Phagocytosis more or less digested than two humanoids in rut. (1996)
B as Betancourt (Ingrid)
heroic hostage whose understanding has declined rapidly after his release. Once we showed him the acronym FARC, she exclaimed: "A Claim With FLOUZE! . (2010)
C as grim reaper (The)
At the funeral of Gide, and especially at the sight of the body, Paul Leautaud can not hold back his tears: sincere sorrow for the death of his colleague in writing or highlighted awareness of time passing and of his impending doom? Harvest time for the grim reaper in our countries should be particularly emotional scary when our time to be mowed closer. I suspect that these years will be canonical, if I succeed: the ski nostalgic regret of unfulfilled, the sense of not having embraced full every second and, perhaps, serenity to enroll in collective history, beyond self. (2002)
D De Gaulle (Charles)
General has had a difficult start, especially by extreme difficulty being heard in French: four terrible years for its Call and twelve years for his speech in Bayeux. He, however, has fully understood the demons of his people: a treatment, but not too long, decolonization, but not too fast, the shambles, no! The Gaullist still remains the favorite disguise of our policies. (2010)
The left eye tends blur, purulent discharge point at the corner of the apple, I allowed to rise like little vomiting mental vapors Elephant Man . My behavior patterns, in a shell about drinking more m'assimilent, time goes by, the monster distraught. My face contorts into terrifying hidden decay. (1994)
woman's buttocks as F
In the hollow of their bend exhilarating, I taste the strong rebound which nature has endowed. Fleshy, yes, we can register. Although they do not welcome me to the depths of their mouth, but I shall succeed by the combination of sweetness and determination.
pearly hue, texture silk hot, they have the discretion of virgin lands and the complicity of thirsty teenagers.
I exercise my senses heightened to the happy destruction: I will focus in their quiver, I feel burning in my knuckles, their enchanting j'ois sloshing, I inhale the fragrance of the line in boil and I take their tastes of fresh wind rose ...
Yes, I admit, I love them! (1996)
Carried away by the Park, it has already secured his eternity in world cinema heritage. All these figures embodied, an ability to excel multiforme, two masterpieces come back to me like jewels: a comedy in which he twirls the tanned hide of a demon crazy, dramatic color in this figure between the schizophrenic exemplary husband, raised, shiny, Catherine Deneuve, and the other to fool the watermelon that we hide in the attic and discovers that the nephew in the bullseye. Vision striking of a patient who sticks out his tongue and feeds on large juicy fruit. (2000)
H as Habash (The case)
New scrambles in the socialist state. George Habash, leader of the terrorist PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) is allowed on French soil for treatment of head hoses. Official Version: decision by some senior officials at the express request of Georgina Dufoix and no ministers were aware. The press, all excited, grease his characters, the opposition charging his guns, the Socialist Party of the basis twists, and the state bleeds his lamp- .
France just yet tender his ass to the world stage and receive his dose right on target. Neither first nor last time. The inconsistency of the high political level is not new, but the acceleration of the decay mechanisms of the state takes a disturbing turn. (1992)
I like the Internet
defilement: much easier to connect to a porn site (saw tonight Kaleidoscope which includes naked pictures of celebrities speaking (Adjani, Kaprisky, NC Fair Price, etc..) and foreign (Demi Moore, different models ...) as a cultural site as Gallica. If photos of celebs and female stars appear quite easily, the introduction to Essays Montaigne, in his original edition, only to reveal itself on the screen. Scanning the pages (fifteen million available from the grip) promotes speed but greatly increases the transfer since it makes texts images. The result after three successive page requests (including the cover and title page), the computer informed me of a technical problem. Unable to go forward in Michel de la Montagne. Annoyed, I went back to sniff the mountains of breast and Venus Béart, Cachou, Winter and Co.
That's how obsessed we make! (2000)
J as journalists
The beautiful beast Tapie would she passed away? This is obviously not a choir boy in the lace Catholics but I am instinctively inclined to put myself on the side of those who are exposed to media scavengers.
What journalist can claim the right to lynch, scarves and dark to complete the dying? Infection by certain sectors of the press may well surpass that of the case. (1994)
American imperialism, supposedly holding the happiness of man, took a big hit in the wing the past few days. Rodney King, man of color if any, is in a period of probation following a case of armed robbery. The guy can not find anything more serious than committing a speeding ticket. Four white police officers, lacking emotional release, take the opportunity to match the right time: in other words, the beating of disobedient black. Amateur film scene: the police find themselves as defendants in court before a white jury and acquitted. Neither one nor two, Los Angeles ablaze from its slums: a riot of cataclysmic proportions takes. Dozens of deaths (killings by gunfire, lynchings, fire) of thousands wounded, the destruction to three billion francs (five thousand buildings in ashes): The guys did a good job. Bush sends marines and soldiers: peace is gradually returning. Before you make believe that his country is the navel of the New International Order, U.S. President should address the ethical shortcomings that undermine their country. (1992)
L as Liquefaction
I features out of all that was a tad justify my existence or at least make me tolerate. My liquefaction phase begins ... (2001)
M as Maradona (Diego)
God loses the ball, he made a big pee well doped FIFA history to spice up a little purring world cup football based in the United States . As talented as the runner Ben Johnson for the offense, passing easily from grass land to the white rail, it was finally thanked him for his dazzling to Baball and returned to his smoky Argentina. (1994)
N as Nietzsche (Friedrich)
Spiritual refuge size before allowing my brain droppings lay her dream. A few pages of his Genealogy of Morals to dig the roots of the concepts of good and evil. At the end of his foreword, the German thinker doubt the readability of some of his writings, especially those composed of a series of aphorisms. He detected a flaw in the size of each intellectual approach: the absence of "rumination" of thought ingested. The aphorism is the easy part (so tip) of the iceberg that must restore the body to grasp the magnitude and depth. Zarathustra thus remains in the shadows for his nine tenths. (2001)
O as Opacity financial
Intervention without plume Luxembourg Prime Minister, whom some saw as a possible first president of the EU. Juncker just carbonize its possible future legitimacy to this position, if the institutional changes a day.
His defense of the opacity of the financial piece of territory bordering on indecency technocratic in these times of chaos stock. Without doubt he can allow the condescension offended because dirty money received in the bank pharmacies, Luxembourg to exempt any distress in Icelandic.
Still. France should she continue this indulgence towards its smaller neighbors (Switzerland, Monaco, Luxembourg) or does it require a halt as the principle of banking secrecy and, in case of refusal, break all bilateral agreements ? (2008)
More beautiful than ever in a little black dress to scream (like the wolf in Tex Avery), still as dippy and enjoyable. I can not explain how his presence is an ecstasy of every moment, it delights me with its fresh vitality, intoxicated by her femininity transpiring. I wish I could never leave her for a moment, take a thousand percent every moment with him. Its effect on me soon ever: the sullen misanthrope becomes happy, lively, funny and even hilarious. And I laugh, which delights me every time. If I could be bound to it by blood, by mutual feelings, my mood, my report to the world had been upset. But as I often dwell on the bank. (2000)
Q as Religious Quest
venality exercised under the influence of shame. (2010)
R as Rabelais
Rabelais, reborn! they amplify their madness: technical progress without ethics undermines the soul ... (2009)
S as Sun

A great lesson of modesty, humility when considering the incredible fragility of our solar system and authorize all. If humanity were a little bit objective to persist over an infinite period, it should go into exile within one to two billion years in another system, ours is doomed after the end shaped apogee of the sun, to become a white dwarf. Certainly the times are advanced beyond the human scale, and seem absurd to mention. It should at least know which is characteristic of our condition. Can not control, but aware of everything. (2000)
T as Techno (The)
Music hormone par excellence, it causes bodily vibrations. Decibels are flirting with the tops, to the point of forcing the heart to jump to the rhythm of the melody going.
oven heated young trance world: one can easily imagine the pleasure of paroxysmal turned psychotic committed the massacre in Rwanda. The white flashes would discover some guts to red. The melody of organic cracked noggin. (1994)
U as stellar Ubiquity
The Bring on the Night Sting on stage with a virtuoso of white and black, sends you to the ubiquity stellar waves like a musical journey at the speed of the senses in all directions, without limitation, hilarious take-off to the heights of improvisation, a masterpiece of throbbing rhythm incarnate. (2008)
V as Vengeance
This morning in the orchard, we discover the pool gutted by second-class wankers. Rabies takes us to the belly. Desires of broken bones and reds in blood rise within us. Our guts are incandescent.
The sanction will be more subtle. After locating the opening where they are inserted, we truffons of broken glass to honor their next visit. If for recidivist ago, slashed the flesh shrivel these poor shit. (1991)
W as Webunivers
Internet only amplifies the differences, each propagating its design on the web never try to understand the enemy. Sad farce of the "global village", idyllic oxymoron that the only changes in communications and transportation could not achieve. Although, if! of course, is a dangerous Clochemerle with six billion villagers What birth frantic movements and webunivers . (2009)
X as twenty-first century
Last hours of the year 2001 that we will not offer the Space Odyssey, but the barbaric depths. If we establish it as the year of entry into the twenty-first century, for once, the logical conjunction between numerology and historical contingencies, it also rises as a paragon of the most basic inclinations of human beings. Poor people stuck for a long time through its always repeated. The two-headed gorgon Bush-Laden obeys only two motivations: to dominate and possess. From classic from the caves Cromagnon! (30 December)
Y as Yugoslavia
Soup Yugoslav indifference to me completely. The script does not push my guts too. I do not even try to withhold the names of barbarian hordes enemy: Saddam Hussein does not come, blazing, illuminating the grim picture. UN soldiers had been asked by a small head loss, to intervene, with all the firmness of a blue, when the parties would derive more enemy does it. Sir Mité Fanfan came, sagging breasts forward, like a military commander on his helicopter, unleashing evil forces and bad currents Sarajevo airport. Nothing to do: always make me yawn. (1992)
Z as ZI
Passage through the unhygienic areas of Aubervilliers: wandering passers, ugly buildings, general gloom spread like a nasty plague. (1991)
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