / 25 / 50 attack helicopters
* Special Delivery I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 Larage air emergency
* Giant 21-ton I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 Pave Low
From Level 21
* Bombing Stealth (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 stealth bombing
* Helicopter Gunner (Veteran) I / II / III : Request 3 / 10 / 25 helicopter gunners
* AC-130 (Veteran) I / II / III : Ask 3 / 10 / 25 AC-130 * Cut
I / II / III : Ask 2 / 5 / 10 bombs EMI
* Stop Part I / II / III : Ask 2 / 5 / 10 nuclear bombs in
* Radar Approach I / II / III: Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 drones or UAVs interference
* Bombing imminent I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 Precision bombing, shelling or bombing Stealth Harrier
* Helicopter on approach I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 armed helicopters airdrop *
imminent I / II / III : Ask 50 / 100 / 1000 fund airdrop with a strategic package, an automatic turret and airdrop emergency
From Level 26
* Expert assault I / II / III: Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies a shot in the head with an assault rifle
* Exp. machine guns. I / II / III Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies with a shot in the head with a submachine gun
* Exp. Rifle-machine guns. I / II / III Kill 5 / 25 / 50 enemies with a shot in the head with a submachine gun
* Surgical Precision: Empty a magazine full of rifles assault on the enemy in missing the target
* Mach 5: Empty a magazine full of submachine gun at enemies without missing the target
* Dictator: Empty charger full of machine guns at enemies without missing the target
* Perfectionist: Empty an entire magazine of the Sniper Rifle on enemies without missing the target
From Level 31
* Multi Launcher Rocket I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with one shot or GA-AT4 rocket launchers ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Claymore
I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with a single claymore ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Multi
Fragmentation I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with one grenade fragmentation ( 5 / 25 / 50 times) * Multi
C4 I / II / III : Kill at least 2 enemies with a single charge of C4 ( 5 / 25 / 50 times)
* A two things: Kill 2 enemies at least one Marksmanship
* Perfect: Play an entire match without being killed
* Fearless: Kill 10 enemies in a game without dying
* Spirit Pack: Kill multiple enemies by placing Semtex on one of them born
* Killer: Successful 3 shots at long distance in one lifetime
* Shooter (pro): Kill at least 2 enemies with a bullet in the head with one shot
* Airport: Make a series of 2 eliminations being shot in the air
From Level 35
Killing Blows
* drop boxes: Get Killcam Victory by dropping a crate on an enemy
* Killer absent: Get Killcam Victory with automatic turret
* Key Final: Get Killcam Victory with a precision bombing
* The total: Get Killcam Victory with a Harrier
* HQ: Victory Killcam Get a Helicopter Attack
* Supercoptère: Get Killcam Victory with a Pave Low
* Killer Technology: Get a Killcam Victory with a stealth bomber
From Level 37
* High definition: Get a Victory Killcam Helicopter gunner
* The Death From Above: Get Killcam Victory with an AC-130
* Incredible: Kill an enemy with a knife to get into Victory Killcam
* PWNED: Kill an enemy in melee with shield riot in Killcam Victory
* Killer Drones Kill an enemy with a missile in the Predator Killcam Victory
* Glue Pot: Place of Semtex on an enemy in the Killcam Victory
* Last resort: Kill an enemy or Baroud d'Honneur in the last battle Killcam Victory
From Level 41
* Hot Potato I / II / III Kill 5 / XX / XX enemies with grenades returned
* Car bomb I / II Kill 5 / 10 enemies by destroying cars
* Pro's knife in the back: Stab an enemy in the back
* Slowly but surely: Kill an enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade
* Kamikaze: Kill an enemy while you with a live hand grenades launched non
* Ouch: Kill an enemy with a grenade launcher mounted on a rifle without explosion (Head Direct) *
Rival: Kill 5 When the same enemy during a game
* Cruelty: Kill an enemy, take his weapon and then kill him again with his weapon
From Level 43
* Catch! : Complete an enemy by touching it with a fragmentation grenade (Direct Kick)
* Catch! (Stun grenades): Complete an enemy by touching it with a stun grenade (Direct Kick)
* Catch! (Granada Flash): Finish by touching an enemy with a grenade Flash (Head Direct)
* Return to Sender: Kill an enemy by shooting their own explosives
* Shooting blind: Kill an enemy while being stunned by a grenade Flash
* Forced Landing Kill an enemy who is in the air
* Extreme Cruelty: Kill all the members of the opposing team (4 enemies at least) without dying
* Tango eliminated: kill all members of the opposing team (4 enemies at least) * Anti-
best player: Kill 10 times the No. 1 player on the opposing team during a single game
From Level 47
* Our master! : Get a revenge victory in Killcam
* The Color of Money I / II : Get revenge with a shot in the head ( 5 / 25 times)
* ROI I / II : Get revenge with a fragmentation grenade ( 5 / 25 times)
* Loan: Get revenge adhering to the target
* Time is money! I / II : Get revenge with Semtex (5 / 25 times)
* Identity Thief: Get revenge with class killer imitator
* Robin Hood I / II : Get revenge by Baroud d'honneur ( 5 / 25 times)
* ATM: Get revenge with a knife launch
* I'm rich! I / II : Get revenge with C4 ( 5 / 25 times)
* Sauté the bank: Get revenge with a Claymore
From Level 53 Elite
Precipice: Make a series of at least 3 eliminations are dying (red screen flashing) * Exchange
fast: Touch an enemy main weapon, then finish the gun
star * Player: Playing a full game of any type with a ratio eliminations / 5 with 1 dead
* What is ... ? Kill an enemy by shooting an explosive through a wall with the penetrating power of the bullet
* Dominos: Kill an enemy by setting off explosions chain
* Chief I / II / III Kill 5 / 10 / 20 enemies with hand grenades
* Invincible: Get 5 health regenerations from enemy damage in a row, without dying
* Survivor: Survive 5 minutes * Anti-consecutive
claymore I / II / III Kill 3 / XX / XX enemies by shooting a claymore
* Anti-C4 I / II / III Kill 2 / XX / XX enemies by shooting on the C4
From Level 57
* Enemy of the State: Kill 3 enemies while the last surviving member of the team
* Spirit ingenious: Kill an enemy by placing a teammate Semtex
* Spirit of Survival: Kill an enemy with a knife being short of ammunition
* Double Magazine: Kill an enemy with the Ranger firing two guns simultaneously
From Level 61
* Massacre! Kill all enemy team in 10 seconds
* For the love of war: Get the 3 bonus rounds of eliminations in 20 seconds
* Plus they're great ... Kill the best player three times in a row
* ... over the fall is hard: Kill the best player 5 times in a row
* Crabmeat: Kill 10 enemies in a single series of eliminations
ultimate sacrifice *: Run the nuclear bomb on the enemy while your team is losing
* intruder: Kill an enemy before he obtains a bonus for a series of at least 10 eliminations
* Carpet bombs: Kill 5 enemies with a single Bombing
From Level 64
* Red Carpet: Kill 6 enemies with a single bombing Stealth
* The mower: Kill 5 enemies with a single missile predator
* No secrets: Ask a UAV 3 times in one match
* Ecran Total : Countering 3 times drones enemies during a single game
* Afterburner: Request 2 times a bombing during a single game
* Air Superiority: Ask a helicopter 2 times during one match
* Master-gunner: Make a series of 5 deletions in being on a mobile machine gun knife
* Pro: Make a series of 3 deletions melee without dying
Related pages:
grades and what they unlock - Emblems - Securities and challenges

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