Saturday, September 26, 2009

Online Lohri Invitation Card

Keep these lairs?

It changes and it turns? You can brush your little prince ... The World-Fang and Planet Bourbe still needed between two pink illusory.

sinister characters, rat policy made flesh, pushing Ahmadinejad we did it the debilitating "is the one who said that is". What piercing intelligence: it includes the content of the statement by Sarkozy to turn against him. We had to inform her of the growing unpopularity of our head of state to the difference that in our system, "crocs clog" remains a metaphor for his opponents, while the vile Iranian leader left in the literal sense ... if you will.
As for Gaddafi has just spread, with an A, not to rependre as might suggest his face distorted in a park of the wealthy Trump. He confirmed his sense of humor when it is moral to the nations of the Security Council on non-compliance of the UN Charter while its political career bloomed on flares unrestrained with first principles of human civilization.

And bankers? Going well, really well : they pay with lucrative interest rates money that does not cost them virtually through borrowing very cheaply made with saving ... States. Long live the crisis!

The most nerve-wracking Royal was really on a roll, even if his method Coué still works perfectly. The approximation of with Bayrou seems more natural as their strategy of conquest of power identified by the worship of a solitary walk with their militant supporters shoulder, and the frustration of closest comrades who eventually turn away from the egocentric erratic policies.
Let them closer so they devour each other. After The Princess and the president of declining VGE who allows himself one last literary indulgence, we would get The Royal and the President ... Modem, plus a romance with rose water, but a pittance in water sausage ...
not forget the ineffable de Villepin, who stands as the martyrdom of the Republic sarkozyenne: Effects of neck and locks are likely to deflate in the enclosure and austere technician of the Criminal Court. Political trial he denounced ... as if he could take the easy part ... The judicial I acknowledge the hard Sarkozy's more like a low I ducked questions on the merits of the case. The great de Villepin can not bend to reach this level of despicable debate. A height man ... especially when the scrolls are from a smoking out bombastic, which does not exonerate a Sarkozy who may well have let it rot a case he was informed much earlier to see better drop his political rival.
The nasty little man has tried to keep his composure during his last televised interview. But at the mention of Clearstream trial, counsel and training on its own cause could help identify the accused as "guilty." The slippage of a seething inside, like a leap at the throats of evil. His duty to be the guarantor of judicial independence in its folds so personal imperatives.

Wherever you turned, the horizon of disgusting animated haunts.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Does Mucus Come Before Menstration

Diversification infant feeding.

diversification of feeding baby is being discussed around the age of 3 to 5 months. For the breastfed infant, it may be delayed because the milk just until 12 or 18 months.

undergoes diversification of fashion trends. Long, some are delayed up to avoid allergies while others are more rare based on the concept of "immune tolerance" diversifying earlier.
Immune tolerance refers to a period where the child will accept almost anything without worrying.

How do I know? Only experience and history for navigation. It has many tips as grandmothers, pediatricians, experts.

I am a pediatrician (nutritionist for 8 years) between the grandmothers and experts:
grandmothers have fed their children with known health. The experts have made many studies they have in large meetings (conferences), mostly financed by the food industry. I often prefer the opinion of the grandmothers to the experts.

Many say that the milk powder should be exclusive up to 6 months. It is undoubtedly true, but if appropriate, this is not necessarily essential. This assertion is debatable, because milk powder or brick is expensive. Many people are in precarious situations, we must consider.

In practice how to diversify?
The main principles:
1. We must go slowly, one food at a time and observe a few days.
2. It is best to avoid allergies to give children the foods their ancestors ate 500 years. European small and avoid exotic fruits especially the passion fruit and peanuts. Asians also eat soybeans and papayas, black Africans are not afraid groundnuts, cassava.

A 3 or 4 months can be given :

vegetables noon cooked and mixed:


zucchini ,

first one or two teaspoons and 50 to 130 grams homemade or small jars, or frozen.

fruits of our ancestors to enjoy:

Apples, pears, quince, compote, mashed banana and very well supported.

It completes the meal with a milk sometimes reduced if the child is less hungry.

At 5 months:
It is useful to make iron, because, other than breast milk, the rest of the diet is deficient. The iron is the best meat . It is well absorbed. We therefore start with a teaspoon of

chicken, turkey or ham, finely blended with mixed vegetables.

can be complemented by a plain yogurt with a little sugar or jam for flavor. Adult stirred yoghurts or not, are very fine. It is unnecessary to buy high-priced baby food . The nature chipmunks are also the case. But they are drained as yoghurts and therefore richer. We do not too sweet.

In all cases, considering the child's appetite . When he no longer wants it, stop. Only a few very greedy children must be tempered if their weight flies.

The other stages of diversification are subject to discussion: > P>

fish, egg (white and yellow 1 / 4) cooked first drive, are traditionally introduced to seven months to replace meat that day. Chocolate

to 7 months as well. For him it is very variable!

Before 2 years should avoid shellfish filter (mussels, oysters) and crustaceans (shrimp ...), the passion fruit, peanuts found in "Curly", some add the Kiwi and honey.

After 2 years, it is unrealistic to forbid anything except some children allergic or intolerant.

"Bon Appetit: The meal is a moment of calm and exchange e"

Wikipedia Images except chicken (Dr kid)

See also:

Bottle-feeding: what milk to choose?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Special Messages To Write In A Book

Influenza A (H1N1) Influenza banana (ticket mood)

flu banana is like the banana republic, a system where only one important person who has money, power over all others, requires that power without control. The current management of influenza in France recalls just this situation.

We do not know where is the information, the Hoax. This is nonsense. The opacity grows along with the anguish of the people.

The sensitive subjects:

alarmist predictions : they terrify people and finally sow doubt. Few doctors believe. And like the flu soon, people start saying that it will be for the late winter or next fall. Me small pediatrician, I say : "we will surely have a flu, seasonal or otherwise, in 10 years to come. "

The contagiousness of the flu . There are so few cases compared to a traditional seasonal flu. It is very contagious.

The severity : same situation. While in 1968 there were 30 000 deaths in a few weeks, we are talking about 5 deaths and "some" add the light from these figures that the flu is 100 times more dangerous than classical form as so. .. Arguments curious. 5 30 000 Dead cons is quite telling. The current influenza at the moment is nice.

1.The surgical masks (for everyone) and avoid only very doubtfully to contaminate its neighbor.
2. The FFP2 reserved for "professionals" are so tight that stifles and it is impossible to keep more than 10 minutes. Fortunately, they are reserved for professionals who will remove them quickly. This will prevent the dead from asphyxiation.

vaccine: overall it's a good thing, it must be recognized. Its rapid manufacturing and especially its widespread use immediately worried.

Who vaccinated ? While the disease affects young people, we will vaccinate pregnant women and frail subjects (which rarely refuse vaccines).

For pregnant women : it should not be expensive as long, just vaccinating pregnant women for 2 reasons:
pregnant women are in a period of "immune tolerance" and therefore respond poorly to vaccines that are less effective in them.
In case of adverse reaction, the fetus, in training, may suffer damage not assessed, so caution.

Topics fragile: they prefer to take their precautions and are easily vaccinated, their choices are understandable and respectable.

The organization of vaccination:
The government informs therefore, assisted the WHO about the flu. He said "who should be immunized" He organizes the vaccination campaign. the government controls the entire chain so . It's like a country in Eastern time of Stalin. There is no room for the public exchange, no democracy.

In practice: according to information which may change: immunizations organized by the Prefects, will be held in centers (gyms!) With doctors, nurse (s) secretaries, medical students and students nursing volunteers but who (for their official responsibility) will be requisitioned . In other words, they will be made irresponsible for sure and why not, may enable them to better accept the instructions "superior".

Do not see the sick. And solidarity and mutual aid what do we do? Does it returns to the Middle Ages?
Should there be a bell to the sick or a GPS bracelet (it's more likely!)?
Plague can be treated, as well as leprosy and other diseases.

Leper ringing his bell to warn pedestrians. (Manuscript of the Latin XIV century e)

The banana regime of the flu starts up then.
Yet there
France, quality medicine with general practitioners, specialists, hospitals who know their patients and can easily be vaccinated and individually. The "fragile and pregnant women" are not that many and even if they override our business for a few days, we will survive.

It therefore does not understand why the State replaces the existing health system that our minister was kind enough to recall that he was the best in the world. The prefect system would it be better than "the best in the world"?
This is reminiscent of the sketch Coluche on laundry: what washed "whiter than white"
The only concern is that this is not the laundry, but the health of people ;: children and pregnant women included.

"flu worries, influenza maddens banana."

We stay calm, it provides for handkerchiefs and paracetamol, Taking the advice of his regular physician.

. Banana, st : Banana Republic: seemingly democratic, but governed by private interests to deceive (as the Central American regimes dominated by large agricultural holdings s (Webster)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Razer Carcharias Vs Pc350

Influenza A (H1N1): Caring for young children.

We read many things about this flu that we see few cases in France.
Among the "risk groups", would be "Young children less than 2 years "

"Try m'ausculter now"

What to do with them?
must already noted the difficulty diagnosis as myalgia and stiffness do not see. A feverish baby grumpy, it's very commonplace. Does this mean the flu? Any nasopharyngitis can mimic the flu.
Moreover, the flu is not very common among small children. The graph of the distribution of cases according to age, as I observed in my practice in previous years (541 cases) between 2004 and 2009:

Graph: Flu syndrome (Total cases) and age of children (2004 - 2009)

There are few children under two years (68 cases) and peak between 3 and 4 years. At this age the diagnosis is easy. There were no complications in these children, but the hospital has reported some potentially severe sinusitis, which resolved. There are not many big kids in this series, probably because they are more likely in general practitioners.


1. We stay calm.
2. The vaccine is not available and many parents tell me they have some reservations. When the vaccine has been used in others and we know his tolerance and effectiveness, we will advise. Luckily, the production seems a little late here.
3. If an epidemic occurs, it may be reasonable for those in communities to find a mode of individual care in a family member or neighbor.

The disease is here:

If the child is sick, go see her "pediatrician". Pediatricians are familiar with diseases of young children and generally know how to support parents' concerns. First question: is it a flu? The physician can (out of context blatant epidemic) have hesitations. Do not blame him. It's hard pediatrics. The key is assessing the health of the child.


In most cases treatment will be limited to treatment of fever, nose, if it is congested and coughing. Humidification which thins secretions is useful. We think to give to drink, do not cover, and split meals if the child vomits.
It will air the house to limit the concentration of virus and thus the contagion Wearing a mask with the baby seems dangerous to the healthy parents it is illusory.

warning signs are mainly respiratory difficulty breathing, wheezing or respiratory crepitation, feeding difficulty, vomiting.

"Cough is not flu, influenza is not everything"

Illustration: Chloe, 6 months, "Try m'ausculter now" engraving etching (Dr. Gamin)

PS: Australian study published in the NEJM shows Indeed there are more small infants under 1 year hospitalized for influenza, but are not particularly severe forms. In France, there should be a phenomenon amplified because the instructions to doctors, hospital babies summers easily repeated and can understand the prudence of those above (note 6 / 11/2009).

keywords: A (H1N1) baby, child, flu, health, statistics, vaccine

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Much Does Lamination Cost A Staples

Influenza A (H1N1) and back to school: more questions than answers.

trying too hard to predict when all this is not possible and when n ' no money to fund, it feeds the mess.
12 million students enter the classroom. The instructions are quite clear. But rather alarmist speech contrasting with an uncertain future, worry. How do I know? We can not know the future but we can analyze the past. So I open my computer. My activity during the past 4 years for 4,600 children with 48,000 different acts (diagnosis, certificates, laboratory tests ...). I analyze everything as I want, it's very easy (long live the computer!)
What happened in previous years? so I looked in the file:

1. the onset of coughing episodes (Cough banal without gravity, which can sign fear the flu): 1070 case.

2. the occurrence of seasonal flu : 541 cases.
What do you flu and how is it diagnosed? The "flu", I prefer to call ILI associated high fever, cough, body aches, fatigue, and an epidemic. All patients the same thing. suspect is the first day when the epidemic begins, but clear the second. This year, the hospital had rapid tests that allowed a diagnosis with certainty.

Virions influenza ( Myxovirus influenzae ) leaving their host cell, magnified 100 000 times (electron microscope). Wikipedia cliche

3. NB Methodology: Please note that persons who are coughing seized and therefore also are not counted among the coughers It is counted only once

Graph 1: Episodes of coughing (cases) and months of the year 2005 to April 2009

Graph 1

Graph 2: Influenza classical months of 2005 to April 2009

Graph 2

; On a graph that corresponds to cough, it is easy to see that children do not cough in the month of August (10 cases) but starting in September (72 cases) with a maximum in December (158 cases) and January (151 cases). This indicates that the school year is quickly followed by coughing. Is promiscuity, time or 2? The start of heating is critical in any case it produces convection.

On paragraph 2 that corresponds to the flu, there is an extremely sharp peak in January and February. This peak, although for the past 4 years is mainly due to the epidemic of seasonal influenza A (H1N1) from the beginning of this year. This year (2009) there were two alerts , one mid January and the other end of February. There a background of "ILI" which are probably copies - it looks like-or perhaps the real flu isolated, as seen for the present illness. Benin whenever I do any test. Children and their parents do not like bites. They are right.

This shows that children cough soon after school starts. We can therefore expect to fears of panic or even an initial fairly rapid initial cough. Parents will be afraid of the flu especially since there are no plans to keep children . There will surely false alarms, but the flu generally expected that the winter is properly installed.

"Cough is not flu, influenza is not everything!"

flu should, with any luck, occur later.

governmental Recommendations (Excerpts) : Government site on influenza

What actions barriers?
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw it in a covered bin and wash hands thoroughly.
Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap or alcohol-counting to 30.
Avoid contact with a sick person.

In Practice:

Shaping Our handkerchiefs and what is needed for fever.
In the meantime, we remain calm .

" The government ensure the virus is asleep. Still active . "

Friday, September 4, 2009

When Does Soy Milk Spoil

Picking Mushrooms

The forest walk with children is often appreciated at any age. The presence of fungi makes this release much more interesting. The goal is not necessarily to collect, but to observe, photograph, create good moments of exchange between parents and children. I often hear "I know nothing, I do not go" then we must think "I know nothing, watch, and I do not touch." Besides, everyone knows some mushrooms.

Even the children know that all red mushroom with white spots found in cartoons, is toxic. We do not collect and we do not give him a kick. It is not dangerous because everyone knows it. This does not advance much know that this is amanita muscaria or fly agaric. For us doctors, it's better to know that it contains muscarine, it is dangerous but not necessarily fatal: the situation is serious but not desperate.

This one is harder. It most dangerous of all responsible for most poisonings. It is an Amanita, with a white ring around the base and in volve bag (like a bag sheathing foot) sometimes buried. It is found everywhere, under the oaks especially but not only.'s amanita phalloides or Amanita phalloides . It is deadly : We do not touch. One specimen even small (the small ones are more easily confused) can kill everyone. The situation is extremely serious.

But there is not as poisonous mushrooms. What a joy to meet this one. When we returned, we see that it has no blade under the cap but small holes, pores that are useful to contain the spores of the fungus reproduction. This one is boletus boletus edulis or Bordeaux excellent edible, cut into slices and passed to the pan with a little olive oil.

Microscopic observation of spores of fungi can sometimes be better recognized. All mushrooms have spores that are similar but the microscope will not let you know if the fungus is edible boletus satanas and has the same toxic spores that boletus edulis delicious.

There also is a pleasure and it is difficult to confuse a true delight. Scholars call Cantharellus cibarius , and other "or chanterelle chanterelle. It is easily found on sale.

A little latter. It is so beautiful in the sun and very common. It grows on trunks of old beech trees. Fortunately we shall not withhold his name oudemansiella mucida or simply mucidule slimy! It is inedible only decorative.

Some information finally:

If you are unsure, look and go your way

If you pick a mushroom, take over, with all the foot to allow for further identification easy.
Show your collection to your pharmacist . Some are very knowledgeable and others less.

Remember that for food, fungi use their mycelium which can reach several square meters. Do not unnecessarily trample around a rare .

This fungus mycelium brings to its food but also pollutants.

fungi have the annoying tendency to concentrate the radioactive elements in particular radioactive Cesium . In some French regions (Savoie, Corsica Drôme) the map of France radiactivité , mycologists do not pick up mushrooms from the Chernobyl accident.

In the same vein, we should buy that fungi with a known cause ("imported from Russia or Eastern" = avoid).
We even had a truck "Italian Mushrooms" which came straight from Russia.

good walk.

"If I do not know, watch, and I do not touch"

All photographs were made by Dr. Gamin or her children.

If you use these photos, thank you to link to this blog.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Warts On Legs Toddler

Cow's milk is for calves!

There are essential differences between human and cow
The man apparently did not have horns! (In general)
Man is an omnivore. The cow is a vegetarian
Man grumbles. Cow ruminates. This is important.

The Milkmaid. Johannes Vermeer (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) (XVII century)

between human milk and the milk of other mammals, but different:

Protein: 40 g / liter in the cow as against 12 to 20 g only in the human. Because the calf reaches its adult size at about one year.

Fat: 40 g / liter in both species, but they are very different. Rumination, which facilitates the work of bacteria in the rumen of the cow saturated fats found in grass. And ruminant animals are highly saturated fats, harmful long-term rights.
(The milk of whales and other marine mammals living in cold water contains 50% fat calf, which provide the energy to survive in these hostile places.)

Sugaring : both are different. The main sugar in milk is lactose 40 g / l in cows, 70 g / l humans. There are still mysteries about this sugar is excreted in human milk that is most abundant in the horse is found in 50 G / l and sea lions at 0 g / l. There appears to be very strong inverse relationship between brain maturation at birth and the rate of lactose. The human brain has a very immature at birth, His physical self is zero while the sea lion and already has a brain capacity similar to adult. The cow is intermediate and the horse a bit less mature.
Curiously, however, the removal of lactose from the diet of some infants do not appear to cause developmental disabilities and no pathology. Lactose is a dimer composed of one molecule of glucose (sugar grapes) widely associated with a molecule of galactose sugar found in milk and only that man can not manufacture, we call such an element "essential" in biology. Lactose Why is it so abundant in milk without being able to easily find it useful. Nature does not usually encumbered by unnecessary items. Bizarre!

The character "Ruminant" cow has a major consequence:

For the digestion of a ruminant be effective, it must be her rumen microbes in a nest, parasites, fungi, viruses that "digest" the grass chewed. cow's milk promotes the growth of microbes in the intestine of calf , which will enable it to effectively then ruminate. It therefore facilitates infection. All milk producers are fully aware of this problem and fight it from trafficking. This explains why the cow's milk is hard to preserve its natural state. It must be refrigerated, pasteurized or sterilized. Mare's milk and donkey, non-ruminant animals, is less dangerous but rare.

The human gut works differently. It contains many fewer bacteria. Breast milk is more sterilant. It facilitates the development of a flora very different.

Breast milk also contains complex carbohydrates, rather mysterious, Iron easily assimilated, antibodies and immune cells and a host of compounds whose utility is unclear.

We quickly understand that each mammalian species has its "milk", the result of an adjustment for several million years . And until proven otherwise, natural selection favors "the best . By work

fly high, manufacturers have adapted cow's milk to humans which makes many services even if not perfect.

Using cow's milk in infants:

A first attempt at "serious" seems to take place around 1780 at the Foundling Hospital in Paris (Saint Vincent de Pau, now). Due to the shortage of nurses, we brought a cow. Almost all babies die of gastroenteritis due to contaminated milk. But it will long continue.
campaigns to abandon these practices are violent:

Poster of the American Red Cross

He must wait for the pasteurization of milk to give children clean. It takes time and current use of cow's milk is effective after the Great War (14-18)

"Human milk is for little babies
Cow's milk is for small calves

"Tell Dad, and milk penguins like? A: It is poorly studied and then the penguins that has no milk. Have you ever seen a baby penguin who sucks? Back to school, you ask the teacher "
PS: Dr. Gamin indicates that there is no subject on milk penguin but if he will answer questions. "Science without conscience is but ruin of the soul"


Dr. Gamin: Breastfeeding during the first year of life (Memory)
Marie-Claude Delahaye: Nipples and pacifiers, history breastfeeding. Ed Weft way. It is an extraordinary book.
For science: Evolution Nothing stops! (File, April-June 2009) Prof. Henry
Lestradet : Personal communication
The Pediatric Clinics of North America: Breastfeeding I and II, No. 48 Feb. 1 and 2. and Av 2001 Ed Saunders

See also:
Bottle-feeding: what milk to choose?
Diversification infant feeding.

Keywords: food, animal, whale, Male, Mother, infection, milk, nurse, infant nutrition, sea lions, ruminant, cow