Z. el-Abidine Ben Ali |
Dictators have they lost their turgidity of true tyranny? A singer too democratic system, two-autocratic presidents have interrupted their term leasehold. Enthusiastic people want to have the faster our political system.
Breath determined hundreds of thousands of people will be enough to debunk those old Western democracies felt our as the most frequent in the region. That the peaceful masses take the risk of the massacre by the authority in place to join the circle of true democracies tourneboulent our own dissatisfaction misplaced.
Hosni Mubarak |
Globalization, as criticized by people with more advanced economies, has the virtue of going to the eyes of the oppressed models worthy of combat. Facing them, dictators without ideology, obsessed with capturing financial spoiled to the bone, soft rot once infused to ensure our own geopolitical interests. Takes me dizzy: the Arab people do they want a similar power to those who are hanging out with their illegitimate leader cleared? Take a little field between two historic days for perspective ...
armies remain crucial to the passivity that revolutions do not abort in a bloodbath. This is not the least of the paradoxes that these bodies formed to ensure the war peaceful transition to democratic era. The United States should offer their bounty to troops inflexible North Korea and elsewhere ...
Popularization of communications technology has also wishes to aggregate and report by Image primers repressive police orders. There is indeed a sounding board for global aspirations proclaimed everywhere: the community of people took the skin of the old conductors dissonant. Easy lyricism before the prosaic constraints.
offal |
All these newly free people enjoy, without missing a beat, this exciting phase in the political reconstruction of their country. After the time comes gray disillusionment, the blazer grown to overshadow his own inconsistencies: Egrot of our time (too) mature democracies seeking a new life.
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