trying too hard to predict when all this is not possible and when n ' no money to fund, it feeds the mess.
12 million students enter the classroom. The instructions are quite clear. But rather alarmist speech contrasting with an uncertain future, worry. How do I know? We can not know the future but we can analyze the past. So I open my computer. My activity during the past 4 years for 4,600 children with 48,000 different acts (diagnosis, certificates, laboratory tests ...). I analyze everything as I want, it's very easy (long live the computer!)
What happened in previous years? so I looked in the file:
1. the onset of coughing episodes (Cough banal without gravity, which can sign fear the flu): 1070 case.
2. the occurrence of seasonal flu : 541 cases.
What do you flu and how is it diagnosed? The "flu", I prefer to call ILI associated high fever, cough, body aches, fatigue, and an epidemic. All patients the same thing. suspect is the first day when the epidemic begins, but clear the second. This year, the hospital had rapid tests that allowed a diagnosis with certainty.
Virions influenza ( Myxovirus influenzae ) leaving their host cell, magnified 100 000 times (electron microscope). Wikipedia cliche
3. NB Methodology: Please note that persons who are coughing seized and therefore also are not counted among the coughers It is counted only once
Graph 1: Episodes of coughing (cases) and months of the year 2005 to April 2009
Graph 1: Episodes of coughing (cases) and months of the year 2005 to April 2009
Graph 2: Influenza classical months of 2005 to April 2009
; On a graph that corresponds to cough, it is easy to see that children do not cough in the month of August (10 cases) but starting in September (72 cases) with a maximum in December (158 cases) and January (151 cases). This indicates that the school year is quickly followed by coughing. Is promiscuity, time or 2? The start of heating is critical in any case it produces convection.
On paragraph 2 that corresponds to the flu, there is an extremely sharp peak in January and February. This peak, although for the past 4 years is mainly due to the epidemic of seasonal influenza A (H1N1) from the beginning of this year. This year (2009) there were two alerts , one mid January and the other end of February. There a background of "ILI" which are probably copies - it looks like-or perhaps the real flu isolated, as seen for the present illness. Benin whenever I do any test. Children and their parents do not like bites. They are right.
This shows that children cough soon after school starts. We can therefore expect to fears of panic or even an initial fairly rapid initial cough. Parents will be afraid of the flu especially since there are no plans to keep children . There will surely false alarms, but the flu generally expected that the winter is properly installed.
"Cough is not flu, influenza is not everything!"
flu should, with any luck, occur later.
governmental Recommendations (Excerpts) : Government site on influenza
What actions barriers?
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw it in a covered bin and wash hands thoroughly.
Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap or alcohol-counting to 30.
Avoid contact with a sick person.
Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap or alcohol-counting to 30.
Avoid contact with a sick person.
In Practice:
Shaping Our handkerchiefs and what is needed for fever.
In the meantime, we remain calm .
" The government ensure the virus is asleep. Still active . "
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