Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is Tanning Bad After A Wax?

the newborn: the first days at home: everything you want to know and you will no doubt confirm your pediatrician

We will take the chronological order of questions

questions at the first consultation:

A. Breastfeeding:

1. How I know if my baby is nursing enough?

The only way to know is to observe the evolution of weight. It is estimated by observing the cheeks, thighs. I do not recommend the use of a balance . In case of trouble, SOS pediatrician is more efficient because you will be reassured or SOS pharmacy always weighed the same clothes. The duration of breastfeeding varies widely but babies take 80% of their ration during the first 5 minutes. The rest is the mother-child relationship, it's personal. Milk composition varies : at first it's the water that quenches in the end it is the cream that nourishes. To suck the cream must be hungry and therefore wait a bit before the next meal . However, the number of feeds varies, if the baby and mother are well, never mind.

2. My milk is he eating?
This question is sometimes. The answer is simple: breast milk is always excellent . Sometimes, if the mother is tired after a caesarean section or because of an unexpected illness or depressed, she may have less milk. Then the baby feeds more often and the mother gets tired. Sometimes you give a few bottles of supplements (milk allergy).

3. My baby feeds all the time, I cracked that do?

In the womb of its mother, the baby is fed continuously by cord (intravenous feeding), which brings him everything he needs. It sometimes has a need to suck: he sucks his thumb in the womb of its mother!
When he was born, he should run his gut is quite different. Meals are intermittent. The baby has to adapt, the mother too. In addition, the meal is often a time of fun, strong relationship with the mother. However digestion lasts 2 to 3 hours, so it's the usual time it takes to leave between meals.
I the must therefore negotiate hard enough to reconcile the often close to the real needs of mothers desire and the desire of the child.
fewer the meal, the less colic. It a small argument sometimes appreciated.
The current trend is for breastfeeding on demand, but some babies require non-stop, it is not reasonable! And mom does it become? To cope, one solution: to negotiate.

4. My baby has diarrhea:

A breastfed child has loose stools whose frequency varies from once per feeding to one every three days. The stools are yellow gold with small lumps often recalling "mustard the former.
A baby can have acute diarrhea: is the increase in stool volume and different look that alert .

5 How long does it take nursing?

Weather at your convenience. This may be a single feeding if desired or 6 years, the record in my office (which I do not advise). When you do not know, we can try and stop if it goes wrong. In Europe there is no problem, the water is clean and families can buy milk powder. But make no mistake, I am a staunch supporter of e breastfeeding within, but only when the mother wants. In poor countries the situation is quite different and breastfeeding may be the primary means of survival for babies and the only economical solution possible.

BL'allaitement bottle:

I've already written: the merchants are milks are very good milks. It is inefficient and stupid to try to convince a mother who does not wish to breastfeed

1.How many meals and how much?.

For a term infant older than one week, you can count on 5-7 meals a day.

The amount depends on the number of meals, season, temperature of the room, the hunger of the child especially. For guidance, we can use the following formula or read the information boxes of milk:

daily amount of milk = (weight / 10) + 250 + / - 100 ml but is merely indicative. It is as if we say that the average French shoe size 39 and it only manufactures the 39. It will not be for everyone.

Children light must catch and eat sometimes more.

2. milk What to choose?

The cheapest is the best : 5 manufacturers for 200 marks. A novelty every 15 days is worse than the layers ! Everything is business. But marketing is very powerful.
milks are all alike. Toddler milk base is most often the case. You can compare prices.

Can I change brands?
course they look alike, provided remain in the same category.

3. What water bottles?
After three months, when the child puts everything in his mouth, tap water is perfectly the case unless you made great work in the street, or if you live near a large livestock (nitrates) or in the Vosges (sulfate) or in a campaign with unoccupied homes with blind pipes. Before three months, it is surely excellent but few parents are ready to use. If you must use a water bottle, take a slightly demineralized water produced in your region. Transportation by truck increases the pollution of the planet.

4. Bottles: plastic or glass?

The bottles are like tools requires quality . The big brands are fine. Better to have 1 or 2 bottles of good quality that 6 mediocre with an air intake bad.
Glass is heavier and breaks, but the plastic ages or melts in the pan if there is more water during sterilization. In any case you need a good brand.
No Bisphenol A in the glass, but the good brands have removed the plastic bisphenol (see labeling). Image

wikipedia (pharmaceutical Dorvault Catalog 1862 - Page 194
Source: Ludogrid 2006)

5. Teats: Rubber or silicone?

For teats I prefer the rubber with holes rather than silicone variable rate going to greatest. Rubber teats can be softened by boiling a few minutes when the meal is too long.

6. Can I prepare bottles in advance? NO

or no more than four hours before, because it increases the risk of infection and no one wins not much time.

7. Should we sterilize bottles? YES:

The current trend is not to be sterilized. We forgot the milk cow just waiting to infect the intestine because of the calf needs lots of microbes for rumination. But the milk powder is only milk cow cleverly cobbled then sterilize baby bottles of milk. After 3 or 4 months when the child is wearing just his mouth, we can stop, but we must remain maniaque.Ceux who are fortunate to have a machine to wash the dishes can use it to wash the bottles. The temperature reached during drying is adequate to kill microbes.

C. Questions bulk

1. My child confuses day and night:

And during pregnancy, he slept at night?
should leave him a little time. The day / night rhythm is set up between 1-3 months.

2.How know when my baby is sick?

The best thing is to study medicine, specializing in pediatrics. It's a little long!
Otherwise must assess the situation yourself :
On second thought, it's pretty easy. can say " A child is not sick when he looks healthy " and if you have a concern " SOS Pediatrician, informs and reassures "

Kate Greenway, from man to the flute, Hachette 1889

3. My baby does not like washing the nose.

He is absolutely right. I never understood why in some maternity hospitals, we show mothers the technique of washing and wiping the nose with a systematic fine cotton turtleneck. This is part of barbarity totally unnecessary. Babies often breathe in noise, and these methods do not change. They must be stopped. It is only useful if the baby is downright cold. Similarly to the eyes and ears.

4. Another thought: my girlfriend's baby squeaker squeaker ... etc. ..

girlfriend's baby, not yours. Each is different and it is perfect is better. The girl can not help but be happy for her. Some children are surprisingly easy, especially with other rebels, and most moderately cool . Anyway, it without instructions, returned or exchanged . We must improvise. Most parents are doing really well .

5. Sometimes I assume most, I crack

(ie "I'm sick of this baby I want to get rid of it) is quite normal. Before you were quiet and now there's this new character that depends entirely on you and which is sometimes very demanding. It's enough to crack. Pediatrician myself, I sometimes thought that sometimes I could "sell one"! (But you can not find a buyer for a break-up) or "lost in the woods!" (But the police report and it is the beginning of a very very big trouble: do not!). So I kept all my children and I do not regret it. It was not easy every day. Brats! They are great!

6. And cow's milk from our great grand-mothers?

In fact they are not mothers who ask this question, it's me, a pediatric nutritionist who wonder why it uses so little cow's milk. I'm probably a bit "influenced by the single thought", marketing is very powerful!

our great grandmothers, it's a bit far for our babies today. At these times, it was still at the laundry! But everything is questionable and possible. You will find little pediatricians sufficiently nutritionists and a little rebellious to guide you along this path. It should be on top of nutrition, or throw them unconscious for . Possibly. This was done at the beginning of my studies and no one died but it is a bit more complicated . For economic reasons, it is perfectly feasible.
not be forgotten however that " cow's milk is made for calves " . We must take precautions.

"Every child is different. It's not easy being a parent. But it's OK, it works. Fortunately there is no manual because you could not always apply. Improvisation reasoned remains sovereign. "

images" weighing, nipples, small bottles of milk, are from the beautiful book by Marie Claude Delahaye: "Nipples and Teats history breastfeeding "Ed Frame

This time there are no references because it is an article a little messy," the daily living " from my experience as a pediatrician and father.

to find references and to learn more:
The umbilical cord, placenta, mom, baby.
Bottle-feeding: what milk to choose?
Cow's milk is for calves!
Diversification infant feeding.
Baby Food, fears, fears, ...


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