Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why British Are Wearing A Red Pin

Transparency? Trance rancid soon!

I enjoyed the Christmas and New year to delve into the dozens of articles devoted to World diplomatic cables surmounting Wikileaks . Instead of a hateful crowd expected, the United States has not the wings of foreign policy if it breneuses. Their primary concern: stability in the observance of human rights. Not sure that this goal would have been visible in many other diplomatic pharmacies allegedly democratic country ... and not talking about the terrible harvest would have allowed far more consequential risks taken by fuiteurs located in autocratic nations The majority of what is known as the Care Bears term "international community".
Perhaps this explains la réaction des officiels d’Iran qui voient dans cette opération transparence la main manipulatrice du Satan américain : Assange en faire-valoir de l’hyperpuissance… Les dirigeants perses n’en sont pas à leur première contradiction.
Ce qu’il n’y a pas, dans ces 250 000 documents mis sur la place publique mondiale, c’est le f antasme   conspirationniste de tous ces internautes en mal de défoulement anti-américain. Aucune volonté d’hégémonie autre que la protection normale des intérêts a great nation. The rest is rather gutters Gala, V ere and company. What interest the progress of the world to know the intimate decision of diplomats on the leaders of allied nations? Has this had an impact on the future course of relations? Not the least ... But the Wikileaks project will effect: make more opaque and hermetic geopolitics declined by our rulers. Full transparency acclaimed by all those anonymous users, which have also even have the honesty to apply it to themselves by signing the excesses of their true identity, to summarize a few plots unearthed in the site more permeable, increasingly rare over the years. The glasnost will not take place diplomatic and international relations will find it even more agreed, less natural, haunted by the risk of leakage.
may finally wonder about the motivation fuiteur a soldier idle. Would that be happened under the Bush presidency? Is there not the goal of destabilizing a shameful little Governance Obama, much less respected in military circles legalistic? The irony is that the mole of nurturing champions of transparency is anything other than a small human to shit racist overtones. A hitch that would be consistent with this grub hypertrophied. But I nonsense, no doubt ...


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