diversification of feeding baby is being discussed around the age of 3 to 5 months. For the breastfed infant, it may be delayed because the milk just until 12 or 18 months.
undergoes diversification of fashion trends. Long, some are delayed up to avoid allergies while others are more rare based on the concept of "immune tolerance" diversifying earlier.
Immune tolerance refers to a period where the child will accept almost anything without worrying.
How do I know? Only experience and history for navigation. It has many tips as grandmothers, pediatricians, experts.
I am a pediatrician (nutritionist for 8 years) between the grandmothers and experts:
grandmothers have fed their children with known health. The experts have made many studies they have in large meetings (conferences), mostly financed by the food industry. I often prefer the opinion of the grandmothers to the experts.
Many say that the milk powder should be exclusive up to 6 months. It is undoubtedly true, but if appropriate, this is not necessarily essential. This assertion is debatable, because milk powder or brick is expensive. Many people are in precarious situations, we must consider.
In practice how to diversify?
The main principles:
1. We must go slowly, one food at a time and observe a few days.
2. It is best to avoid allergies to give children the foods their ancestors ate 500 years. European small and avoid exotic fruits especially the passion fruit and peanuts. Asians also eat soybeans and papayas, black Africans are not afraid groundnuts, cassava.
A 3 or 4 months can be given :
zucchini ,
first one or two teaspoons and 50 to 130 grams homemade or small jars, or frozen.
fruits of our ancestors to enjoy:
Apples, pears, quince, compote, mashed banana and very well supported.
It completes the meal with a milk sometimes reduced if the child is less hungry.
At 5 months:
It is useful to make iron, because, other than breast milk, the rest of the diet is deficient. The iron is the best meat . It is well absorbed. We therefore start with a teaspoon of
chicken, turkey or ham, finely blended with mixed vegetables.
can be complemented by a plain yogurt with a little sugar or jam for flavor. Adult stirred yoghurts or not, are very fine. It is unnecessary to buy high-priced baby food . The nature chipmunks are also the case. But they are drained as yoghurts and therefore richer. We do not too sweet.
In all cases, considering the child's appetite . When he no longer wants it, stop. Only a few very greedy children must be tempered if their weight flies.
The other stages of diversification are subject to discussion: > P>
fish, egg (white and yellow 1 / 4) cooked first drive, are traditionally introduced to seven months to replace meat that day. Chocolate
to 7 months as well. For him it is very variable!
Before 2 years should avoid shellfish filter (mussels, oysters) and crustaceans (shrimp ...), the passion fruit, peanuts found in "Curly", some add the Kiwi and honey.
After 2 years, it is unrealistic to forbid anything except some children allergic or intolerant.
"Bon Appetit: The meal is a moment of calm and exchange e"
Wikipedia Images except chicken (Dr kid)
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