Description: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is one of the most anticipated FPS of the end of 2009 on PC and consoles. This sixth installment in the series is the direct result of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Technique: The graphics engine Call of Duty 4 has received a few alterations and the addition of a new technology for the representation of textures.
* The game will run at 60 frames per second on consoles. * A mode
LAN (Local Area Network) is present.
System * automatic updates online.
* When hosting a multiplayer game leaves the game early, the game is looking for a new host from among the remaining players, allowing to continue the game. This change of host is completely transparent to the players.
* The player is much more dependent on the weapon he carries, especially in how to sprint.
* The PC version is similar to the console versions in terms of content.
* Just like the blood which usually appears when the player is hit, the elements of the environment are now projected onto the screen: snow, dust, water, etc..
* Physics has been improved (grenades roll on the ground after a ricochet, balls have a more realistic trajectories, etc.).
* Use of technology "texture streaming, making the game less resource intensive and detailed with a distance display larger and larger levels.
* The game will not be multilingual. The French version of the game will contain only the voices and texts in French for example.
Publisher: Activision

Developer: Infinity Ward

Type: FPS
Output Europe: November 10, 2009
Classification: Not recommended for - 16

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