Worldwide (Auvergne, France, Australia, New Zealand, USA, China, Argentina)
In September 2009, WHO has identified the world 277 607 flu cases confirmed dead with 3205 or 1.03% (a far cry from 30,000 French died in 1968 and 3 million patients present French)
" The New England Journal of Medicine" of November 12, 2009 us several articles on flu 2009: the comments of Dr. boy in blue.
Hang you what is wrong and gay is full of figures, but I am simplifying to the maximum, the two articles about us:
Both articles point to the same risk factors:
Obesity significantly with BMI (= weight / height ²)> 35, which represents more than 90 K for 1.60, or 113 K for 1m80 for 29% of hospitalized patients.
Diabetes for 16% of hospitalized patients.
Severe asthma or chronic lung disease for 33% of hospitalized patients. Congestive heart
for 10% of hospitalized patients. Some had multiple
: 28 % of hospitalized patients had multiple risk factors.
32% of hospitalized patients were previously healthy.
Location American (1) . The study period runs from May 1 to June 9, 2009
13,217 infections and 1082 hospitalizations influenza A H1N1, are identified during this period a little short. "A ladle," we must estimate the number of cases to double or triple remains very low for such a country, or 40,000 flu deaths and 304 .
272 (fourth) patients were studied here :
67 / studied the 272 inpatients were admitted in intensive care units (ICU) . 19 are dead. Among these 272
hospitalized, including 18 pregnant women with asthma 4, 2 diabetes. 6 were admitted in ICU, 2 died, but no details on the added risk factors for these two people.
Situation in Australia and New Zealand: (1)
This article is very interesting because it identifies all types of flu (H1N1, 2009, unspecified HIN1 A seasonal or H3N2) admitted to ICU during the period from 1 June to 31 August (winter there) which represents virtually the entire period of influenza: 856 cases distributed as
H1N1 DC 722 cases 14.3%
Flu unspecified 97 cases DC 13 4%
Seasonal influenza H1N1 or H3N2 DC 16.2% 37 cases
The severity is the same regardless of the virus. A 2009 flu is no more evil than others.
Pregnant women are the number of 66 or 9 times the number expected given the frequency of pregnancies in the population. The article says that this sensitivity of pregnant women is not specific to this virus, but already existed in previous epidemics. He does not change pregnant women.
China (Update 25 December 2009)
A vast country with a nice little flu
Argentina (Last Update December 25, 2009)
flu has been more severe especially in children at risk. This encourages immunizing children under 2 years. Click the link for more detail.
France: (2-3) L
he figures published (December 2009) are quite curious :
2.76 million cases (but what do we put here? "They are doing calculations by brilliant mathematicians from attending doctors' surgeries, When I see the variety of patients in my Cabinet and my own diagnostic difficulties, I am dreamer, but for statisticians who do not see patients, the situation may be simpler. And me with my stupid questions, I am can be a bit cheesy?) with 86 dead or 1 30 000 case . These figures are not comparable with the American situation. The comparison with Australia is also difficult, as there are the numbers of serious cases hospitalized in the ICU.
In Auvergne: as of December 4, 2009 (4)
A serious warning in a child with hospitalization in intensive care unit of a little girl of 9 years in acute respiratory distress syndrome , fortunately favorable evolution, but none died in Pediatrics.
In three months, it will probably be completed:
If one accepts the idea that what happened in the southern hemisphere, could happen, we can say that the epidemic will last for three months with a peak at the 6th and 7th weeks either late December to mid January, and off .
can then return to the mad cow, avian flu as migratory birds are coming back, and perhaps of companies with more diverse topics as health policy, research, the fight against poverty, the water, and the rest. "We're not lying"
"Cough is not influenza, Influenza is not all! "
References 1. New England Journal of Medicine Vol 361 No 20 12 November 2009 (4 articles on the flu)
2." The World "dated November 30, 2009
3." The world "dated December 2, 2009
4." Pediatrics ICU Clermont-Ferrand ", Reference Center for Auvergne (personal communication)
Keywords: A (H1N1), Children, Influenza, pregnancy, pandemic, resuscitation, ICU, USA, Argentina, Australia, New Zeland, France, Auvergne,
Updated: December 25, 2009
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