Cow's milk is for calves! There are essential differences between human and cow
The man apparently did not have horns! (In general)
Man is an omnivore. The cow is a vegetarian
Man grumbles. Cow ruminates. This is important.
The Milkmaid. Johannes Vermeer (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) (XVII century)
between human milk and the milk of other mammals, but different:
Protein: 40 g / liter in the cow as against 12 to 20 g only in the human. Because the calf reaches its adult size at about one year.
Fat: 40 g / liter in both species, but they are very different. Rumination, which facilitates the work of bacteria in the rumen of the cow saturated fats found in grass. And ruminant animals are highly saturated fats, harmful long-term rights.
(The milk of whales and other marine mammals living in cold water contains 50% fat calf, which provide the energy to survive in these hostile places.)
Sugaring : both are different. The main sugar in milk is lactose 40 g / l in cows, 70 g / l humans. There are still mysteries about this sugar is excreted in human milk that is most abundant in the horse is found in 50 G / l and sea lions at 0 g / l. There appears to be very strong inverse relationship between brain maturation at birth and the rate of lactose. The human brain has a very immature at birth, His physical self is zero while the sea lion and already has a brain capacity similar to adult. The cow is intermediate and the horse a bit less mature.
Curiously, however, the removal of lactose from the diet of some infants do not appear to cause developmental disabilities and no pathology. Lactose is a dimer composed of one molecule of glucose (sugar grapes) widely associated with a molecule of galactose sugar found in milk and only that man can not manufacture, we call such an element "essential" in biology. Lactose Why is it so abundant in milk without being able to easily find it useful. Nature does not usually encumbered by unnecessary items. Bizarre!
The character "Ruminant" cow has a major consequence: For the digestion of a ruminant be effective, it must be her rumen microbes in a nest, parasites, fungi, viruses that "digest" the grass chewed.
cow's milk promotes the growth of microbes in the intestine of calf , which will enable it to effectively then ruminate. It therefore facilitates infection. All milk producers are fully aware of this problem and fight it from trafficking. This explains why the cow's milk is hard to preserve its natural state. It must be refrigerated, pasteurized or sterilized. Mare's milk and donkey, non-ruminant animals, is less dangerous but rare.
The human gut works differently. It contains many fewer bacteria. Breast milk is more sterilant. It facilitates the development of a flora very different.
Breast milk also contains complex carbohydrates, rather mysterious, Iron easily assimilated, antibodies and immune cells and a host of compounds whose utility is unclear.
We quickly understand that each mammalian species has its "milk", the result of an adjustment for several million years . And until proven otherwise, natural selection favors "the best . By work
fly high, manufacturers have adapted cow's milk to humans which makes many services even if not perfect.
Using cow's milk in infants: A first attempt at "serious" seems to take place around 1780 at the Foundling Hospital in Paris (Saint Vincent de Pau, now). Due to the shortage of nurses, we brought a cow. Almost all babies die of gastroenteritis due to contaminated milk. But it will long continue.
campaigns to abandon these practices are violent:
Poster of the American Red Cross
He must wait for the pasteurization of milk to give children clean. It takes time and current use of cow's milk is effective after the Great War (14-18)
"Human milk is for little babies
Cow's milk is for small calves "Tell Dad, and milk penguins like? A: It is poorly studied and then the penguins that has no milk. Have you ever seen a baby penguin who sucks? Back to school, you ask the teacher "
PS: Dr. Gamin indicates that there is no subject on milk penguin but if he will answer questions. "Science without conscience is but ruin of the soul"
References: Dr. Gamin: Breastfeeding during the first year of life (Memory)
Marie-Claude Delahaye: Nipples and pacifiers, history breastfeeding. Ed Weft way. It is an extraordinary book.
For science: Evolution Nothing stops! (File, April-June 2009) Prof. Henry
Lestradet : Personal communication
The Pediatric Clinics of North America: Breastfeeding I and II, No. 48 Feb. 1 and 2. and Av 2001 Ed Saunders
See also: Bottle-feeding: what milk to choose? Breastfeeding Diversification infant feeding. Keywords: food, animal, whale, Male, Mother, infection, milk, nurse, infant nutrition, sea lions, ruminant, cow