Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Fortmet To Work

Fontes, a Pandora Occitan?

When the fresco Avatar catapult us to the worst of humanity and leads us to fond evolved beings in harmony with nature, it would be intolerable and sordid, local and endearing to do, that noisy boots of economic, social climbers, just cock up this nest preserved . Na'vi to Fontesols, arming our feathers for fouling in juice dust ...

We, you know them by heart, these entrepreneurs disfigurement of din to swing, destruction crying. We, we know they will not hesitate nice to bitch around if it brings them the hard currency moolah, even destroy the balance of this charming little piece of land. We know, yes, no pretense, because they resemble us terribly when we let go our most venal instincts and spreading the foul materialism ready to take on each other to satisfy his possessive frenzy.

grabbing screaming for all poetry to exist, tsunamis dust to suffocate and die those who resist, as the din of breaking new Not on horizon ... Pandora among ideals Na'vi that happening flooding, but in a corner of the Languedoc, Fontes, a small village in full health threatened by faeces from exploiters career. They would like the bastards, kill the landscape, smells Occitan eradicate the gates of one of the most charming nest of Herault.

So what! Kowtow to serve as a stepping stone to the Fed's ever-more-of-profit innervate or refusal by our mind body of all those who wish to support this significant battle land to the cicadas cons iron nuts? A story on a human scale, some loudly heralds the failing Na'vi to make us aware of the ongoing looting. The beauty of existence begins with respect for the universe that we host. Fontes deserves to swallow this gueulante Rabelaisian appetites of sickening.
De Pandora Fontes, financial speculators to greedy real economy itself, the ominous refrain not conducive to measurement. Well put their snouts deep in their messy excesses that they find, perhaps, their human side, one that grows to close and seal all these boxes of worms.
Article published on the website of the World :

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thank You For Sharing Our Special Day Baptism

Diarrhea Acute Gastro-enteritis. Signs, diagnosis, causes, treatment

Acute diarrhea or gastroenteritis more commonly known as gastroenteritis is a common situation and at risk. Worldwide it is responsible for significant mortality, particularly in poor countries and in crowded areas where more sanitary conditions are worse.
It is defined by a increase the daily volume of stool, most often linked to an increase in digestive secretions. It must be distinguished from loose stools isolated, often due to "stress", which is not unusual, situation that gave free rein to verbal expressions such as "c is the m ... "that elude us when we are upset and that decency requires me not to develop here. This is not a linguistics course!
The breastfed child has loose stools and that's normal.

acute intestinal failure is a partial


Acute diarrhea results in the stools, usually liquid or paste. Vomiting are fickle sometimes foreground when the upper part of the intestine is diseased. Abdominal pain is common. They may be related to irritation of the intestines or abdominal muscle contractions in case of vomiting. Fever is often inconsistent, rarely in the foreground.

In practice, situations can be classified in several ways which help to assess risks and choose Treatment:

forms with high especially vomiting. Diarrhea is sometimes delayed for several hours. Achieving concerns mainly the small intestine. The origin is most often viral.

readily forms low fever with little vomiting, frequent stools often scarce and sometimes slimy paste, foaming. Achieving concerns mainly the colon. The origin is sometimes bacterial (Salmonella, Yersinia, Clostridium D. ...) and then performs a table called dysentery with numerous mucous stools sometimes bloody, fever, abdominal pain and incidental needs. This recalls the crises of amoebic dysentery "colonial."

Mixed forms most frequently affected by predominant bowel through watery diarrhea are sometimes very abundant. A typical example is the cholera with 8 liters of stool per day, or rotavirus. It is these forms that expose the dehydration so feared.

What does the pediatrician with all this?

1. It assesses the severity
situation. There dehydration or threat? Taking into account these signs: diarrhea, vomiting, diet, fever, the child's condition, weight, duration of disease.

Diarrhea: more than the number of bowel movements is the volume that is estimated. Watery diarrhea are more abundant.

Vomiting : Always be suspicious of another cause vomiting; appendicitis is the most rare, acute intussusception is more difficult to detect. I spend on strangulated hernia or torsion of the testis, tonsillitis, meningitis and the rest that are easier to remove from the moment we think.

Food: Food intolerance increases the risk of a poor outcome.

Fever: Fever increases water loss through sweating, dehydration increases the severity of the fever.

Trio infernal
diarrhea + vomiting + fever should consider hospitalization.

Time evolution : Acute diarrhea is by definition brief. Its main risk is dehydration even more important that the installation is brutal. Beyond 5 to 7 days is more severe diarrhea and malnutrition is a major risk. It is another matter.

State Child : signs of dehydration: poor mine, sunken eyes, depressed fontanelle, dry mouth, persistent skinfold, fever, weight loss, progressive mode? Some are easy to evaluate other less:

- weight loss
: This sounds simple but in practice it is rarely decisive, because we do not always have a weight of more recent and very acute diarrhea in the water may still be in the intestines and despite dehydration actual weight is moment stable.

2. It assesses the risk of spread of infection in supposed bacterial diarrhea:
is fortunately uncommon situation: Diarrhea is most often when bacterial mucous or bloody, painful and febrile but nothing is constant. Analyses of feces and very little information can often result after healing. The child's age and the occurrence outside an epidemic context winter are important factors. The risk of dissemination of intestinal infection is maximum one year.

What may be confused with gastroenteritis?

Vomiting see themselves as in tonsillitis, bronchitis, meningitis, acute intestinal intussusception (the bane of pediatricians), appendicitis, obstruction and even testicular torsion.

Diarrhea is less problematic. The only question sometimes is, "is it an acute or chronic?"

Causes of acute gastroenteritis:

If this epidemic are viruses: Rotavirus mainly in children.

Rotavirus (like a small wheel)

Norovirus (Norwalk Virus) that causes a lot of vomiting, and heaps others (Echovirus, Parvovirus, Astrovirus), all immune to antibiotics. We do not search.

forms most isolated should consider bacterial sometimes during a food poisoning (salmonella, shigella, yersinia, campylobacter, E. coli; staphylococci)
Clostridium Difficile has hit the headlines because it has spread in some hospitals. It essentially gives diarrhea after taking antibiotics. It also has the unfortunate property of being able to develop in the water droplets in the bags of food, even in the freezer.

Parasites are rare. In France, we sometimes Gardia lamblia during relapsing.

The main risk is dehydration . Over 5 to 7% weight loss, it threatens life, hence the need for greater vigilance by physicians and parents.

Other complications are rare and most business cases.


Treatment of gastroenteritis: gastroenteritis is an acute partial failure, use the remaining capacity, and stimulate uptake mechanisms that are mostly intact.

Rehydrate and feed:

Rehydrate: was formerly the good old carrot soup or the rice water a bit salty , now it is rehydration solutions (ORS) libitum in small quantities. Drink these solutions rehydrates and reduces diarrhea. Moisturize is the main objective of a mild form during the 24 or 48 early hours. Children who vomit constantly and sometimes worsen should be rehydrated intravenously.

Nourish: is necessary to allow healing of the intestine and prevent malnutrition. Three tracks:
1. divide food into smaller meals.
2. provide easily digestible food that is to say, very mixed and cooked. Use yogurt, naturally low in lactose. Do not force the child.
For infants who have a non-diversified, it seems prudent to use lactose-free milk commonly called "milk diet" . This point is now discussed but lactose intolerance has not disappeared and it is sometimes important.
3. The breast-fed infants should continue to breastfeed what is best for them.

drugs are discussed and are of secondary importance, are: The
lactic and dressings,
The modifiers transits often more dangerous than useful,
modifiers intestinal absorption.
The use of these substances seems rather correlated to the marketing of laboratories or habits.

The rehydration solutions (ORS) are not really drugs. They are very helpful.

The Antibiotic s bit recommended except in cases of risk of spreading infection among infants and malnourished. The choice is very difficult and quite risky. It is not helped by the analysis because stool cultures are sometimes 5 days to "push".

All this rests with the doctor. We can not do that by phone. Be cool with your doctor: he makes a very difficult job that requires experience.

The Role of Parents:
is crucial because with gastroenteritis should be particularly vigilant: monitoring, rehydration, feeding, getting up at night, decide to take the child to hospital if the situation deteriorates. But overall it went well. Parents are often very competent.

Acute diarrhea is a common condition, never commonplace because of the risk of dehydration. Should be consulted easily, especially when the child is younger.

Steel The Sick Child (1660)
This child has a small mine, pale, eyes sunken. He may be dehydrated and deserves, I think he, a detour to the hospital. But in 1660 ...

Gastroenteritis, if common, is a risky situation, even if hospitalization is limited. It requires parents to become "caregivers" to the "hospital at home '.

Thielman NM, Guerrant RL:   Acute Infectious Diarrhea N Engl J Med 350:38, January 1, 2004 
M. R. Amiera : Important Bacterial Gastrointestinal Pathogens in Children : A Pathogenesis perspective Pediatr Clin N Am 52 (2005) 749_777
Dupont HL:  Bacterial Diarrhea N Engl J Med 361:1560, October 15, 2009  Glass RI, Parashar UD, Estes MK  Norovirus Gastroenteritis   N Engl J Med 361:1776, October 29, 2009 Review Article

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Replacementtrucktool Boxlock

bronchiolitis in infants: signs, diagnosis, causes, treatment and FAQ

Bronchiolitis is an infectious disease affecting the tiny airways, called "Bronchioles" it narrows or blocks as they are already very small. It often affects very young children where it can be dangerous.

Image "For Science"

What are the signs? How is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis of bronchiolitis is quite easy. It is based on the finding of the following, occurring during an epidemic that is to say November to March for respiratory syncytial virus, the most common:

cough, acute tone slightly.
Breathing difficulties mainly expiratory.
Rapid breathing.
Distension of the chest often difficult to assess.
Rails piping or sub-expiratory crackles on auscultation.

Fever is usually moderate below 38 5.

signs of severity are assessed quickly
Age less than 3 or 6 months is an invitation to caution.
The draw which results in a depression between or subcostal inspiration, swinging thoracoabdominal or flaring nose. The
panting or increased respiratory rate.
The presence of crackles indicates the presence of fluid in the alveoli.

radiography, rarely made "in town" shows distended lung, too dark (too much air) with more horizontal ribs and a flattened diaphragm due to air trapped in the lungs. The "white blob" is the heart. Below the diaphragm, you can see well on the plate from left, front, a gray spot which is the air pouch of the stomach.

What may be confusing bronchiolitis?

In fact I said the diagnosis is fairly easy but I've seen wear diagnoses gastroenteritis when the child is vomiting because of coughing or nasopharyngitis if it is a mild form or a beginner, a point which is of little consequence, but given the long duration of illness (12 days), the parents consult again. It is easy to correct diagnosis and tailor treatment.

can also confuse this disease with a real crisis of asthma especially as bronchiolitis can trigger an asthma attack. In France, this has little consequence because the treatments are similar, which is not the case in other countries.

can also confuse this situation with a bronchial hyperactivity (HAB), which in small children under 2 years sometimes gives exactly the same table. To be simple, I would say that the child with cough 3 weeks HAB when others cough three days. The triggering factor can be breathing any aggression, especially by viral or allergic Rhinovirus greatest.

What causes bronchiolitis?

Bronchiolitis is a viral infectious disease still

This beautiful pie chart shows all the viruses responsible for acute respiratory diseases. They can all give bronchiolitis but some more than others. Bronchiolitis is an acute respiratory illness. There is also the croup or laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, broncho-alveolitis, alveolitis pure rare or cardiac origin. The

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is responsible for 50% and 100% at certain times of the year.
Image "For Science and University of Texas

recent years has emerged a Metapneumovirus (20%) which gives the same signs as with RSV, however, complications such as ear infections a little more frequent. The influenza virus
(influenza) rather cause of pneumonia, parainfluenza virus laryngitis and responsible officials of the two adenovirus and rhino-virus responsible for anything, but more frequent colds, share the ; remaining 30% of bronchiolitis.

These viruses are all active at the same time as shown in this picture: respiratory syncytial virus and the flu are most active in winter.
Image "N Eng J Med

Anyway diagnosis of the virus in question is only useful for research and is of no importance for the patient because it does not change the treatment.

Evolution: A

RSV bronchiolitis lasts about 12 days in 3 phases: 1. Installation with aggravation the first 4 days, 2. Period status: it coughs and coughs it, 3. slow healing.

Respiratory failure requiring assisted ventilation is fortunately rare. It concerns rather the small infants. Among the greatest, it is rather due to adenovirus infection in children already fragile.
bronchial superinfection occurs after several days and results in a fever higher than 39 °. It should be distinguished from a purulent otitis fortunately rare.


There is no cure. We can only relieve symptoms. The humidification seems very useful because water vapor decreases the viscosity of secretions, which then more easily evacuated during coughing.

Morning mist Picture "Internet copyright DS665 (??)"

added that a bath for 15 minutes is as effective as a meeting of aerosols as the child breathes air saturated water vapor liquefies and his "mucus" that removes easily when coughing. The nose care are often very useful.

Elevate head of bed with a pillow under the mattress improves only some children. Most often it is necessary split meals because, firstly, the child gets tired and struggling to breathe while eating, on the other hand, the meal takes up space. It goes directly into the stomach just below the lungs that which it is separated by the diaphragm, which supports him.

drugs are very effective dispute:

Bronchodilators spray seem useful, however. They are commonly used in France but are discouraged in the United States.
anti-inflammatory spray given immediately after the bronchodilator seem equally helpful.

Cortisone (the Celestène R) is rarely used. I use it sometimes in small infants to avoid hospitalization but cortisone causes a transient immunosuppression, and it catches everything that passes for three weeks. It is a drug that does not use lightly.

Physiotherapy is useful in infants. Unfortunately the new methods of acceleration of expiratory flow are, in the opinion of all mothers, poorly supported and generate significant anxiety in children even smaller. I therefore reserve Children crowded and less than 1 year when he is to avoid hospitalization.

Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, they are not employed so that in case of superinfection in the course of evolution.

Questions in bulk:

Bronchiolitis becomes Does Asthma?

In my opinion not . Some even say it would protect! It is debatable but, given the very large epidemics we had a few years ago, my office should now be filled with asthma, it is not out.

Bronchiolitis weakens she children?

Yes sometimes. Some children take more hissing sometimes bronchitis (asthma = as asthma) but not asthmatic asthma. It's like the "Canada Dry" which resembles "Whisky" but is not.
These children may have a bronchial hyper (HAB) already reported, that is to say they cough 3 other weeks when they cough 3 days. There are specific treatments for these situations. These treatments require testing and trial and error, but if the medicine was simple, the studies would not last 11 years.

Bronchiolitis is it more common?

I do not think , but it's hard to say because this word means different countries, different situations. The excessive heating of houses generating very dry air may have helped aggravate coughs being neglected in the past. But once they had pneumonia, sometimes double, sad memory. Fortunately we should not choose between the plague and cholera!

How wet?
to dry clothes, put towels on the radiators or tissue wet ground if the soil is heated, pressure cooker that whistles.

bowls of water, no! is for exotic fish, they are still full the next morning so unnecessary.
The ideal would be a bit of condensation on the windows . The next day, air, it purifies the air and glue together the wallpaper!

A bath, which can breathe air saturated with water very effectively replaces a meeting of aerosol and physical therapy can facilitate (just before bathing).

Can I get my sick child?
Yes naturellemen t. It must cover if it froid.C 'was the time of carriages, which poured into dirt roads, we stayed at home waiting for the doctor who came to make his horse " Visit learned "
and an order of clear soup, a bleeding or leeches when he had no recourse to the priest. But it's over now. Doctors have better drugs. They have more horses and carriages are heated. So we can go out with her baby.

With this type of vehicle, it is perhaps unwise to make long journeys with a sick child!

Bronchiolitis is a common disease occurring in epidemics highly contagious, often long and tiring sometimes disturbing especially in small infants.

During these critical situations, nothing is insignificant. For treatment I often say:
"Humidification is 50%, 10% split meals, care of the nose 5%, 5% bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory 5%, and the time pass the rest. "

Keywords Infection, Lung, Bronchiolitis, Infant, respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumovirus, rhinovirus VRS

ML. Everard: Acute Bronchiolitis and Croup. Pediatr. Clin.N Am.56 (2009) 119-133

JV Williams and neck: Lower Respiratory Tract and Humanmetapneumovirus Disease inOtherwise heathy Infants and Children No Eng J Med 350, 5 29 Jan 2004 P443-450

B. Bommenel, V Gadjos: bronchiolitis in infants. Science387 for January 2010 p42-49

Friday, January 8, 2010

Family Member Sick Quotes

Tribute to ...

You're my best friend, Queen cover (08/01/10)

Finally ...